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 Topic: Lights on the way

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  • Lights on the way
     Reply #180 - November 30, 2024, 09:01 AM

    peace be upon him

    It means respect and love for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

    We also say it to the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him

    We also say it to the Prophet Moses,peace be upon him

    And for all the prophets from Adam to the last prophet, Muhammad, peace be uponthem

    It was narrated by Anas ibn Malik that the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said: ”If someone sends one prayer upon me, Allah sends ten prayers upon him, He erases for him ten mistakes, and He raises him ten degrees.”

    Praying on the prophet one time, Allah will send us blessings ten times, and ten of the mistakes we committed will be erased.

    Praying on the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) will get us closer to him in the afterlife. The prophet said:

    “The person closest to me on the Day of Resurrection is the one who sent the most prayers upon me.”

    Praying for the Prophet Muhammad and saying peace be upon him

    Praying on the prophet one time, Allah will send us blessings ten times, and ten of the mistakes we committed will be erased.

    Imagine if you said peace be upon him ten, a hundred, or a thousand times every day throughout your life

    How much will you get the double reward from God? This is a gift from God (the Father) to Muslims

    Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet ﷺ | Deeds to Habit

    نصراني يفاجئ مسلمًا بأسئلة غير معتادة ثم كانت نهاية سعيدة | محمد علي

    مسلم يفحم فرنسية تتغنى بالقيم الفرنسية وتدعي أنها ليست عنصرية

    نصراني سأل الله آية فحصل هذا ... | محمد علي
  • Lights on the way
     Reply #181 - December 07, 2024, 09:26 AM

    Actually, there is NO Command in either Quran or Ahadith that it should ONLY be read in Arabic

    Imagine, if you can’t understand Arabic, what would be the point of having it then?

    You can read in any language you understand

    Quran came in Arabic because it was best language, with maximum capacity to contain meanings and depth, thus Arabic being a biggest vessel for greatest Book is best match.

    Though it is best to know Quran in original language but it is not a pre-condition. Arabic should be learnt. Most non-Arabic Muslims learn how to read Arabic, and they read in Arabic with help of side by side translations.

    A Quran as Book must have Arabic text, then any translation can be given.

    It is commanded to convey message of Quran to all world. It will be impossible to wait first to teach everyone Arabic then convey. Convey in their language. Learn and teach them Arabic too.

    It is universal in the sense that anyone can become a Muslim. Speaking Arabic is not a prerequisite to becoming Muslim.

    If a person wants to understand the Quran they can either learn Arabic (and the associated knowledge) or they can go to someone who already has.

    If a non Arab wants to understanding the Quran then translations in every language are available.

    Christ spoke the Aramaic language

    However, you will not find the original source of the Bible as a reference for Christians in the Aramaic language, but only translations in different languages such as Greek and other languages. You do not have a reliable and original source to correct the mistakes of the writers and the incorrect translation.

    Since it was written in a language that most people do not understand, which is the Aramaic language, and they claim that Christ was sent to all nations, although he was sent only to the lost sheep of the Children of Israel.

     Every prophet came to convey God's message to his people according to their language

    مناظرة ملحمية!!  أسترالي مسيحي يحاول تعليم الشيخ عثمان لكنه يندم فوراً!!

    بريطانية حاقدة تزعم أن الإسلام يحتقر المرأة | محمد علي

    محمد علي يفحم منكرًا للسنة يريد أن يُعلم المسلمين دينهم
  • Lights on the way
     Reply #182 - December 14, 2024, 12:04 AM

    The Holy Quran and the traditional sayings of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) are the two legs of the Religion of Islam ,

    The Holy Quran contains scientific miracles that have been already confiremed scientifically . These Holy Scientific verses were revealed more than 1400 years ago , at the time of Prophet Mohammad there were many other different miracles to make people believe . Because Quran will be the last reveald Book till life ends , God has made it overflowing Book with miracles that suit every age and its kind of civilization . As we live now in the age of science , we find that there are a lot of scientific miracles in Quran in addition to the Hadiths (prophet's traditional sayings ).

