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 Topic: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)

 (Read 10612 times)
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  • Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     OP - December 01, 2008, 08:23 PM

    Already??  Its not even December.

    Eh  Huh?, is Ireland in a warp time zone? , it's the 1st of December lol I was too excited to wait any longer  Tongue

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Forced To Marry - BBC Documentary
     Reply #1 - December 01, 2008, 08:30 PM

    Already??  Its not even December.

    Eh  Huh?, is Ireland in a warp time zone? , it's the 1st of December lol I was too excited to wait any longer  Tongue

    Holy crap.  I must be in warp time or something, I thought it was still November.   wacko

    Anyway, its still too early.  Its more fun to do it all on Christmas Eve. Tongue

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Forced To Marry - BBC Documentary
     Reply #2 - December 01, 2008, 08:32 PM

    Last hijacking post, I will be far too drunk on xmas eve lol

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Forced To Marry - BBC Documentary
     Reply #3 - December 01, 2008, 11:40 PM

    Darn it, I missed it, I was putting up the Christmas tree.  parrot

    Why would you want to do that? honestly why would you want to do that? I don't even shake hands or celebrate birthdays, are any anniversaries or special occasions, its all pagan irrational bullshit. The concept of hand shakes is a pagan act! even the concept of greetings, hugging, kissing, having "family" dinner is all pagan. I don't even eat with my family anymore, my mom gets pissed off when I don't turn up, but forget that pagan shit. And your going to be putting up a Christmas tree. 
  • Re: Forced To Marry - BBC Documentary
     Reply #4 - December 02, 2008, 12:19 AM

    Why would you want to do that? honestly why would you want to do that? I don't even shake hands or celebrate birthdays, are any anniversaries or special occasions, its all pagan irrational bullshit. The concept of hand shakes is a pagan act! even the concept of greetings, hugging, kissing, having "family" dinner is all pagan. I don't even eat with my family anymore, my mom gets pissed off when I don't turn up, but forget that pagan shit. And your going to be putting up a Christmas tree. 

    Well I love the festivity of it all, If I was more organised I would even celebrate a whole load of other pagan festivals just because it's fun.  Life is about celebration Tut, joy and enjoyment.  I love festivities that give me an excuse to show people I care about how I feel about them, because most of the time I rarely show my caring side IRL.  I;m too closed off to be expressive and in Christmas I get a shove to do just that.  bunny

    Valentines day for instance in the one day of the year where I would actually make a fuss over a man I cared for, and go all out to shower them with love and affection because it's ok to do so lol

    You have to enjoy your moments KT, because the rest of the year pretty much sucks.

    (I;m splitting these posts off)

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #5 - December 02, 2008, 12:34 AM

    Why would you want to do that? honestly why would you want to do that?

    Because its fun.  That's a good enough reason, especially when she has three kids in the house. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Forced To Marry - BBC Documentary
     Reply #6 - December 02, 2008, 12:49 AM

    Why would you want to do that? honestly why would you want to do that? I don't even shake hands or celebrate birthdays, are any anniversaries or special occasions, its all pagan irrational bullshit. The concept of hand shakes is a pagan act! even the concept of greetings, hugging, kissing, having "family" dinner is all pagan. I don't even eat with my family anymore, my mom gets pissed off when I don't turn up, but forget that pagan shit. And your going to be putting up a Christmas tree. 

    Well I love the festivity of it all, If I was more organised I would even celebrate a whole load of other pagan festivals just because it's fun.  Life is about celebration Tut, joy and enjoyment.  I love festivities that give me an excuse to show people I care about how I feel about them, because most of the time I rarely show my caring side IRL.  I;m too closed off to be expressive and in Christmas I get a shove to do just that.  bunny

    Valentines day for instance in the one day of the year where I would actually make a fuss over a man I cared for, and go all out to shower them with love and affection because it's ok to do so lol

    You have to enjoy your moments KT, because the rest of the year pretty much sucks.

    (I;m splitting these posts off)

     banana dance banana dance banana dance hugs

    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I remain.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #7 - December 02, 2008, 01:01 AM

    This is going to be my first Christmas...and I'm so excited to put the tree up! My boyfriend keeps telling me to wait, because apparently it goes up about 12 days before xmas....I wanna do it nowwww.
  • Re: Forced To Marry - BBC Documentary
     Reply #8 - December 02, 2008, 01:29 AM

    banana dance banana dance banana dance hugs

     bunny bunny bunny  Tongue  bunny bunny bunny

    This is going to be my first Christmas...and I'm so excited to put the tree up! My boyfriend keeps telling me to wait, because apparently it goes up about 12 days before xmas....I wanna do it nowwww.

