This wiki article is blocked by most UK ISPs: cover of the scorpions band featuring a naked prepubescent girl. Yet they allowed access to Mo cartoons. It's not about the content, the covers very bad indeed, the issue is about censorship how the jipocracy of the west, I would like to see all those fools like Hhichekns, Dawrkins, Sam Harris, Ayan, complain about this censorship, how many of you guys on this website are going to protest this block in the name of freedom of expression?
Firstly I always, contested freedom of expression, am not a fan of it, it needs limitations, now I don't have any demons to fight against, I don't approve of the image just like I did not approve of the image of Mo cartoons. My own humanity is not subjective, its objective. Lets see pepole like Berbs, express concern of the censorship of a naked prepubescent girl featured on a album cover!
Hey Tut, who told you about this link? Whoever did, probably you should not trust him with a position of power over kids. If you know what I mean. Just like I am not trusting whoever told me about this link in this thread. If you still know what I mean.