Why would you want to do that? honestly why would you want to do that? I don't even shake hands or celebrate birthdays, are any anniversaries or special occasions, its all pagan irrational bullshit. The concept of hand shakes is a pagan act! even the concept of greetings, hugging, kissing, having "family" dinner is all pagan. I don't even eat with my family anymore, my mom gets pissed off when I don't turn up, but forget that pagan shit. And your going to be putting up a Christmas tree.
Well I love the festivity of it all, If I was more organised I would even celebrate a whole load of other pagan festivals just because it's fun. Life is about celebration Tut, joy and enjoyment. I love festivities that give me an excuse to show people I care about how I feel about them, because most of the time I rarely show my caring side IRL. I;m too closed off to be expressive and in Christmas I get a shove to do just that.

Valentines day for instance in the one day of the year where I would actually make a fuss over a man I cared for, and go all out to shower them with love and affection because it's ok to do so lol
You have to enjoy your moments KT, because the rest of the year pretty much sucks.
(I;m splitting these posts off)