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 Topic: Disprove evolution for money

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  • Disprove evolution for money
     OP - November 25, 2008, 08:05 AM

    IS INCREASED TO 100,000 YTL![

    •   The competitors of the competition “Why Is the Theory of Evolution Invalid?” held by Science Research Foundation had some righteous demands, stating that given the too many dilemmas of Darwinism, 15 pages is too short for their essays and that the time is inadequate.  
    •   Upon these requests, some changes have been made on the rules of the competition and the GREAT PRIZE IS INCREASED. Entries which will be hand-written on A4 paper will NOT EXCEED 60 PAGES IN LENGTH AND NOT BE LESS THAN 30 PAGES.

    •   The competition will include two stages. In this first stage of the competition, the prize of the winning contestant is increased to 25,000 YTL. Therunner-up will receive 15,000 YTL and the third prize-winning contestant will receive 10,000 YTL.  
    •   In the second stage of the competition, the winning contestant will receive a prize of 100,000 YTL, the runner-up 50,000 YTL and the third prize-winning contestant 25,000 YTL.

    •   In the first stage of the competition, contestants will send to our foundation their essays containing comprehensive and convincing information on the subject of all the Darwinist dilemmas that prove the invalidity of evolution, of the kind summarized below. The first 1000 entries received will be considered.

    •   The contestants will send their theses to the following address of the foundation by mail: Cakıraga mah. Katip M?slihittin sok. Saglam İshanı No.3 D.12-13 Aksaray/İstanbul. The last day to receive the essays is extended until 18 October 2009.

    •   In the second stage of the contest, the scientific essays reaching our foundation will be evaluated by academicians who are experts on the subject and 100 contestants will be entitled to take part in the final.

    •   The final competition will be held on 6 December 2009, Sunday at a location which will be announced later with the participation of the 100 contestants that are selected by the jury. The contestants will be asked to answer a test consisting of 80 questions.

    •   The winners will receive their checks at an award ceremony on 28 December 2009.

    •   The purpose of this competition is to raise young people’s awareness of Darwinism, which has inflicted immense damage on mankind and to put them on their guard against this terrible fraud in science.    

    (1) Life cannot emerge by chance...
    Proteins are complex molecules that both constitute the building blocks of living cells and also perform very important tasks within the cell. The odds that an average protein molecule forms by chance have been calculated as “1 in 10950, a figure that far exceeds human imagination. In mathematical terms, this figure represents a probability of “zero.”

    (2) There is not a single intermediate fossil…
    Although some 100 million fossils belonging to 250,000 separate species have to date been unearthed, not one supports Darwinism. All the fossils discovered belong to fully formed and complete life forms. However, if evolutionists’ claims were true then a great many out of so many fossils should belong to “intermediate life forms,” but not a single one actually does.

    (3) “Living fossils” are a response to evolutionary myths...
    Living fossils are proofs that refute the theory of evolution’s claim of “gradual development” in a particularly striking way. The reason why these are known as “living fossils” is that despite being hundreds of millions of years old, they are identical to specimens living today. There are living fossils belonging to a great many species, from ants to trees, and from bats to sharks. This represents definitive documentation that evolution never happened in natural history.

    (4) The unimaginable information in DNA…The information regarding all a person’s characteristics, from their physical appearance to the structure of their internal organs, is recorded in a special coding system inside DNA. If we were to put down this genetic information in DNA on paper, we would have to construct a giant library of 900 volumes containing 500 pages each. This unimaginable quantity of information is encoded in the parts of DNA known as “genes.” It is an absolute fact that DNA cannot form by chance.

    (5) Organs with irreducible complexity...
    Irreducible complexity is a feature that invalidates the claim of gradual development lying at the heart of the theory of evolution. For example, eyes and wings possess irreducible complexity. It is impossible for the structures such as the tear gland, retina and iris, that together comprise the eye, to come into being individually in stages. That is because sight will only take place when all the components making up the eye are present and fully formed. The same thing applies to the wing.

    (6) All the variety of life on Earth appeared suddenly 530 million years ago...
    Nearly all the phyla (Mollusca, Chordata and similar categories) emerged in the Cambrian Period, 530 million years ago. Only one or two phyla existed in the Pre-Cambrian, whereas more than 50 emerged suddenly in the Cambrian in various regions of the world. Pre-Cambrian life forms had only very simple bodily forms, while those from the Cambrian were incomparably complex. For example, there is no difference between the eye of the trilobite, a life form that emerged in the Cambrian, and the eyes of present-day life forms.

