Re: Mosque Classes
Reply #32 - October 24, 2008, 12:47 AM
It seems that Hassan believes he can take on the 1400yrs old memeplexes of islam. Good luck, if anyone can do it it's him.
On the other side, I believe Hassan is in a tough place, he raised a good point that if he denies her, it might get her more attached and he is the best person to judge this. I had a Christian arab friend of mine who grew up in canada, and she was obsessed with egypt, egyptian songs, egyptian singers, arabic songs, arabic singers, she would rarely listen to western music.
Eventually she got on some trip to goto egypt and teach computers over there. She got to see how it really is. Two yrs later, she came back engaged to a coptic guy, and between the Two of them and it's been few years now they barely own 2 good Arabic music CDs anymore.
Hassan, good luck putting a good head on her shoulder, it is the only thing you can do. After that, she will have to go and see for herself and pick what she likes. The big test will be the muslim boyfriend of course, but boyfriends are the banes of dads in any culture.
"Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"