You do see how racially patronising it is to want to see the election of a man merely because he is black?
I must admit, the thought has run through my mind...and I have wished out loud for a black conservative to run for president, then almost immediately realized what I was saying.
I didn't want to vote for Keyes because he is black, I just love the way he talks & thinks. In some though, Keyes is too much of the hair shirt to be a viable candidate.
Group identity politics is a factor in politics, it can't be avoided. It is in fact what has driven the Obama phenomenon.
This is why I knew that O would be a far worse candidate for the Dems then Hillary. Many women will vote for Hillary merely because she is a woman (& not just women but a certain kind of PC male would do likewise), many will vote for O merely because he is black (again not merely blacks either). Now blacks are about 12% of the U.S. population & this number will be declining mainly because of new immigration but also because abortion (in many cities, 2/3rds of all black babies conceived are aborted) & STD induced infertility. Given this stark demographic fact, black identity politics can't carry a man into the White House. It can carry a woman into the White House. I know a woman who was Hillary supporter & straight out said she would not vote O because he is black (also because he Moslem). It is widely believed that he is in fact Moslem. Hispanics are not voting for O, they will more likely vote McCain. If even half the Latino votes that went to Hillary go to McCain (& they will), that will be the election for McCain right there.