Yep. They're brothers from the same litter. Completely different personalities but they get on really well together. Funny buggers.

Aw. Is there a cuddly one and a more independent one?
Sort of. One has personal space issues when it comes to humans. Not sure why. I think someone may have hurt him when he was young. You can see sometimes he wants to be friendly but he's too nervous.
The other one is a total attention whore and very demanding. Cracks me up.
They use the same litter box and food bowls? I'm planning on buying a litter box with a swing door when they get bigger. I heard that if one is a quick learner, the one might try to copy.
They use the same bowls but there's no litter box as they have access to the outdoors. I'm in a rural area so they have plenty of space to crap and hunt mice. They came with the house. Cats don't like moving and I like cats anyway so when the previous owners asked if I minded if the cats stayed I said it was fine with me.
Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West.