    Just do it, sod waiting lol I have.  The tree is up and decorated, the lights are all over the windows (even if I am the only house on the street glwoing already  Cheesy).  Tomorrow we make the paper chains and put them up and tinsel around the door frame lol I'm really in the mood for it this year.

    Got my sis and her kids plus hubby coming over for christmas dinner.

    Just go for it, tell him next year you will do it traditionally but this year you are too excited.  bunny

    Why would you want to do that? honestly why would you want to do that?

    Because its fun.  That's a good enough reason, especially when she has three kids in the house. 

    Exactly lol the kids are really excited.  parrot

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #9 - December 02, 2008, 01:52 AM

    I enjoy doing things for people I like, and giving presents. Making food, homemade eggnog, mulled wine.

    Trying new whiskey...

    Gaining thirty pounds... parrot banana dance banana dance bunny bunny banana dance banana dance parrot


    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I remain.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #10 - December 02, 2008, 02:27 AM

    I enjoy doing things for people I like, and giving presents. Making food, homemade eggnog, mulled wine.

    Trying new whiskey...

    Gaining thirty pounds... parrot banana dance banana dance bunny bunny banana dance banana dance parrot


    It's a really satisfying feeling to see the pleasure in their faces when they unwrap their present and see what you've bought them isn't it?


    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #11 - December 02, 2008, 03:58 AM

    Mhmmm.  grin12

    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I remain.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #12 - December 02, 2008, 07:05 AM

    I enjoy doing things for people I like, and giving presents. Making food, homemade eggnog, mulled wine.

    Trying new whiskey...

    Gaining thirty pounds... parrot banana dance banana dance bunny bunny banana dance banana dance parrot


    It's a really satisfying feeling to see the pleasure in their faces when they unwrap their present and see what you've bought them isn't it?


    Totally agree.

    Christmas is time for the children regardless of their religion or lack of it.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #13 - December 02, 2008, 09:38 AM

    When I was a kid the excitement was all in the anticipation and it was carefully orchestrated by parents, etc.
    There was bugger all to buy in the shops and you had to go to church alot. So when it happened, it wasn't so much for the prezzies, it was everybody helping out to make our own xmas and the weird experience of seeing all the grown ups having time off work (except your mum).
    Nowadays, it seems to be all about instant gratification and satiation. So me and my best girl do it the old fashioned way. If it's sunny on crimbo day we take a small pack up and a bottle of wine to our local beach and have a picnic and contemplate Nature.
    BUT- this year my step daughter and 3 year old grandson are coming so we're going to do something totally kiddocentric. The tree and decs will be up before they arrive and the joy will be unconfined, at least until he knackers us out.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #14 - December 02, 2008, 02:45 PM

    This is going to be my first Christmas...and I'm so excited to put the tree up! My boyfriend keeps telling me to wait, because apparently it goes up about 12 days before xmas....I wanna do it nowwww.

    I thought it was that you have to take it down before the 12th day.  I think you can put it up whenever you like.  Go for it!
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #15 - December 02, 2008, 02:46 PM

    This is going to be my first Christmas...and I'm so excited to put the tree up! My boyfriend keeps telling me to wait, because apparently it goes up about 12 days before xmas....I wanna do it nowwww.

    I thought it was that you have to take it down before the 12th day.  I think you can put it up whenever you like.  Go for it!

    Why so?
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #16 - December 02, 2008, 02:53 PM

    This is going to be my first Christmas...and I'm so excited to put the tree up! My boyfriend keeps telling me to wait, because apparently it goes up about 12 days before xmas....I wanna do it nowwww.

    I thought it was that you have to take it down before the 12th day.  I think you can put it up whenever you like.  Go for it!

    Why so?

    I think you were originally supposed to party for 12 days but after that 'all good things must come to an end'!
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #17 - December 02, 2008, 03:05 PM

    Oh, Sad...
    I love Christmas. Fun time,  bunny
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #18 - December 03, 2008, 03:20 PM

    This is going to be my first Christmas...and I'm so excited to put the tree up! My boyfriend keeps telling me to wait, because apparently it goes up about 12 days before xmas....I wanna do it nowwww.

