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 Topic: Do you have a demon?

 (Read 15931 times)
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  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #60 - November 12, 2008, 12:29 AM

    Was she delightfully demonic?

    Oh aye. Though I kinda ruined things by confessing, in the post–coital phase, about my fears regarding fornication and allah damning me to hell for my obliterating 70 years of worship in one single act. I tell you, it’s a good thing she was already lying down!

    She was 70? Oh my lordy wacko

    Silly boy, she wasn’t that old! No, I’ve read in amusing Islâmic books that a single act of fornication wipes out 70 years worth of worship (salah).

    "At 8:47 I do a grenade jump off a ladder."
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #61 - November 12, 2008, 08:34 AM

    No worries. That must mean a single married bonk is as good as 70 years of worship. You can make it up in no time. Afro

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #62 - November 12, 2008, 05:31 PM

    Your test score is 37
    You are at high risk for demonic oppression/possession.

    And i answered honestly too  Cheesy

    wtf, I thought I was fucked up... hmm so you've contemplated suicide?

    my score is:
    Your test score is 28
    You are at moderate risk for demonic oppression/possession.
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #63 - November 12, 2008, 05:33 PM

    do naughty things with crucifixes. 

  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #64 - November 12, 2008, 05:52 PM

    I thought the site was some sort of joke . Is that guy serious?Huh?Huh?jawdrop

    Unbelievable!!! In this day and age, that people would resort to such complete and utter crap. I think its disgusting - he's obviously targetting the needy , the vulnerable and the desperate.

    Larson's Book of Spiritual Warfare
    500-page encyclopedic handbook with all you need to know about demons, the devil, deliverance, angels, exorcism, Satanism, witchcraft, the occult, the paranormal, and psychic phenomena. Your complete guide to spiritual warfare.

    Im going to order that, should be a useful addition to my reference library.

    Question #18 - Have you failed repeatedly in significant relationships?

    Phew, thats a relief, i thought I just had issues, while all this time, its been demons.........

    Have you asked Satan to take your life in exchange for something?

    Yes, i woke up this morning and found I had run out of coffee. My soul for a cappuccino, now thats what I call fair trade.

    Life is a sexually transmitted disease which is invariably fatal.
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #65 - November 12, 2008, 06:02 PM

    Well I can't say much, when I was in school, when I was 15/16, I lied and told everyone I could palm reading, I was charging a 10er from women, until one of my English teachers found out and all these women were pissed at me... Well at least I was not selling drugs. I used to gleen all the information from the son addending the school and I used to convince them, I just to carry an Urdu Alphabet book around and tell them bullshit about how the had some mystic knowledge. It was fun while it last I think thats were I got my fetish for older women too!
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #66 - November 12, 2008, 06:07 PM

    It is a joke...Unless you are a gullible buffoon.

    To bad there are so many people in the world who take him seriously.

    Crap like this is why people look at me funny when I laugh at things they don't find amusing.

    Of course then I chuckle at the bemused looks on their faces.


    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I remain.
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #67 - November 12, 2008, 06:09 PM

    Sometimes, I would even suprise myself with the bullshit, tell them about jinn and black--magic and these women would ask the local Indian/Pakistani women, who used to tell them its "true" and run a mile form them, thinking they might have jinn or someone might have done black-magic on them.... In Islam for me as a Muslim the concept of jinn and black Magic where the first to go, then it was angels. And finally I am comming to terms with pir (Head ofSufi Orders) are fake too... But still I wear Taveez, and even drink them I do to some extent believe in the power, probably a plasibo effect but it works.
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #68 - November 12, 2008, 06:13 PM

    Older women or just stupid women?

    Life is a sexually transmitted disease which is invariably fatal.
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #69 - November 12, 2008, 06:20 PM

    Older women or just stupid women?

    Well I don't think they were stupid, I went to a private school! but some folks who are desperate fall for things like this. I've been suicidal I've thought I've been possessed by jinns,I thought there was a jinn in my nose. Sometimes, you become susceptible to such nonsense when feeling vulnerable, and helpless, you start looking for a quick-fix-option. But I can say one thing for sure, I've felt alot more lower, and helpless knowing a god does not exist then, when I thought a god exists, somehow it made is easier thinking there is the big man out there looking after his little hommie. No matter what I did I always felt special too god and I felt like his buddy!
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #70 - November 12, 2008, 06:43 PM