    The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “If a fly falls into the drink of any one of you, he should dunk it all the way in and then remove it, because on one if its wings is disease and on the other is its cure.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3320, 5782)]

    The Prophet (Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him) alluded to both facts 1,400 years ago when he said, as narrated from Abu Hurayra and Abu Sa`id al-Khudri by al-Bukhari and in the Sunan:

    "Medically it is well known now that a fly carries some pathagens on some parts of its body as mentioned by the Prophet (before 1400 years. approx. when the humans knew very little of modern medicine.) Similarly Allah created organisms and other mechanisms which kill these pathagens e.g. penicillin Fungus kills pathogenic organisms like Staphalococci and others etc. Recently experiments have been done under supervision which indicate that a fly carries the disease (pathagens) plus the antidote for those organ-isms. Ordinarily when a fly touches a liquid food it infects the liquid with its pathogens, so it must be dipped in order to release also the antidote for those pathogens to act as a counter balance to the pathogens.

    The greatness of God's creation in the eyes of the fly

    Only in modern times was it discovered that the common fly carried parasitic pathogens for many diseases including malaria, typhoid fever, cholera, and others. It was also discovered that the fly carried parasitic bacteriophagic fungi capable of fighting the germs of all these diseases.

    If a fly falls into one of your containers [of food or drink], immerse it completely (falyaghmis-hu kullahu) before removing it, for under one of its wings there is venom and under another there is its antidote.

    It is established that house flies are carriers of dangerous pathogens of animals and humans. Even the muscaphobic critics of this hadith are forced to admit that no one at the time of the Prophet, upon him peace, knew that flies carry such harmful organisms. Whence the observation that "under one of its wings there is venom"?

    Second, from the perspective of logic, if the fly did not carry some sort of protection in the form of an antidote or immunity, it would perish from its own poisonous burden and there would be no fly left in the world.

    Further, the transmission of what the fly carries in or on its body is not an automatic fact. For example, the microbe responsible for ulcers and other stomach ailments can live on houseflies, although it remains to be seen whether flies transmit the pathogen.

    Now researchers are developing a new antibiotic made of the antidode living on the fly's surface.

    God's greatness in the creation of the hose of the fly

    The latest research calls for a new antibody from the fly antidote
    here is a new research titled "The new buzz on antibiotics" that was done only a weak ago this study:

    The surface of flies is the last place you would expect to find antibiotics, yet that is exactly where a team of Australian researchers is concentrating their efforts
    Working on the theory that flies must have remarkable antimicrobial defences to survive rotting dung, meat and fruit, the team at the Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, set out to identify those antibacterial properties manifesting at different stages of a fly’s development.

    "Our research is a small part of a global research effort for new antibiotics, but we are looking where we believe no-one has looked before,” said Ms Joanne Clarke, who presented the group’s findings at the Australian Society for Microbiology Conference in Melbourne this week. The project is part of her PhD thesis.
    The scientists tested four different species of fly: a house fly, a sheep blowfly, a vinegar fruit fly and the control, a Queensland fruit fly which lays its eggs in fresh fruit. These larvae do not need as much antibacterial compound because they do not come into contact with as much bacteria.

    Flies go through the life stages of larvae and pupae before becoming adults. In the pupae stage, the fly is encased in a protective casing and does not feed. "We predicted they would not produce many antibiotics," said Ms Clarke.

    They did not. However the larvae all showed antibacterial properties (except that of the Queensland fruit fly control).

    As did all the adult fly species, including the Queensland fruit fly (which at this point requires antibacterial protection because it has contact with other flies and is mobile).

    Such properties were present on the fly surface in all four species, although antibacterial properties occur in the gut as well. "You find activity in both places," said Ms Clarke.

    "The reason we concentrated on the surface is because it is a simpler extraction.”

    The antibiotic material is extracted by drowning the flies in ethanol, then running the mixture through a filter to obtain the crude extract.
    When this was placed in a solution with various bacteria including E.coli, Golden Staph, Candida (a yeast) and a common hospital pathogen, antibiotic action was observed every time.

    "We are now trying to identify the specific antibacterial compounds," said Ms Clarke. Ultimately these will be chemically synthesised.