    (7) Reptiles are not the ancestors of birds...
    Evolutionists are no longer able to point to Archaeopteryx as an intermediate form between reptiles and birds. Investigations of fossils have shown that the creature is not a transitional form, but rather an extinct species of bird with slightly different characteristics to those of present-day birds. The presence of a breastbone (sternum) proving it had powerful flight muscles and an asymmetrical feather structure identical to that in present-day birds show that this animal was able to fly perfectly well.

    (Cool Fish did not move onto the land...
    Evolutionists once used to point to the coelacanth as evidence for the myth of a transition from water to dry land. It was thought that the coelacanth was an intermediate life form between fish and amphibians. However, a “living” coelacanth was caught in the Indian Ocean in 1938. More than 200 other specimens have been caught to date. Analysis of living coelacanths has revealed that the animal is a flawless fish, and that all the previous conjecture based on fossil remains is completely false.

    (9) Mutations cannot form new species...
    Mutations are breakages and dislocations, caused by radiation or chemical effects, in the DNA molecule located in the nucleus of the living cell and that carries genetic information. DNA has a highly complex structure. For that reason, any random change arising in this molecule can only damage it. Mutations usually lead to irreparable damage, deformity and even death. People subjected to the tragedies of Hiroshima, Nagasaki or Chernobyl are living indications of this. The claim that mutations are an evolutionary mechanism is proof of the dilemma facing the theory of evolution.

    For information:


    The sheer desperation to disprove evolution sinks to an all time low.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #1 - November 25, 2008, 08:08 AM

    Anybody who could really disprove evolution wouldn't need to piss around with Harhun Yahya, they would make instant fame and fortune by publishing their work in mainstream science outlets. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #2 - November 25, 2008, 08:29 AM

    So what he is saying is that despite having tried for years and years he still hasn't been able to disprove evolution.
    Ok, so this is news?  Cheesy

    Oh and this:

    (2) There is not a single intermediate fossil?
    Although some 100 million fossils belonging to 250,000 separate species have to date been unearthed, not one supports Darwinism. All the fossils discovered belong to fully formed and complete life forms. However, if evolutionists? claims were true then a great many out of so many fossils should belong to ?intermediate life forms,? but not a single one actually does.

    is phenomenally stupid. Of course all fossils belonged to fully formed critters, unless you are talking about fossilised embryos. Anyone who expects dinosaurs to have been hopping around on one leg is completely off in tinfoil hat land.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #3 - November 25, 2008, 08:31 AM

    It's not news, it's an opportunity to make some money lol  Cheesy

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #4 - November 25, 2008, 08:34 AM

    Come to think of it if someone is going to take his money it might as well be us. Given the "standard" of the rubbish that passes for most creationist literature it shouldn't be too hard to make a few quid out of this. Hmmmmm.


    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #5 - November 25, 2008, 09:11 AM

    So what he is saying is that despite having tried for years and years he still hasn't been able to disprove evolution.
    Ok, so this is news?  Cheesy

    Oh and this:

    (2) There is not a single intermediate fossil?
    Although some 100 million fossils belonging to 250,000 separate species have to date been unearthed, not one supports Darwinism. All the fossils discovered belong to fully formed and complete life forms. However, if evolutionists? claims were true then a great many out of so many fossils should belong to ?intermediate life forms,? but not a single one actually does.

    is phenomenally stupid. Of course all fossils belonged to fully formed critters, unless you are talking about fossilised embryos. Anyone who expects dinosaurs to have been hopping around on one leg is completely off in tinfoil hat land.

    Got to admit, even though I;m not up on the details of evolution, this one also seemed far out there to me lol I would expect any animal/species that lives to be fully formed, even if it is a missing link type animal.  Cheesy

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #6 - November 25, 2008, 09:57 AM

    Creationists are the missing link between us and gibbons. grin12

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #7 - November 25, 2008, 10:06 AM

    I don't understand, why do creationist persist on disproving evolution?
    God and evolution can co-exist. Evolution can be just a mechanism by which God used to cause diverse life forms.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #8 - November 25, 2008, 10:11 AM

    I don't understand, why do creationist persist on disproving evolution?
    God and evolution can co-exist. Evolution can be just a mechanism by which God used to cause diverse life forms.

    Because creationists are literalist and evolution disproves a literal reading of creationist dogma.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #9 - November 25, 2008, 11:27 AM

     Cheesy They're not going to get anywhere with those arguments.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #10 - November 25, 2008, 11:31 AM

    OMG, I've just seen this....

    (5) Organs with irreducible complexity...
    Irreducible complexity is a feature that invalidates the claim of gradual development lying at the heart of the theory of evolution. For example, eyes and wings possess irreducible complexity. It is impossible for the structures such as the tear gland, retina and iris, that together comprise the eye, to come into being individually in stages. That is because sight will only take place when all the components making up the eye are present and fully formed. The same thing applies to the wing.

    Ha ha ha ha.   banghead Blonde Snap out of it

    How can anyone take that fool seriously?

