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 Topic: Attacks in Mumbai

 (Read 14141 times)
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  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #60 - November 29, 2008, 10:34 AM

    We seem to forget that Union Carbide killed more Indians
    than John Wayne. dance

    There will be no white flag above our door
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #61 - November 29, 2008, 11:11 AM

    I'm sorry you're off Neil. I've really enjoyed reading your views and I don't think you've gone off at a rant at all.
    You have a gentle voice of reason that this forum needs. Maybe, a few weeks down the line you'll stage a dramatically understated return?

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #62 - November 30, 2008, 08:35 AM

    We seem to forget that Union Carbide killed more Indians
    than John Wayne. dance

    True true but Bhopal doesn't validate the one sided politics of the anti imperialist left and it doesn't explain the racist Jewish conspiracy mumbo jumbo. In my humble opinion the idea that capitalism (which is a fact of life), corporations and the Western liberal democracies are the bad guys is utter tosh.
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #63 - November 30, 2008, 08:52 AM

    I remember doing a party in Glastonbury and being harassed by leftist hippies because the venue was selling Nestle water. We were capitalist scum for charging on the door and fellow travelers of Nazis for selling Nestle water and all of this from nutters who charge good money for bad science like tarot readings, chakra polishing and other foolishness

    You can't make this shit up. 


    They cry blue murder when any wrong doing is done by a Western government or corporation but seek to understand, accommodate or shift the blame onto the crimes of empire when genocide is committed by racist Africans, Arabs or Asians.

    The anti imperialist left are hypocritical fuckers and their world view is a joke.

    Infact they are the real racists who gladly demonise the stupid white men in power, pour scorn on the white working class and hold ethnic minorities to a lower standard of morality than the rest of humanity. Douchbags
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #64 - November 30, 2008, 10:19 AM

    We seem to forget that Union Carbide killed more Indians
    than John Wayne. dance

    True true but Bhopal doesn't validate the one sided politics of the anti imperialist left and it doesn't explain the racist Jewish conspiracy mumbo jumbo. In my humble opinion the idea that capitalism (which is a fact of life), corporations and the Western liberal democracies are the bad guys is utter tosh.

    You don't think that corporations, or Western liberal democracies have caused their fair share of death and destruction in the world?
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #65 - November 30, 2008, 12:48 PM

    We seem to forget that Union Carbide killed more Indians
    than John Wayne. dance

    True true but Bhopal doesn't validate the one sided politics of the anti imperialist left and it doesn't explain the racist Jewish conspiracy mumbo jumbo. In my humble opinion the idea that capitalism (which is a fact of life), corporations and the Western liberal democracies are the bad guys is utter tosh.

    You don't think that corporations, or Western liberal democracies have caused their fair share of death and destruction in the world?

    Yes but they are hardly equivalent to fascistic regimes. Yes they are out for profit and can be totally unethical but they are by no stretch of the imagination the all powerful evil entities that many people think they are.

    For the most part corporations try their hardest not to get bad press so they don't as a rule deal in death and destruction but when they do they are usually responding to the demands of the consumers. So we all carry some guilt.

    I don't argue that corporations and pharmaceutical companies are totally benign but they are not malevolent either.
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #66 - November 30, 2008, 08:24 PM

    We seem to forget that Union Carbide killed more Indians
    than John Wayne. dance

    True true but Bhopal doesn't validate the one sided politics of the anti imperialist left and it doesn't explain the racist Jewish conspiracy mumbo jumbo. In my humble opinion the idea that capitalism (which is a fact of life), corporations and the Western liberal democracies are the bad guys is utter tosh.

    You don't think that corporations, or Western liberal democracies have caused their fair share of death and destruction in the world?

    Yes but they are hardly equivalent to fascistic regimes. Yes they are out for profit and can be totally unethical but they are by no stretch of the imagination the all powerful evil entities that many people think they are.

    For the most part corporations try their hardest not to get bad press so they don't as a rule deal in death and destruction but when they do they are usually responding to the demands of the consumers. So we all carry some guilt.

