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 Topic: Turkish mafia reliance

 (Read 2346 times)
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  • Turkish mafia reliance
     OP - February 25, 2021, 08:52 AM

    fun times in turkey.

    Quote from:
    The man on the right, Alaattin Çakıcı, is the most notorious mobster in Turkey. Accused of 41 political murders, and jailed for ordering a hit on his ex-wife, who was shot dead in front of their young son, he was nonetheless freed from prison along with dozens of other mafia heavyweights in a coronavirus amnesty last year that notably ignored political prisoners.

    The Turkish mafia’s sudden rehabilitation in public life has taken a hold on the popular imagination. It also suggests a new political climate is emerging in which the state at best tolerates, and at worst, embraces, previously shadowy figures.
  • Turkish mafia reliance
     Reply #1 - February 25, 2021, 09:57 AM

    The use of the term mafia in the report is a bit odd. It comes across as depoliticising people on the far right. Criminals yes, but political crimes.

    Anyway this looks like a direction of travel for 'moderate' Islamists - joining up with the nationalist right. There's something comparable happening in Tunisia where Ennahda is allying itself with remnants of the old regime that used to be its enemies.
  • Turkish mafia reliance
     Reply #2 - February 26, 2021, 12:14 AM

    these alliances reveal weakness in the islamo-nationalist project. the turkish youth vote may hope to dilute the relgious component - to the benefit of retired criminals.

    Quote from:
    An estimated six million new voters will take part in the national elections of 2023. Hence, each political leader attempts to address the youth to line up new cadres of vote-casting citizens behind their political agendas.

    While President Erdoğan complains that the ruling party haven’t yet succeeded in establishing a hegemonic rule over ideas, his ideal of raising a pious generation does seem to have utterly failed. The inability to grasp the changing desires, demands, and lifestyles of the youth, is evident in their attempts to reach out to young voters which have generated only backlash and ridicule.
  • Turkish mafia reliance
     Reply #3 - April 10, 2021, 11:03 PM

    if the criminals don't help, there's always coup scares and locking up the opposition.
  • Turkish mafia reliance
     Reply #4 - March 24, 2025, 06:00 PM

    still locking up the opposition I see - next election is 3yrs away so erdogan seems a bit desperate.
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