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #11 - November 25, 2008, 01:12 PM

    Does anyone here have HY's 'Atlas of Creation'...I would love to have one (for novelty value). They send 1000s of these to people all over the world (unsolicited but for free) a few years ago...

    Everytime "science" (which is falsely called so), "discovers" something new, evolutionists have to go back and change some parts of one of their theories. Amazingly enough, no scientific discovery has ever caused Biblical creationists to have to change their stand.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #12 - November 25, 2008, 01:37 PM

    Does anyone here have HY's 'Atlas of Creation'...I would love to have one (for novelty value). They send 1000s of these to people all over the world (unsolicited but for free) a few years ago...

    Your son will like it, glossy pictures on animals  Smiley
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #13 - November 25, 2008, 02:42 PM

    I don't understand, why do creationist persist on disproving evolution?
    God and evolution can co-exist. Evolution can be just a mechanism by which God used to cause diverse life forms.

    So You don't believe in creation?

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #14 - November 25, 2008, 02:43 PM

    I don't understand, why do creationist persist on disproving evolution?
    God and evolution can co-exist. Evolution can be just a mechanism by which God used to cause diverse life forms.

    So You don't believe in creation?

    Nopes, why should I?  Smiley
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #15 - November 25, 2008, 03:21 PM

    I don't understand, why do creationist persist on disproving evolution?
    God and evolution can co-exist. Evolution can be just a mechanism by which God used to cause diverse life forms.

    Because creationists are literalist and evolution disproves a literal reading of creationist dogma.

    L2bcalm: You just made a perfectly comfortable explanation/justification for both sides to co-exist.

    Unfortunately, not all comfortable explanations pass when it comes to what the books actually wrote. In Genesis for example, it got the order by which the world was created very very wrong, and the mistakes were so often and quite blatant.

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #16 - November 25, 2008, 03:29 PM

    I don't understand, why do creationist persist on disproving evolution?
    God and evolution can co-exist. Evolution can be just a mechanism by which God used to cause diverse life forms.

    So You don't believe in creation?

    Nopes, why should I?  Smiley

    So, isn't 'used to cause diverse life forms' the same thing?

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #17 - November 25, 2008, 03:30 PM

    OK, thanks. I get your point.

    I don't understand, why do creationist persist on disproving evolution?
    God and evolution can co-exist. Evolution can be just a mechanism by which God used to cause diverse life forms.

    Because creationists are literalist and evolution disproves a literal reading of creationist dogma.

    L2bcalm: You just made a perfectly comfortable explanation/justification for both sides to co-exist.

    Unfortunately, not all comfortable explanations pass when it comes to what the books actually wrote. In Genesis for example, it got the order by which the world was created very very wrong, and the mistakes were so often and quite blatant.

  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #18 - November 25, 2008, 03:32 PM

    Sorry, I am thick. I don't get you. I don't believe in literal creationism of any sort, like YHWH creating world in 6 days, or Vishnu creating in his breaths or a tribal god of some tribe creating it.

    But, I am not atheist. I believe in God and he just nature runs by itself and I don't think humans are some special creatures.

    I don't understand, why do creationist persist on disproving evolution?
    God and evolution can co-exist. Evolution can be just a mechanism by which God used to cause diverse life forms.

    So You don't believe in creation?

    Nopes, why should I?  Smiley

    So, isn't 'used to cause diverse life forms' the same thing?

  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #19 - November 25, 2008, 03:36 PM

    As I remember, you said you were from a Hindu background. Isn't Hinduism,  Animism+belief in a higher deity?

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #20 - November 25, 2008, 03:43 PM

    As I remember, you said you were from a Hindu background. Isn't Hinduism,  Animism+belief in a higher deity?

    I am unaware of animism. Let me look into it.

    So at one level Hinduism has millions of gods (last I heared was 330 million ).
    At philosophical level, Hinduism believes that only pure conciousness exists and the universe and different organism are manifestation of it. That conciousness is known as brahman/God, and it let nature runs it own course.

    I don't go to temple etc. but I can't get rid of all the beliefs completely. But, I never had any issues with evolution.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #21 - November 26, 2008, 08:46 AM

    Sorry, I am thick. I don't get you. I don't believe in literal creationism of any sort, like YHWH creating world in 6 days, or Vishnu creating in his breaths or a tribal god of some tribe creating it.

    But, I am not atheist. I believe in God and he just nature runs by itself and I don't think humans are some special creatures.

     I think you will find that probably most scientists have not much problems with your Deist-like theism.

    (Orthodox) believers however....

