I would like to introduce myself, and pose a question to you all.
Would you rather not be an ex-muslim, in the sense that you would rather not be an ex-anything, and instead identify yourself with
who you are, instead of
who you were? Does anyone see it as something to be proud of?
Is it even a choice? This would definitely depend on each persons situation. A christian who converts to Islam, for example, would find it much easier to disassociate themselves from the religion than a person who has lived underneath it for a very long time. What is it like for you?
I have not been a practicing Muslim for a long time. However, I still live within an Islamic family. Most of my friends know me as a Muslim. Very few people know what I truly believe and I find it difficult to open up to anyone about it. My name is Mohamed, so I doubt I will ever be able to truly get rid of the Muslim label. No, I don't have any plans in changing my name, as I am proud of what I have achieved underneath it. My biggest fear of opening up would most probably be hurting my parents, whom I love very much.