Yes, sorry. I knew I'd forgotten somebody, Zaephon is on there now too.
I smell conspiracy.
No conspiracy. According to Article III, Sec. 1 of the Constitution and By-Laws nominees must accept the nomination within 3.5 minutes. Since no one accepted their nominations in a timely fashion, President Berberella and VP Cheetah convened a special meeting at midnight in Belfast, per Article III, Sec. 3(c). Hesperado was nominated and seconded, and, there being no other nominations, the nominations were closed at 12:05 by unanimous vote. A motion was then made, seconded and approved to have Recording Secretary Osmanthus cast one ballot in the name of Hesperado, who was then elected by acclimation.
So, as you can see, everything was legit and by the book. I, for one, welcome our new PoTM overlord, Hesperado.