    Everytime "science" (which is falsely called so), "discovers" something new, evolutionists have to go back and change some parts of one of their theories. Amazingly enough, no scientific discovery has ever caused Biblical creationists to have to change their stand.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #22 - November 29, 2008, 02:05 AM

    Does anyone here have HY's 'Atlas of Creation'...I would love to have one (for novelty value). They send 1000s of these to people all over the world (unsolicited but for free) a few years ago...

    Hi Phedippedes

    I got an e-mail a couple a month ago (why I have no clue, the only way they could have known my e-mail was if they read my danish blog), but it seems that you might be able to get a copy free if you are interested in giving Oktar an interview Smiley (or perhaps just get a free copy)

    Dear Sir,

    I'd like to offer you a special report or an interview with the prominent Muslim scholar Mr. Adnan Oktar. Mr. Oktar would like to deliver his unheard and important views through this interview.

    As you might already know, Mr. Adnan Oktar ( is also known with the pseudonym Mr. Harun Yahya and he is the author of over 250 books which are read by millions of people. He is widely known for his book "Atlas of Creation" which had also been discussed in the European Council. And he has been in the focus of European media and the Parliaments of European countries for the last 1.5 years especially in France, Belgium, Denmark etc. In 2008 the repercussions of the book still continues and the mainstream media in Europe and USA closely follow the recent distributions of "Atlas of Creation" at the moment.
    Mr. Oktar is known as the leader of Islamic creationism in the European and North American countries. His opinions are very effective on both Muslims and non-Muslims all over the world. His works are available in 57 languages.
    For his biography, please kindly visit the below link:

    Mr. Oktar has given many interviews, a few of which are below:
    Qatar-Al Jazeera Interview:
    German ARD TV Interview:
    France Le Monde Interview:

    And for many more:

    We will be very pleased if we could also make this interview with you. As the interviewer, you may decide on the subjects according to your questions. And he is open to all of your questions in any aspect. (creationism&Darwinism, religion, science, politics, economy and other social problems, Islam, Christianity, Judaism and other religions, Turkish politics, his views about US and Europe, European Union, Middle East problems, Islamic Union, terror, atheist Zionism, Freemasonry, his works and the psychological war he faced throughout his life etc.)

    Please do not hesitate to ask your further questions. If you can send a postal address, we can send a copy of his famous book ?Atlas of Creation? as well.

    Awaiting your soonest reply.

    Best regards,
    Ms. Seda Aral (Science Research Foundation)
    TURKEY, Istanbul
    Emails :
    Tel: +90 530 609 26 32
    +90 535 8609487
    Skype name: seda_aral

  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #23 - November 30, 2008, 12:07 PM

    Does anyone here have HY's 'Atlas of Creation'...I would love to have one (for novelty value). They send 1000s of these to people all over the world (unsolicited but for free) a few years ago...

    Hi Phedippedes

    I got an e-mail a couple a month ago (why I have no clue, the only way they could have known my e-mail was if they read my danish blog), but it seems that you might be able to get a copy free if you are interested in giving Oktar an interview Smiley (or perhaps just get a free copy)

    Hej Soren,

    thanks for the tip! If it costs them money and I get a creationist souvenir at the same time...I'm game!

    Everytime "science" (which is falsely called so), "discovers" something new, evolutionists have to go back and change some parts of one of their theories. Amazingly enough, no scientific discovery has ever caused Biblical creationists to have to change their stand.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #24 - December 01, 2008, 10:50 PM

    Hi Phedippedes

    I got an e-mail a couple a month ago (why I have no clue, the only way they could have known my e-mail was if they read my danish blog), but it seems that you might be able to get a copy free if you are interested in giving Oktar an interview Smiley (or perhaps just get a free copy)

    Hej Soren,

    thanks for the tip! If it costs them money and I get a creationist souvenir at the same time...I'm game!

    Your are very welcome. I have thought of asking for one to press flowers and plants when my boy gets in age where he thinks that is fun Wink So far I heard it's huge and heavy.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #25 - December 01, 2008, 11:28 PM

    What a dumbass, and where is he going to get this money from? thats like in trillions!
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #26 - December 01, 2008, 11:32 PM

    I actually have the Atlas of Creation.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #27 - December 02, 2008, 12:37 AM

    I actually have the Atlas of Creation.

    Lol.  Post bits of it so we can take the piss. Cheesy

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #28 - December 02, 2008, 01:34 AM

    I actually have the Atlas of Creation.

    Lol.  Post bits of it so we can take the piss. Cheesy

    It says it is the full text.  I know Pheds wants it in a book, but for anyone wanting a laugh you can read it at the above link lol.  dance

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Disprove evolution for money
     Reply #29 - December 05, 2008, 12:58 AM

    I actually have the Atlas of Creation.

    Lol.  Post bits of it so we can take the piss. Cheesy

    Its already on the net, see berbs post.
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