    I don't argue that corporations and pharmaceutical companies are totally benign but they are not malevolent either.

    I think that'd be of little consolation to the many (many, many) who've lost family memebers and loved ones to brutal regimes put in place by Western govt's, or to Western armies directly.
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #67 - December 01, 2008, 12:25 AM

    We seem to forget that Union Carbide killed more Indians
    than John Wayne. dance

    True true but Bhopal doesn't validate the one sided politics of the anti imperialist left and it doesn't explain the racist Jewish conspiracy mumbo jumbo. In my humble opinion the idea that capitalism (which is a fact of life), corporations and the Western liberal democracies are the bad guys is utter tosh.

    You don't think that corporations, or Western liberal democracies have caused their fair share of death and destruction in the world?

    Yes but they are hardly equivalent to fascistic regimes. Yes they are out for profit and can be totally unethical but they are by no stretch of the imagination the all powerful evil entities that many people think they are.

    For the most part corporations try their hardest not to get bad press so they don't as a rule deal in death and destruction but when they do they are usually responding to the demands of the consumers. So we all carry some guilt.

    I don't argue that corporations and pharmaceutical companies are totally benign but they are not malevolent either.

    "All-powerful evil entities"

    If they are all-powerful, they will not be evil. I agree that they are *not* all-powerful, I also agree that they are not inherently evil. However they are constantly duking it out with either their suppliers either their customers, and will often (always?) do whatever they have to do to survive using whatever rules we enforce on them.

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #68 - December 02, 2008, 03:20 PM

    Watch this video at this link

    I was not blessed with the ability to have blind faith. I cant beleive something just because someone says its true.
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #69 - December 02, 2008, 03:23 PM

    No longer available
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #70 - December 02, 2008, 05:20 PM

    We seem to forget that Union Carbide killed more Indians
    than John Wayne. dance

    True true but Bhopal doesn't validate the one sided politics of the anti imperialist left and it doesn't explain the racist Jewish conspiracy mumbo jumbo. In my humble opinion the idea that capitalism (which is a fact of life), corporations and the Western liberal democracies are the bad guys is utter tosh.

    You don't think that corporations, or Western liberal democracies have caused their fair share of death and destruction in the world?

    Yes but they are hardly equivalent to fascistic regimes. Yes they are out for profit and can be totally unethical but they are by no stretch of the imagination the all powerful evil entities that many people think they are.

    For the most part corporations try their hardest not to get bad press so they don't as a rule deal in death and destruction but when they do they are usually responding to the demands of the consumers. So we all carry some guilt.

    I don't argue that corporations and pharmaceutical companies are totally benign but they are not malevolent either.

    I think that'd be of little consolation to the many (many, many) who've lost family memebers and loved ones to brutal regimes put in place by Western govt's, or to Western armies directly.

    I no longer believe that these people are 'placed'. Most of the 'placed' leaders were placed before WWII and were mostly killed and replaced by their own population within 30-40yrs. The Western 'placed' democracy in Iraq ended in the mid seventies for example. The West stopped getting into the business of placing leaders couple decades ago and instead shifted to accomodating whatever garbage regime they get at the other end of the table.

    My opinion applies even in South America although S.America is a decade or Two behind as Reagan was still trying long after Europe gave up.

    It is not like those countries are average or even slightly below average examples of good management and productive cultures. The countries are mismanaged at every possible level. From individual schools, to Banks. At best you are going to choose the 'pick of the litter', but you are still going to pick something from a litter.

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #71 - December 02, 2008, 06:51 PM

    No longer available

    Copy this and remove any spaces between ? and videoId

    I was not blessed with the ability to have blind faith. I cant beleive something just because someone says its true.
  • Re: Attacks in Mumbai
     Reply #72 - December 09, 2008, 03:10 PM

    my apologies to Pakistan and Pakistanis - It was America that did it

     Cheesy Cheesy

    I was not blessed with the ability to have blind faith. I cant beleive something just because someone says its true.
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