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 Topic: Gaza assault

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  • Gaza assault
     Reply #90 - October 19, 2023, 12:57 AM

    labour-selected community leaders threatening to leave the party over keir's stance.

    The Guardian understands the resignations are in councils with large Muslim communities that could result in Labour eventually losing control of them and constituents deciding to cast their votes elsewhere, including in Birmingham, Bradford, Leeds, Manchester, Leicester, Luton, Oldham, Kirklees in West Yorkshire along with Brent, Tower Hamlets and Redbridge in London.

    “Friday afternoon will be a huge moment for many Muslim councillors,” an insider said. “When councillors walk into mosques for Friday prayer, they’re going to be met with the full upset of their local communities and they’ll be forced to consider their tenures.”
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #91 - October 19, 2023, 07:58 PM

    once you read that above link it will become crystal clear on "why I call these Non_Muslim goof ball LIBTARDS    as fools and idiots., indeed these  are Idiots and fools who say Hamas idelogy is same/similar  to  that of Mandela or  Gandhi philosphies .....

    with best wishes

    It's sometimes difficult to decipher what you say so thanks for clarifying. And it's not lost on me how valuable you've been for these forums for sure. Sometimes the old forums are the best ones, much valuable content and also worth going back to old posts and seeing people's views then. Best wishes to you too.
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #92 - October 19, 2023, 08:12 PM

    labour-selected community leaders threatening to leave the party over keir's stance.

    To the uninitiated, you might think large public protests over Israel/Palestine was merely an issue of land or human rights. Alas...
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #93 - October 19, 2023, 08:23 PM

    Some thoughts from some despicable European Marxists:
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #94 - October 20, 2023, 08:22 PM

    Noam Shuster - Picking up the pieces of our grief
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #95 - October 20, 2023, 08:36 PM

    Samah Salaime - In this war, Palestinians in Israel are trapped between two painful realities
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #96 - October 21, 2023, 08:39 AM

    Open letter to Keir Starmer from Palestinians in the Labour Party.

    We understand that your policies have created an internal Party crisis with many Labour Councillors resigning or threatening resignation. We, however, will not resign, adopting the Palestinian tradition of steadfastness (sumud), and will fightback for Labour to return to the principles of internationalism, anti-racism, equality for all humans, anti-colonialism and choosing peace over war. We will work to have you removed from the leadership of the Party unless you genuinely return to these principles. Even if you expel us, we will continue to fight for Palestinian rights, for the only sustainable peace – peace with justice and equal rights for all who live in Palestine-Israel – and against Israel’s policies of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide.
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #97 - October 21, 2023, 04:18 PM

    ‘What’s our common language?’ Jewish and Palestinian thinkers on where the left goes from here
    Quote from: Joshua Leifer
    I am an American Jew, but I’ve also lived in Israel for several years and have family and close friends there. I’m also part of a leftwing, anti-occupation community there that does a lot of solidarity work.

    In some ways I’m wary at this point of delving into this because what’s happening in Gaza is so horrifying and I don’t want to detract attention from it. But as this time has gone by, I’ve reflected more on my own positioning. What disturbed me in the immediate aftermath of what happened on October 7 wasn’t primarily the reaction of the Palestinians I know. It was the reactions of some leftwing activists, most of them in America and not Palestinians, who I felt were very quick to celebrate during a time when all of the Israelis I know were dealing with the gravity and horror of what Hamas was doing.

    The left that I believe in and feel like I’m a part of is a left that abhors the killing of civilians. But the debate that ensued was not even about the legitimacy of armed resistance, which everyone seemed to take for granted – but simply whether you could condemn the killing of civilians. That discourse had slid in a direction I felt was morally untenable.

    Quote from: Ahmed Moor
    I think a lot of armchair activists – and I don’t want to speak derisively – read books about Algeria and Franz Fanon, but they don’t really have a view of what horrific violence means, or what it means to invite a set of conditions in which a lot of young people, babies, are dead. You kind of want to ask them – what do you mean precisely? The end of Zionism? Absolutely. I’m on board. Violence, community violence, ethnic violence? No, that’s not what I’m about.

  • Gaza assault
     Reply #98 - October 22, 2023, 12:02 PM

    whatever happened to irreligious apolitical south asians in 80s britain....

    I don't live a Jewish life. I don't keep kosher, go to synagogue, do Friday night dinner. None of that. But even from whwre I'm sitting, something has dramatically changed for British Jews in the past fortnight and I'm not sure how we even begin to fix it.
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #99 - October 25, 2023, 05:10 AM

    Saudi Prince and former intelligence chief, Turki Al-Faisal Hamas / Israel   killings and counter killings

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #100 - October 27, 2023, 07:12 PM

    What disturbed me in the immediate aftermath of what happened on October 7 wasn’t primarily the reaction of the Palestinians I know. It was the reactions of some leftwing activists, most of them in America and not Palestinians, who I felt were very quick to celebrate during a time when all of the Israelis I know were dealing with the gravity and horror of what Hamas was doing.