    Because the compounds are not from bacteria, any genes conferring resistance to them may not be as easily transferred into pathogens. It is hoped this new form of antibiotics will have a longer effective therapeutic life.
    Danny Kingsley - ABC Science Online

    The fly carries a disease and the cure on both its wings: Mentioned in Islam and confirmed by Science

    Nouman Ali Khan - Why did Allah mention the fly in the Quran?
  • Lights on the way
     Reply #183 - December 18, 2024, 03:33 AM

     جندي اسرائيلي يعترف بذنوبة و يعتنق الاسلام مع محمد علي #dawateislami
    An Israeli soldier confesses his sins and converts to Islam with Muhammad Ali #dawateislami

     محمد علي يشرح لثلاث نصارى عنيدين لماذا لا يمكن الاعتماد على الكتاب المقدس #dawateislami

    Muhammad Ali explains to three stubborn Christians why the Bible cannot be relied upon #dawateislami
  • Lights on the way
     Reply #184 - December 21, 2024, 07:30 AM

    Spirituality alone is not enough

     Hinduism is considered a polytheistic religion, as it recognizes the existence of about 330 million gods, but there is only one god above these gods, which is the Brahma

    Christianity worships the Prophet Jesus Christ as God or the Son of God, and He is the Savior of humanity from its tragedies and pains, and that He bears their sins for them.

    The Jews worship God, but with attributes that are not worthy of God’s greatness, and they say that Uzair is the son of God.

    They are all spiritual and do not care about their books, so do we know who is the true God or the true religion through them?

    Only in the spiritual way will everyone remain on the path of darkness and falsehood

    There must be correct scientific and historical evidence for religious books, then spirituality comes on a disciplined basis after knowing the true God

    It is not just an illusory spirituality that depends on the whims and desires of humans, and everyone does what they like and worships what they like

    The only book for which Allah had promised to keep as it is is Kur'an. It is now as it was when recited to Muhammad pbuh, unchanged. Kur'ans authority is derived from his miraculous preservation, scientifical correctness

    إمرأة من الهنود الحمر تستفسر عن الاسلام فتفاجأت مما كان يؤمن به اسلافها

    لماذا خلقني الإلهُ معاقًا؟ | نصراني يسأل محمد علي

    الشيخ عثمان يحرج رجل يدعي انه يعلم الكثير عن الاسلام #dawateislami
  • Lights on the way
     Reply #185 - December 27, 2024, 12:20 PM

    Christmas is the Pagan ritual entered into the religion through the church in 325 AD by Constantine in Constantinople.

    The birth of Jesus was in mid-summer rather than winter of solstices which was the invention of the Pagans to worship “SUN” being born (raised) on 25th December, as they worship Sun so they thought that Sun has died on 23rd December because of shortest day, suddenly when sun was lifted up on 25th December they overjoyed and believed that the “SUN” has born on 25th of December and from that day this cult was entered.

    Two verses from the Quran and Bible show that the birth of Jesus was in mid-summer not in winter Solstices.

    The Quran says in chapter Maryam 19:25:

    And shake the trunk of date-palm towards you, it will let fall fresh ripe-dates upon you.

    In this verse, Allah was commanding Mary, mother of Jesus, through an Angel to go to Palm tree and shake the trunk and dates will fall thereof then eat them and get refreshed in your pangs and throes.

    Now if you meet any horticulturist he will tell you that the dates always fall in mid-summers.

    Now let us analyze the Bible.

    Luke 2:8

    “And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.”

    Ask these Christian missionaries why were shepherds looking at their flocks in 25th December at night time? When at that time it happened to be much cold in the open field that the flocks could freeze to death. Those days were not like these days as there was a city heat of vehicles and industries.

    Then we are told that when Jesus was born three kings came to visit the child by following the star from the east. How come in the winter nights stars can be seen? As we know that the mist, fog and smoke cover the sky in winters.

    So we can conclude that Bible is not giving the specific date neither the Quran but the hint is there that it was summer time not winter.

    The tradition was added by the Church in 325 AD regarding the names like Easter Day, Eucharist and Christmas etc.

