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 Topic: Apostate blog, males...

 (Read 9279 times)
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  • Apostate blog, males...
     OP - November 19, 2008, 03:23 PM

    Hi there guys, I am looking for male ex Muslim apostates, who would like to blog with me on wordpress, don't worry you don't need to come up with incredibly great content, just your support would be more then enough... I would be a new blog on wordpress, we will use pseudo-names, to protect your privacy.   

    The blog will be about, blogging our thoughts as apostates on different subjects.

    Female ex Muslim apostates are welcome to comment, but the content of generally be male generated I would prefer to have all males in my editing/admin team. 

    Some guys I had in mind where: "JT",  "Hassan", "Wassim" "the other Hassan" "awais" thats it right or are there any other male ex Muslim male apostates I don't know about?

    This would be a great opportunity us to have just a central place for us guys! if your interested let me know. 
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #1 - November 19, 2008, 03:29 PM

    are Pazuzu and Sojo apostates?
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #2 - November 19, 2008, 03:33 PM

    I thougt you were a Muslim.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #3 - November 19, 2008, 03:43 PM

    I thougt you were a Muslim.

    Cultural Muslim (long story) but all you need to know is am atheist but I just don't like this term.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #4 - November 19, 2008, 04:00 PM

    Chameleon  Cheesy

    I was not blessed with the ability to have blind faith. I cant beleive something just because someone says its true.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #5 - November 19, 2008, 04:09 PM

    Why only males?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #6 - November 19, 2008, 04:11 PM

    Why only males?

    Tut can´t handle female competition!  Wink
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #7 - November 19, 2008, 04:12 PM

    Why only males?

    There are too many female apostate ex Muslim feminist blog out there already, it was to counter some of the propaganda of their too. Apparently, ex Muslim apostates are sexist according to ex Muslim female apostates.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #8 - November 19, 2008, 04:14 PM

    ? Then how by having 'male only' counter the sexist claim?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #9 - November 19, 2008, 04:17 PM

    ? The how by having 'male only' counter the sexist claim?

    That´s Tut´s logic!  Cheesy
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #10 - November 19, 2008, 04:17 PM

    ? The how by having 'male only' counter the sexist claim?

    Well we are not sexist, having women in our blog will just seem like we are overly defending ourself due to that accusation, women are still allowed to comment and post on our blog and disagree with us, its just I would prefer to gave males in my editing/admin team.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #11 - November 19, 2008, 04:20 PM

    ? The how by having 'male only' counter the sexist claim?

    That´s Tut´s logic!  Cheesy

    Actually I just think on a higher place, having females in our team will seem like we are being apologetic about being sexists. Which would just make us look stupid. We can't care of the false accusation we are just going to prove women wrong using reason and scientific fact. 
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #12 - November 19, 2008, 04:25 PM

    Actually I just think on a higher place, having females in our team will seem like we are being apologetic about being sexists. Which would just make us look stupid. We can't care of the false accusation we are just going to prove women wrong using reason and scientific fact. 

    You want an all male apostate blog to prove women wrong?

    What in the hell for?


    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #13 - November 19, 2008, 04:51 PM

    ***having females in our team will seem like we are being apologetic about being sexists***

    Run that by us again, Tut. Neil

    We are not here to fight religion. We are here to make religion irrelevant. NM
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #14 - November 19, 2008, 04:53 PM

    ***having females in our team will seem like we are being apologetic about being sexists***

    Run that by us again, Tut.


    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #15 - November 19, 2008, 05:08 PM

    Why only males?

    There are too many female apostate ex Muslim feminist blog out there already, it was to counter some of the propaganda of their too. Apparently, ex Muslim apostates are sexist according to ex Muslim female apostates.

    Uh, there are like four female authored apostate blogs out there, and two of them don't even address Islaam and apostasy anymore.  And just because 'Jasmine from Pakistan' says something doesn't mean she speaks for all of us.   banghead

    [this space for rent]
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #16 - November 19, 2008, 06:52 PM

    Why only males?

    There are too many female apostate ex Muslim feminist blog out there already, it was to counter some of the propaganda of their too. Apparently, ex Muslim apostates are sexist according to ex Muslim female apostates.