    Special mention should be given to British leftists I feel, specifically certain writers for Novara Media who remarked upon a 'day of celebration', mentioned Hamas in the same breath as liberation. Would've been nice of The Guardian to have reported on this given one or two Novara writers have contributed to The Guardian over the years.
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #101 - October 27, 2023, 07:19 PM

    What excuse did Jeremy Corbyn have before the more 'moderate' update of Hamas' charter in 2017? Surely a self proclaimed lifelong anti-racist would've cared to notice anti-Jewish propaganda used by the NAZIS in Hamas' original charter (never mind the eye catching Islamic references to the Jews).
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #102 - October 27, 2023, 07:44 PM

    Hamas apologists have misunderstood Frantz Fanon:
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #103 - October 27, 2023, 07:51 PM
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #104 - October 28, 2023, 04:27 PM

    protests in london today but no-one listening in govt or the opposition.
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #105 - October 28, 2023, 10:30 PM

    Oh well brains filled with faiths.................

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #106 - October 29, 2023, 12:50 AM
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #107 - October 29, 2023, 01:26 AM

    Mr Hijab asks whether the RAF would level Belfast full of WHITE people in retaliation to IRA attacks. Forget such a hypothetical, just look at the RAF bombing of Dresden:
    "The firestorm is incredible... Insane fear grips me and from then on I repeat one simple sentence to myself continuously: 'I don't want to burn to death'. I do not know how many people I fell over. I know only one thing: that I must not burn."

    On 13 February 1945, British aircraft launched an attack on the eastern German city of Dresden. In the days that followed, they and their US allies would drop nearly 4,000 tons of bombs in the assault.

    The ensuing firestorm killed 25,000 people, ravaging the city centre, sucking the oxygen from the air and suffocating people trying to escape the flames.

    Dresden was not unique. Allied bombers killed tens of thousands and destroyed large areas with attacks on Cologne, Hamburg and Berlin, and the Japanese cities of Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Or take a cursory look at several centuries of on/off fighting between WHITE European powers, culminating in two world wars and the obliteration of Christendom?
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #108 - October 29, 2023, 01:47 AM

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has met families of Israelis held hostage by Hamas, who have expressed concern about the intensifying attacks on Gaza.

    The Missing Families Forum said the night when troops moved into northern Gaza had been "the worst" so far.

    It complained that no-one had explained "whether the ground operation endangers the well-being of the 229 hostages".

    Mr Netanyahu has promised to do everything possible to bring them home.

    Ahead of the meeting, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum said their relatives "are anxious about the fate of their loved ones and are waiting for an explanation" of the Israeli military's actions.

    In response to the statement, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said he would meet representatives of the group on Sunday.

    During the meeting, Mr Netanyahu said that recovering the hostages was an "integral" part of the military's goals.

    "Pressure is key. The greater the pressure the greater the chances," he said.

    The hostages were taken by Hamas gunmen during an unprecedented attack on southern Israel on 7 October in which 1,400 people were killed.

    After the meeting, Hamas said Israel would have to release all Palestinian prisoners to secure freedom for the hostages.

    Mr Netanyahu said the idea of a swap deal involving hostages for prisoners had been discussed within the Israeli war cabinet but declined to give details.

    At a separate news conference, Mr Gallant said Hamas had to be forced to the negotiating table but it was "very complex".

    "The more military pressure, the more firepower and the more we strike Hamas - the greater our chances are to bring it to a place where it will agree to a solution that will allow the return of your loved ones," Mr Gallant told a news conference...
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #109 - October 29, 2023, 02:57 AM
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #110 - October 29, 2023, 07:17 AM :

    well that interview is 4 year old

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #111 - October 29, 2023, 07:50 PM

    ITV News has apologized after giving over airtime to a journalist for Iranian state TV, who described Hamas‘ attack on Israel as a “moment of triumph.”

    ITV News London interviewed Latifa Abouchakra on Monday, describing her as a “British Palestinian woman living in London” and quoting her views on the discrimination faced by Muslim people in the UK.

    The ITN-produced news show did not disclose that Abouchakra works as a reporter for Press TV, the Iranian propaganda machine that has been banned from broadcasting in the UK.