    القس المعمداني يعترف بأن الكريسماس إحتفال وثني! - الشيخ عثمان فاروق

    محمد علي يشرح لثلاث نصارى عنيدين لماذا لا يمكن الاعتماد على الكتاب المقدس #dawateislami

    when Christ was born Ahmed Deedat a lecture debates youtube

    شمسي يرد على التهنئة بالكريسماس
  • Lights on the way
     Reply #186 - January 11, 2025, 02:52 PM

    Today, we will be talking about a scientific fact, mentioned in the Quran, regarding the male reproductive system. It is important to point out that while the Quran is not a science textbook, many of the latest scientific discoveries that were revealed in Quranic passages 1400 years ago. This is in stark contrast with the Bible, which contains numerous scientific errors (due to corruption by the scribes: (Jer 8:8, Mat 5:20, 23:13). For example, regarding genetics, in Genesis 30:37-42, Jacob changes the characteristics of animal offspring by having their parents look at white stripes while mating.

    We will examine the Quranic verse that describes the location of seminal fluid prior to being discharged.
    Literal translation of Quran 86:6-7:
    { (Man is) created from gushing water (which) comes out from between the backbone * and the ribs *. }
    * from Al Qamoos, Lisan Al Arab, etc
    In other words, just prior to gushing or coming out of the body, seminal fluid is located between the backbone and the ribs.

    At first glance, a layman might think that SEMEN comes out from the testicles. While the SPERM is produced in the testicles, NEITHER is the sperm NOR is the seminal fluid (essential for natural fertilization) anywhere near them prior to ejaculation. The verse specifically mentions the entire fluid, and not just the sperm “component”. So let’s examine the process of emission, where all the components of semen are joined. Sperm is stored in the epididymis, which is not in the testicles, but above them. The Sperm which comprises 2 to 5% of the seminal fluid, , travels from the epididymis up through the Vas Deferens duct and around the bladder. Together, the seminal vesicle and the prostate gland produce 90% of the fluid in semen. This mixture travels through the prostate and is joined by mucus from the bulbourethral glands, just below the prostate.

    It is at this point that semen is fully formed, comprising both the sperm and the seminal fluids. As we can see, just prior to coming out of the body, all components of semen are mixed near the prostate, which is centered in the body, between the backbone and the ribs, or between the spine and the chest, which is between the back and front of the abdomen or torso, and most certainly not in the testicles or in the lower body at all.

    Someone might object by saying: the ribs are too high to say “the prostate is between the backbone & the ribs.” To this objection, we answer that: the head is still between the shoulders even though it is too high, & the genitals are still between the legs, even though they are too high.

    Now let’s check the verse again.
    { (Man is) created from gushing water (which) comes out from between the backbone * and the ribs *. }
    This precise scientific description could not have been known 1400 years ago, and even today most people don’t know it, as we will see next.


    In fact, SEMEN does NOT come from the testicles. (only the SPERM is produced there, which comprises 2-5% of semen). And as we saw earlier, SEMEN IS ACTUALLY FORMED NEAR THE PROSTATE.

    In any case, The Quran does not contain the scientific errors of Hippocrates view
    1) That Semen comes from all the fluid in the body.
    2) That Semen passes through the kidneys.
    As such, there is no similarity whatsoever, between this Quranic passage, and the view of Hippocrates.

    Furthermore, let’s examine some more of Hippocrates related scientific errors, that are again NOT in the Quran:
    1) sperm originate in the brain
    2) men & women produce sperm
    3) “healthy” sperm is produced by healthy parts of the body
    4) stronger sperm results in males, weaker sperm results in females

    The Quran clearly mentions the scientific fact, before it was known, about where semen becomes fully formed before “gushing” out. Semen includes the sperm AND seminal fluids, which are BOTH absolutely required for natural fertilization. The Quran accurately states that this fluid (gushing water) is between the backbone and the ribs prior to coming out of the body, as seen from the profile view of the male anatomy.

    Those attempting to discredit this Quranic verse, simply demonstrate their own lack of scientific knowledge regarding the male reproductive system. In addition, trying to ascribe the numerous scientific accuracies from the Quran, to philosophers like Hippocrates, who could rarely AVOID scientific errors on any matter, is obviously quite ridiculous.