    Uh, there are like four female authored apostate blogs out there, and two of them don't even address Islaam and apostasy anymore.  And just because 'Jasmine from Pakistan' says something doesn't mean she speaks for all of us.   banghead

    Read the comments, withing the comments lies the problem, once the others publish it, there are apostate ex Muslim women who agree with them... And Jasmine is well connected, she is not stupid, I slightly underestimated her inanity, she is the same as the rest of them. She needs to be put in her place now.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #17 - November 19, 2008, 06:53 PM

    Well McPuny it won't be you putting her in her place now will it.  Wink

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #18 - November 19, 2008, 07:04 PM

     Lmao hahaha

    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I remain.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #19 - November 19, 2008, 08:12 PM

    Well McPuny it won't be you putting her in her place now will it.  Wink

    Don't worry of course like all women, you have penis envy... Never mind that I've already done it:

    Interesting, could it be possible, you are just a misandrist? and terms like “Toweling” are counter-constructive to what you are trying to achieve? I am an apostate Muslim man who’s grown up in an male misogynistic society, yet I think some apostate women go out of their way to lavishly embellish the truth and so called “prosecution” these apostate women suffered under those societies. While I understand Islam has inherently misogynistic teachings, it would be rather silly to assume any man who follows such as faith must be a sexist, or any man who lives in such a society must be a sexist. You paint the picture of Muslim and (also ex Muslim men) as some kind of animals who cannot control their canal lust and would rape a woman at the first opportunity they had.

    Sometimes, you will find this is in psychology terms called “psychological projection” could it be that maybe women such as yourself are just sexually frustrated? and are just projecting? I also find such women are sexually aroused by the thought of “biastophilia” of actually being the victim not the attacker in this case. Of course the person suffering from such cognitive dissonance would outrightly deny it, moreover according to Freudian psychoanalysis women have “Penis envy” that is “women wish they had a penis” so in conclusion I think you should be looking at yourself internally before you go around pointing fingers at male apostates.

    and also this:
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #20 - November 19, 2008, 10:01 PM

    are Pazuzu and Sojo apostates?

    No, I still suck allah’s red hot evil knob while getting bummed by Muhammad…

    "At 8:47 I do a grenade jump off a ladder."
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #21 - November 19, 2008, 10:08 PM

    are Pazuzu and Sojo apostates?

    No, I still suck allah’s red hot evil knob while getting bummed by Muhammad…

    No cutting off breasts then?

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #22 - November 19, 2008, 10:42 PM

    I don’t hate them to the point of extirpating them! Tongue

    "At 8:47 I do a grenade jump off a ladder."
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #23 - November 19, 2008, 11:08 PM

    I don’t hate them to the point of extirpating them! Tongue

    To what point then, gagging, puking, crying?

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #24 - November 20, 2008, 12:20 AM

    Uh, there are like four female authored apostate blogs out there...

    Who all is there (of female ex-muslim bloggers)?

    I know there is Anisah, Hafidha, Chickpea... Who else?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #25 - November 20, 2008, 02:02 AM

    I don’t hate them to the point of extirpating them! Tongue

    To what point then, gagging, puking, crying?

    I’ll gag YOU in minute…

    "At 8:47 I do a grenade jump off a ladder."
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #26 - November 20, 2008, 08:30 AM

    I don’t hate them to the point of extirpating them! Tongue

    To what point then, gagging, puking, crying?

    I’ll gag YOU in minute…

    FReaky dude.

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #27 - November 20, 2008, 03:25 PM

    Uh, there are like four female authored apostate blogs out there...

    Who all is there (of female ex-muslim bloggers)?

    I know there is Anisah, Hafidha, Chickpea... Who else?

    theres more:

    "the apostate", "Kafirgirl", "sistajee", "jasmine", "ambreen" i've seen more too, just can't remember names, there are about 160 out there maybe over, although the majority of them are pro-feminism and ex Muslim Pakistani girls.

    There are also ex Muslim guys, more so then females, just less organized, I would love to work with someone like MN, but his been banned from here, cant find him.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #28 - November 20, 2008, 03:27 PM

    MN? I don't see what the problem is in being 'pro-feminine'?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Apostate blog, males...
     Reply #29 - November 20, 2008, 03:54 PM

    MN? I don't see what the problem is in being 'pro-feminine'?

    Metaphysical Naturalist. Top guy, really intelligent. Read my blog then you'll know why.
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