    I thought it was that you have to take it down before the 12th day.  I think you can put it up whenever you like.  Go for it!

    Why so?

    thwelfthnight  by shakespeare... the traditional christmas season is between Jesus?birth and the appearance of the three king?s  on 6th of January - twelve days. The time before Christmas is called "Advent" (coming) - spiritual preparation for Jesus?birth, a time for reflection, expectancy etc.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #19 - December 03, 2008, 03:25 PM

    Never heard of that. I thought Advent was the whole month of December, where I take a chocolate from the Advent Calendar counting down 'til Christmas. We always celebrated two Christmas'es in our house, Dec. 25th, and Jan. 7th (Orthodox Christmas), Yeah!

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #20 - December 03, 2008, 03:27 PM

    Never heard of that. I thought Advent was the whole month of December, where I take a chocolate from the Advent Calendar counting down 'til Christmas. We always celebrated two Christmas'es in our house, Dec. 25th, and Jan. 7th (Orthodox Christmas), Yeah!

    Eh... you never noticed, advent calendars end on the 24th? Lol!  Cheesy
    Actually, those calendars are a new invention - like the advent wreath with candles on it to mark one candle more for each week closer to Christmas and Christ - the light of the world!  Afro

    Oh, and one of my favourite feast days is St. Nicholas, on the 6th... the ORIGINAL "Santa" - Bishop Nicholas of Myra. On christmas, it is the christ-child?s day, and thus we get our presents from the christ-child!  cool2
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #21 - December 03, 2008, 03:30 PM

    What r ur special plans Dio?
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #22 - December 03, 2008, 03:33 PM

    Eh... you never noticed, advent calendars end on the 24th? Lol!  Cheesy

    I thought Advent was the whole month of December... counting down 'til Christmas.

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #23 - December 03, 2008, 03:33 PM

    What r ur special plans Dio?

    For christmas? Same as every year - mum?s place for family-meet-up. Only, family will be reduced. My two sisters are married, and won?t be there, so christmas eve (the gift-giving time in Germany) will be rather boring... just a festive dinner (carp, most probably - it?s a fasting day), presents, church, "It?s a beautiful life" on TV, lol.
    Christmas proper probably some cousins visiting...
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #24 - December 03, 2008, 03:34 PM

    Eh... you never noticed, advent calendars end on the 24th? Lol!  Cheesy

    I thought Advent was the whole month of December... counting down 'til Christmas.

    So, it?s not the whole month - duh! And advent proper starts four sundays before christmas, so this year, last sunday was the first advent.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #25 - December 03, 2008, 03:35 PM

    Can't you call ur sis and their husbands and make it more fun?
    Like in diwali we will have atleast 20 ppl or so  Smiley
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #26 - December 03, 2008, 03:36 PM

    Can't you call ur sis and their husbands and make it more fun?
    Like in diwali we will have atleast 20 ppl or so  Smiley

    Well - my one sister lives in the US, and my other sister lives with her husband about three hours away, but her hubby has to work on christmas, so they can?t make it to christmas eve proper - maybe they?ll turn up on boxing day or so.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #27 - December 03, 2008, 03:37 PM

    Ok pardon my ignorance, I never understood the boxing day. Do ppl organize boxing matchrs?
    Can't you call ur sis and their husbands and make it more fun?
    Like in diwali we will have atleast 20 ppl or so  Smiley

    Well - my one sister lives in the US, and my other sister lives with her husband about three hours away, but her hubby has to work on christmas, so they can?t make it to christmas eve proper - maybe they?ll turn up on boxing day or so.

  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #28 - December 03, 2008, 03:38 PM

    Ok pardon my ignorance, I never understood the boxing day. Do ppl organize boxing matchrs?

    LOL! No, certainly not. Usually, we make the rounds, visiting friends and family. dunno why it?s boxing day in English. In German it?s St. Stephen.
  • Re: Celebrating Christmas (already lol)
     Reply #29 - December 03, 2008, 03:41 PM

    I AM looking forward to it all, though. We will sing carols and play with my little niece on christmas eve, the whole house will be quiet, lots of candles and a feeling of mystery. Mum has a HUUUUGE nativity scene that my niece plays with (though she?s not supposed to, lol), and we all eat too much of Mum?s homebaked christmas-special cookies, Stollen-cake and drink too much mulled wine... yay!! If I get lucky, I talk to my beloved in Oz for hours... whithout throwing up in between, on account of a virus, like three years ago, lol.
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