I used to be very fond of the Japanese until I saw a knicker vending machine containing a packet with a cover picture of a ten year old anime girl :furious:l! She was my favourite cartoon character in my teens.
well until very recently.. even in mid80s and in some pockets of Japan., Japanese men have serious problems in respecting their women folks ..women folks in general..
http://www.japanpowered.com/japan-culture/a-look-at-gender-expectations-in-japanese-societyThere are a few key ideas about gender that persist (Yamaguchi, 2000):
Men should work outside the home
Genders should be brought up differently
Women are more suited to household work and child rearing than men.
Full time housewives are valuable to society because of their family raising role.
As you can see, these persistent gender ideas have roots in feudal Japan. The roles also work within the vertical social structure of senior-junior relations. Generally, traits associated with individualism like assertiveness, independence, and self-reliance are poorly regarded by the Japanese compared to conformity, being affectionate, and having leadership abilities. Again, the typical American ideal of the “macho” alpha male is frowned upon in Japanese society. Guys are expected to be well rounded in art, music, literature, and more just like in feudal Japan (Sughara, 2002).
it was total feudal structure.... Off course the society is changing fast in 21st century....
Yap... Mohammad Asghar .....