Well, am very glad you don´t have a hand in putting down the law, then. I personally think it´s nobody´s business to decide, WHO gets told about my political or other choices. I CHOSE to tell or not, and I think that´s as it should be.
Yes, I can see that very clearly, my question is - why? Why do you feel the need to hide this? What do you think will happen that would be so awful? Don't you like to stand up and be counted for something so important as who leads your country? Especially in the wake of you know who - ah, does it all come from the second world war this secrecy thing?
It's be hilarious if football fans were the same, dressing up disguised to go and see their team play, never sitting in the same place more than once to make sure no one knows!!!

I already TOLD you, who I voted for - duh! I make no secret of it.
But a) I want the RIGHT to keep it secret (as indeed Art. 38 of our Grundgesetz gives me) and b) the right to keep it secret is an important safeguard for free elections. Social pressures might make you wary of voting for someone you know your boss/ clients/ neighbours/significant other don´t like, even in a country where no political or legal repercussions are to be feared, innit?
There ARE people who "won´t deal" with someone who votes for the "wrong" party. Which is why, for example, I wouldn´t advertise my political leanings to a client, easily. None of his business, just like I don´t even want to know about his. Why do we all have to run around and shout "Vote..."? Do I have to wear a yellow marker, next, so everybody knows my sexual, religious, gastronomical or other leanings? So that people can THINK they know me at a first glance? Not bloody likely!
Such one-dimensional thinking may appeal to you, Jack - not to me.