Congrats Jedi.
I have a question O'Wise Sage you. When a person wins the Jester of the Month should they or should they not give a speech in honour of their victory and their superiority over the other members of the human race?'
I would like to start this giving thanks to Iblis who is always whispering in my right ear and encouraging me to waste my time and write the nonsense that I do.
The sister asks a very intelligent question. She askes 'if you are nominated and then awarded the Jester of the Month' by your fellow CEMB members then should you or should you not give a speech?'
There are two responses to this questions.
First, the first one. As you can see from my previous lecture, on the Blog titled 'The Meaning of Jedi', my life is without meaning and purpose. I'm not saying that I have lots of free time and that my existence is vacuous. I'm not saying that. The point is that I like to make people laugh. To make them smile. Simple. Sometimes I achieve this and sometimes I don't. Simple. As it is written in Surah-al Woody Allen chapter number 45 verse 297, he states ''Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.''
Secondly, I have always heard the scientists talk about the THEORY of Jester of the Month but never about the FACT of Jester of the Month. When they talk about FACT then come see me.
Sister I hope that answers your question.
The Unicorn knows best.