So as most of you know, after I left Islam, I was forced to spend my last 4 months in Kuwait pretending to be a Muslim before I finally became free to start doing all those haraam things I'd been missing out on for 7 years. I had so many plans for stuff I really missed doing, but nothing seems to be working out! Well, ok, having loads of sex is working out really well

but that's about it.
I used to go camping all the time and haven't been for YEARS, so this summer I really wanted to go on a camping trip, but it just never happened until finally it's too cold to go camping. Pout. And now it's Halloween, which of course I avoided like the plague as a Muslim (haraam pagan celebration!!), and I was really looking forward to dressing up in a fun sexy costume and partying all night. Well, the party I was supposed to go to has been cancelled because the host's grandfather died and the funeral is on that day. Pfft. So now I'm doing nothing for Halloween.
My first year as an ex-Muslim is supposed to be a lot more exciting than this!!

So is anybody doing anything fun for Halloween? Any cool costumes?