    As we have demonstrated, misrepresenting both the scientific facts, and the views of ancient societies, is not only the strategy but a fundamental requirement for people attempting to refute the Quran’s overwhelming signs.

    see here
    زائر أراد إثبات وجود خطأ علمي في القرآن فتم إثبات وجود إعجاز علمي به
  • Lights on the way
     Reply #187 - January 17, 2025, 06:22 PM

    • The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him had a strong presence. His charismatic nature left a strong impact on all those who met him. A lady named Umm Maʿbad who met him on his way to Medina and described him as follows:

    • I saw a man, pure and clean, with a handsome face and a fine figure. He was not marred by a skinny body, nor was he overly small in the head and neck. He was graceful and elegant, with intensely black eyes and thick eyelashes. There was a huskiness in his voice, and his neck was long. His beard was thick, and his eyebrows were finely arched and joined together.

    • When silent, he was grave and dignified, and when he spoke, glory rose up and overcame him. He was from afar the most beautiful of men and the most glorious, and close up he was the sweetest and the loveliest. He was sweet of speech and articulate, but not petty or trifling. His speech was a string of cascading pearls, measured so that none despaired of its length, and no eye challenged him because of brevity.

    In company, he is like a branch between two other branches, but he is the most flourishing of the three in appearance, and the loveliest in power. He has friends surrounding him, who listen to his words. If he commands, they obey implicitly, with eagerness and haste, without frown or complaint (Shama’il al-Tirmidhi).

    • Muhammad peace be upon him became a Prophet at the age of forty. Prior to that, he was living a normal life in society. He conducted business, married, attended social gatherings, and mingled with all types of people. He did not lie even when he told jokes and never cheated in business. He had one characteristic that quickly became apparent to all those who interacted with him; honesty. He was never known to have lied and even those who rejected his message referred to him as the truthful one.

    ملحدة "ذكية جدًا" : العلم خلق الكون | محمد علي

    ملحد حاول السخرية من مسلم لكنه فُضح | محمد علي

    بريطاني يسأل لماذا لا يقبل المسلمون السخرية من النبي محمد #dawateislami
  • Lights on the way
     Reply #188 - January 25, 2025, 03:08 PM

    in quran
    And verily in cattle (too) will ye find an instructive sign. From what is within their bodies between excretions and blood, We produce, for your drink, milk, pure and agreeable to those who drink it.

    Milk is a Blood Production (New Scientific Miracle in Quran)

    Allah the Almighty God says in Quran:
    16:66) And verily! In the cattle, there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, from between excretions and blood, pure milk; palatable to the drinkers.

    Scientists say:
    There is waste in the blood by that definition. The kidneys filter the blood. Excretions… nutrition from the Gastro-intestinal tract or ‘excretions’ with useful nutrients is absorbed into the blood. It feeds the mammary glands to make nutrition full milk. Waist is filtered from the blood by the kidneys

    You we eat food… it gets digested… while being digested nutrients are absorbed into the blood…. the blood makes the milk…. the blood is filtered perfectly by the breast or cow’s udders to make amazing milk ? and the blood is filtered through the kidneys and you suffocate
    ! So the breast doesn’t take junk from the blood. It’s highly selective

    Remember Allah says
    (16:66) And that for you in the camels/livestock (is) an example (E) , We make you drink from what (is) in its bellies/insides, clear/pure milk pleasant tasting to the drinking, from between fully and partially digested food/feces and blood.

    So with this we read ‘from fully and partially digested food’

    Food digests in stages. Near the end of the Gut it is fully, near the top it is partially digested.

    When we read in Quran from ‘feces’ it just means food that is being digested.

    It’s amazing how Quran mentions blood from milk!

    1) nutrients do come from the blood taken from the gut
    2) milk is made from blood!!
    So cool man!

    (16:66) And verily in cattle (too) will you find an instructive sign. From what is within their bodies between excretions and blood, We produce, for your drink, milk, pure and agreeable to those who drink it.

    So we have
    Partially digested food
    Fully digested food
    Absorption of water, vitamins and nutrients into blood
    Blood feeds mammary glands
    Milk produced

    ??Scientific reference
    Scientists also mention that “Milk Is Just Filtered Blood”
    “weird as this seems, all mammal milk is, in fact, made from blood , Yeah This is a Fact ? , because blood contains lots of nutrients, and the baby need lots of sugar, fat, and protein to grow complex brains and bodies. there is a tiny sacs that grap the pasing blood and do some chemistry on them, and pass them to the inside of the sacs where they mix together to become milk .