  • Gaza assault
     Reply #112 - October 30, 2023, 04:47 AM

    Resistance from 5 Pillars:

    Lowkey interview with 5 Pillars
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #113 - October 30, 2023, 11:19 AM

    yap,, Dilly .. Dolly ...Dilwar Hussain...   I am glad to see/watch/read Dilwar Hussain

    yes,,yes....  Cockerels of  ISI   born with  BASTERDISED ISLAM OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT and born in London  now became Rooster of Islam .

    Oh well England has to deal with the problems it created in the past but let me watch this interesting stuff on Israel.Palestine problem

    WHAT WOULD IT TAKE FOR FOOLS &  IDIOTS IN WEST  & EAST TO REALIZE .. such problems like Palestine/Israel  is NOT Land problem but embeded in religious problem with some  1000 year old  silly  ideas of..... allah/god  whatever .........  that propogated from cave dwellers??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #114 - October 30, 2023, 12:14 PM

    yap,, Dilly .. Dolly ...Dilwar Hussain...   I am glad to see/watch/read Dilwar Hussain

    Not Dilboy but Lowkey. At least I am...
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #115 - October 30, 2023, 07:12 PM
    The Israeli Ministry of Intelligence is recommending the forcible and permanent transfer of the Gaza Strip’s 2.2 million Palestinian residents to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, according to an official document revealed in full for the first time by +972’s partner site Local Call yesterday.

    The 10-page document, dated Oct. 13, 2023, bears the logo of the Intelligence Ministry — a small governmental body that produces policy research and shares its proposals with intelligence agencies, the army, and other ministries. It assesses three options regarding the future of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in the framework of the current war, and recommends a full population transfer as its preferred course of action. It also calls on Israel to enlist the international community in support of this endeavor. The document, whose authenticity was confirmed by the ministry, has been translated into English in full here on +972.
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #116 - October 30, 2023, 11:33 PM

    ethnic cleansing in self defence - they might just get away with it too.

    meanwhile in the uk, the right to protest is being curtailed at every opportunity.

    Suella Braverman has described the demonstrators taking to the streets in support of a ceasefire in Gaza as being involved in “hate marches”.
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #117 - October 31, 2023, 08:15 AM

    Israel gets Modi's backing.
    BJP-associated Facebook groups also began to push the message that Hamas represented the same Muslim threat facing India in the troubled, majority-Muslim region of Kashmir and Palestinians were sweepingly branded as jihadis.

    Messages widely forwarded on WhatsApp urged Hindus to arm themselves and boycott Muslims, reading: “In the future, India could also face conspiracies and attacks like Israel. The possibility of Hindu women facing cruelty cannot be ruled out.”

    The same narrative also made its way on to some of India’s most inflammatory news channels, with Arnab Goswami, the rightwing firebrand presenter on India’s Republic TV, telling viewers: “The same radical jihadist Islamist terrorist thinking that Israel is a victim of, we are a victim of as well … Israel is fighting this war on behalf of all of us.”

    Some Hindu nationalist groups appeared to heed this as a call to arms. Last week, groups gathered outside the Israeli embassy in Delhi, offering their services to fight Hamas. Among them was Vishnu Gupta, 58, the national president of Hindu Sena, who said he was among 200 men who had volunteered for the Israeli army, adding that his confidence had been boosted by Modi.

    “We both are victims of Islamic terror, that is why we have been supporting Israel from the beginning,” said Gupta. “Just like Jerusalem was overtaken by Muslims, holy places in India were also invaded by Muslims. Like Hamas, there are militants from Kashmir supported by Pakistan who would carry terror attacks across India. The only fortunate thing about us is that we are not in the minority.”

  • Gaza assault
     Reply #118 - October 31, 2023, 01:08 PM

    Hamas and the global left?
  • Gaza assault
     Reply #119 - November 03, 2023, 09:31 PM
    We speak with Josh Paul, a former State Department official who resigned last month to protest continued arms sales to Israel amid its bombardment of Gaza, writing in a viral letter that one-sided U.S. support for Israel is “shortsighted,” “destructive” and “contradictory.” Media reports say many others inside the State Department are equally frustrated with the U.S. role in the conflict. Paul tells Democracy Now! he tried to raise his concerns with his superiors but found “no appetite for that discussion” and that unlike all other U.S. arms sales that take humanitarian concerns into account, Israel gets a blank check. Paul says the overall message inside the Biden administration is: “Don’t question the policy because it’s coming from the top.”
    “Over the past weeks, as I have heard from numerous officials across both the executive and legislative branches, it has become clear to me that many senior leaders not only fully understand how Israel is currently using U.S.-provided arms in Gaza, but are even, behind closed doors, willing to acknowledge that these actions include ‘war crimes,’” Paul told HuffPost. “The fact that none are willing to do so publicly … points to a deep moral rot in our system.”

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