    Thats a good point KT. Thats why that Larson guy and other such faith healers, quacks, fake psychics etc make me really angry, because they prey on the vulnerable and take advantage of their desperation. I guess we all do stupid things sometimes when we are feeling low.
    I know what you mean about belief in god making it easier. When I was muslim I generally tended to believe that things would be okay in the end because I trusted God and thought he (possibly, hopefully) had some sort of plan for me even if it wasnt apparent and I seemed completely lost. Now all I believe in is biology and probability, and so I'm much more afraid of making the wrong decision and screwing up my life. Because no-one is going to save me, or pick up the pieces. My outlook is in a way a lot more negative. I cant say i feel lower though, cos the relief of freedom to make my own choices without fear of hell still outweighs the fear of ending up another statistic Smiley But sometimes I miss the warmth and security of feeling that big daddy in the sky will always take care of me.

    Life is a sexually transmitted disease which is invariably fatal.
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #71 - November 12, 2008, 09:52 PM

    Yeah if the big dude exist home he forgives, me I always loved him more then I feared him, I was I felt very special. I always knew, or had a feeling he loved me, and that was not cos I didn't get love from family, I even as a child was reclusive, I felt content being alone and being with my own thoughts and theories, so when I thought I was doing something which felt like a transgression to my religious beliefs, I always thought god would forgive me. For example when I used to skivvy off mosque, or when I used to drop the Quran (accidentally) I didn't feel so bad.

    For me, I was always free in my mind, Islam was never restriction imposed on me, well then again I was a guy, on my wedding day (which was supposed to be the happiest day of my life) was in fact maybe the the saddest, I knew what I had to recite but It had no meaning, I felt so shallow, there was nothing to cling onto it was that kind of sense I felt. For me, realizing a god does not exist is hard, I never thought about hell, I always thought about heaven.

    And I remember the words of a very amazing man, the best words a very Islamic person ever said to me, and this man really had a heart of gold, he said to me one day not to fear hell, as basically said to me not to feel bad about the un Islamic things I was doing (drinking, dating, smoking, missing salat) he said to me "You will not go to hell!" the amazing thing is I only realized the true meanings of his words years later after he had passed away, in essence he was trying to tell me there is not hell!
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #72 - November 12, 2008, 09:56 PM

    some folks, on there, think I am a dude with no personality and just talk shit... but honestly I am a pretty humanist and sensitive/depressive kind of guy. I just need an assertive and sensual mistress in my life.
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #73 - November 12, 2008, 10:39 PM

    some folks, on there, think I am a dude with no personality and just talk shit... but honestly I am a pretty humanist and sensitive/depressive kind of guy. I just need an assertive and sensual mistress in my life.

    Yes, Tut. You're incredibly deep and introspective. Your sense of humour is just wonderful!

     It's a shame you can't find this assertive and sensual mistress. Ladies don't know what they're missing out on.

    "Poor human nature, what horrible crimes have been committed in thy name!"
    - Emma Goldman
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #74 - November 13, 2008, 01:17 AM

    some folks, on there, think I am a dude with no personality and just talk shit... but honestly I am a pretty humanist and sensitive/depressive kind of guy. I just need an assertive and sensual mistress in my life.

    Yes, Tut. You're incredibly deep and introspective. Your sense of humour is just wonderful!

     It's a shame you can't find this assertive and sensual mistress. Ladies don't know what they're missing out on.

    lol if only...
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #75 - November 13, 2008, 05:47 PM

    some folks, on there, think I am a dude with no personality and just talk shit... but honestly I am a pretty humanist and sensitive/depressive kind of guy. I just need an assertive and sensual mistress in my life.

    Yes, Tut. You're incredibly deep and introspective. Your sense of humour is just wonderful!

     It's a shame you can't find this assertive and sensual mistress. Ladies don't know what they're missing out on.

    lol if only...

    I'm still up for it, when you finally cross over. Afro

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #76 - November 14, 2008, 09:28 AM

    Ill see what I can do...  Cheesy
  • Re: Do you have a demon?
     Reply #77 - November 14, 2008, 01:30 PM

    I'm much more afraid of making the wrong decision and screwing up my life. Because no-one is going to save me, or pick up the pieces.

    So your family won’t be there for you? You can’t take care of yourself? You don’t have friends who will help if you do feel you’ve screwed up your life?

    Nothing else has changed really, but yes it does involve taking ownership and responsibility for your own life. Hence why I consider an honest appraisal of beliefs which leads to atheism (as opposed to automatic knee–jerk rejection of god) a form of ‘growing up’ from the childish ways of theistic beliefs.

    "At 8:47 I do a grenade jump off a ladder."
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