    {And indeed, for you in grazing livestock is a lesson. We give you drink from what is in their bellies – between contents of intestine and blood – pure milk, palatable to drinkers.}(Al-Qur’an 16:66)

    ?Following the advancement of scientific research throughout the centuries, man came to learn that the components of milk are extracted from chyme after the digestion of the food, and run in the blood stream to reach the mammary glands in the udders of females that extract the components of milk from blood retaining no traces of chyme or blood in the milk.

    ?However, the Holy Qur’an disclosed these secrets to its readers in the most beautiful and most concise way 14 hundred years ago.

    ?Who taught Muhammad (peace be upon him) the secrets of the digestive system and the circulatory system and the subtle processes going on in the mammary glands other than Allah, Who knows the secrets in earth and heavens and Who knows the mysteries of what He has created? This is enough evidence that the Qur’an is revealed by Allah , the Exalted and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His Messenger.

    Allah (Subhanahu wa taala) says:
    “But Allah bears witness to that which He has revealed to you. He has sent it (Quran) down with His knowledge, and the angels bear witness [as well]. And sufficient is Allah as Witness..” (Quran 4:166)

    Miracle of the Holy Quran for blood circulation and milk production Lecturer Zakir Naik

    Milk Is Just Filtered Blood
  • Lights on the way
     Reply #189 - January 29, 2025, 12:18 PM

    Allah sent the prophets as a mercy to the slaves and supported them with miracles to indicate the truthfulness of their message. Of all the prophets, our Prophet, Muhammad, was blessed with the most miracles. Al-Isra 'and al-Mi ^ raj are among the many miracles of Prophet Muhammad.

    The miracle of al-Isra 'is confirmed in the Qur'an. In Surat al-Isra ', Ayah 1, Allah said:

    which means: [Praise be to Allah Who enabled His slave, Muhammad, to make the journey at night from Masjid al-Haram in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, which is surrounded a blessed land.] This journey is also confirmed in the sahih hadith. As such, there is scholarly consensus (ijma ^) Prophet Muhammad journeyed in body and soul the night of al-Isra 'from Masjid al-Haram in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsain Jerusalem. Moreover, these scholars indicated the person who denies al-Isra 'is a blasphemer for belying the explicit text of the Qur'an.

    Al-isra And Al-miraj ....... )scenes From Paradise And Fire

    1- On Prophet Muhammad's journey from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa, Allah enabled him to see some of His wondrous creations. Allah enabled the Prophet to see the world (dunya) like an old woman. However, this old woman was wearing a great deal of jewelry, and in this there is an indication signifying the reality of the world.

    2- Allah enabled the Prophet to see Iblis. The Prophet saw something on the side of the road which did not dare to stand in his way or speak to him. What the Prophet saw was Iblis. Originally, Iblis was a believer and lived with the angels in Paradise. When Allah ordered the angels to prostrate (sujud) to Prophet Adam, Iblis was ordered to prostrate to him as well. The angels prostrated to Adam in obedience to Allah, because angels do not disobey Allah. However, Iblis did not obey, and he objected to the order of Allah. He said, "You created me out of fire, and You created him out of clay. How do You order me to prostrate to him?" So this objection by Iblis to the order of Allah was the first blasphemy he committed.

    3- On his journey, the Prophet smelled a very nice odor. He asked Jibril about this pleasant scent and Jibril informed him this good smell was coming from the grave of the woman whose duty used to be to comb Pharaoh's daughter's hair. This woman was a good, pious believer. One day, as she was combing Pharaoh's daughter's hair, the comb fell from her hand.

    At this she said, ""Bismillah. "Pharaoh's daughter asked her, "Do you have a god other than my father?" The woman said, "Yes. My Lord and the Lord of your father is Allah." Pharaoh's daughter told her father what had happened. Pharaoh demanded this woman blaspheme and leave Islam, but she refused. At that, Pharaoh threatened to kill her children. He brought a great pot of water and built a great fire under it. When the water boiled, Pharaoh brought her children and started to drop them into that pot one after the other.

    Throughout all this, the woman remained steadfast to Islam, even when Pharaoh reached her youngest child--a little boy still bosom feeding--but she felt pity for him. At that, Allah enabled this child to speak. He said to his mother, "O Mother, be patient. The torture of the Hereafter is far more severe than the torture of this life, and do not be reluctant, because you are right." At this the woman requested Pharaoh collect her bones and the bones of her children and bury them in the same grave. Pharaoh promised her that--then dropped her into that boiling water. She died as a martyr. The good odor the Prophet smelled coming from her grave is an indication of her high status.

    4- During his trip, the Prophet saw people who were planting and reaping in two days. Jibril told the Prophet, "These were the people who fight for the sake of Allah (mujahidun). "wink."

    5- The Prophet also saw people whose lips and tongues were clipped with scissors made of fire. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the speakers of sedition (fitna) who call people to misguidance."

    6- He also saw a bull which exited a very small outlet, then was trying in vain to return through that small outlet. Jibril told the Prophet, "This is the example of the bad word--once spoken, it cannot be returned."

    7- The Prophet saw people grazing like animals, with very little clothing on their private parts. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the ones who refused to pay zakat. "."

    8- The Prophet saw angels smashing some people's heads with rocks. These heads would return to the shape they had been, and then the angels would smash their heads again--and so on. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the ones whose heads felt too heavy to perform prayer--the ones who used to sleep without praying."

    9- On his journey the Prophet saw people who were competing to eat some rotten meat--ignoring meat that was sliced and unspoiled. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are people from your nation who leave out that which is permissible (halal), and consume that which is forbidden ((haram). "This reference was to the fornicators, that is, the ones who left out the permissible (marriage) and committed sins (fornication).

    10- Also, the Prophet saw people who were drinking from the fluid coming from the bodies of the fornicators, (water mixed with blood). Jibril indicated to the Prophet these were the ones who were drinking the alcohol which is prohibited in this world.

    11- The Prophet saw people scratching their faces and chests with brass finger nails. Jibril said, "These are the examples of those who commit gossip ((ghibah). "

    The Mi’raj of the Prophet is spiritual or physical, Dr Zakir Naik Question and Answer

    يوتيوبر نصراني أسترالي يتعرف على حقوق المرأة بين النصرانية والإسلام

    راهب بوذي يفاجئ مسلمًا بمعتقداته | محمد علي
  • Lights on the way
     Reply #190 - February 05, 2025, 10:04 PM

    1. Christianity says the Father is fully God, the Son [Jesus] is fully God and the Holy Spirit is fully God ( three Gods)
     . Islam says there is only one God who is the creator of all creation and has no need of any son, consort or partner. Jesus too openly and very clearly declared the heavenly Father of all to be “the only true God” [check it up in John 17:3] Jesus never worshipped himself or the Holy Spirit and never asked anyone to do so either. My challenge is you will not find any verse in any Gospel where Jesus did so. If you do then let me know.

    2. Christianity says that every baby is born with the sin of Adam, the so called original sin. Islam says that every baby is born sinless, that no one carries the sin of previous generation and every person is accountable for only the sins s/he committed. Jesus observed and taught the Torah in which God clearly promises that no one will die for the sins of another “The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.” That sounds very fair and just and makes perfect sense, don't you think? [check it up in Ezekiel 18:20]

    3. Christianity says that salvation is for you only if you believe that Jesus Christ came to die for your sins, and you’re forever damned if you don’t believe so. That clearly contradicts the fundamental principle of fairness and justice and God’s promise quoted in the last paragraph. Islam says God sent his guides to every people who ever lived, from the first man Adam to Mohammed the final guide for mankind with many other guides in between the two, like Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Salvation is for whoever followed those guides or the scriptures they left behind, provided those scriptures were not corrupted.

    فتاة بريطانية تسافر مسافة طويلة لتسأل حمزة عن الإسلام في نهاية رائعة

    سيدة مهذبة تستفسر عن الاسلام لان ابنها دخل الاسلام #dawateislami

    محمد علي و يهودي يسأل عن الاسلام و يعتقد انه يعلم كل شئ #اسلام
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