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 Topic: Savages beating up random people (video)

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  • Savages beating up random people (video)
     OP - December 22, 2008, 11:02 PM

    I came across this video today, and well... it turned my stomach around! Those assaulters are not even animals, they're beasts. How should people such as those be handled?

    Video (isn't a pleasant watch):

    Maybe death penalty isn't such a bad idea after all...? Roll Eyes

    The level of my faith in humanity is at the floor of the deepest ocean.
  • Re: Savages beating up random people (video)
     Reply #1 - December 23, 2008, 12:09 AM

    Yeah, I've seen those kind of videos before, only because I was watching some kind of programme about them.  Teenagers girls and boys attacking random strangers for the fun of it and then uploading their videos to youtube, it's disgusting.  finmad

    I honestly don't get the appeal, I wasn't like that nor do I remember anyone doing that when I was in school.  I know times changed, but this isn't a change for the better, it's revolting.

    People don't help people anymore because they don;t want to be a star in a beating vidoe, which is what will happen to them if they get involved, or killed.

    It's a big thing in the Uk at the moment, first it was happy slapping, and then it was beating the hell out of people for the fucking fun of it.

    Mkaes me so angry and sad.  finmad

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Savages beating up random people (video)
     Reply #2 - December 24, 2008, 12:53 AM

    turned your stomach so you thought that you?d repost it? thanks. Why spread the filth?

    oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, this is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!"
  • Re: Savages beating up random people (video)
     Reply #3 - December 24, 2008, 03:06 AM

    This post is going to be potentially problematic, I don't have any other way of saying what I have to say without the usual risk of being branded racist. If you feel the urge to brand me racist just do a little trick in your mind and substitute the word black for white and if you still think it is racist we can debate that. Also I am in no way branding whole communities but there is a significant problem with a large minority of young black men.

    This is not about race it's about an inability to confront violence for fear of being turned on not only by the thugs but by public opinion and the law.

    If you not only fear a vicious beating or worse but you fear being prosecuted and branded racist by your neighbours are you really going to step in to stop something like this?

    If the police fear being branded racist when it's their job to intervene what chance does a big white man with a shaved head have of being denounced as a nazi for fighting back against these thugs?

    The problem is our culture has been stunted by the Left and it's dogmas.

    The Left might have lost the political and economic battle as Thatcher and Blair swept all before them but the Left won the cultural battle for better and worse.

    For better because we have pushed white racism and to a lesser extent homophobia to the margins of society and we have transformed the police force from a reactionary and brutal old boys club into a politically correct, multicultural force, for the worse because we refuse to confront the racism, bigotry and brazen violence of minorities.

    Instead we make excuses for the thugs and infantalise them by saying that their thuggery is not their fault, it's ours. It's a response to racism, foreign policy and colonialism.

    Also there is the Left wing knee jerk reaction to any police crack down which is to brand it as racist and authoritarian. I remember when Sir Paul Condon said that the majority of street crime was carried out by black youth he was branded as racist when he was doing nothing other than quoting the statistics. The truth hurts but it's still the truth.

    No wonder we have the situation we find ourselves in, where a large minority of black teenagers and young men feel that they can shoot eachother at will and intimidate the wider population without fear.

    We legitimise their violence in our attempt to "Understand why", and we render the police impotent in our scrabble to accuse them of racism.

    What a sorry state of affairs. I have lost count of the amount of times I have heard black parents say they want black youth to be stopped and searched so that their children can walk safely to school but it's white middle class Lefties that oppose any kind of police interference and say that the perpertators are actually the victims of society.

    What bollox, the rude boys I know don't talk about fear of white racists or foreign policy they talk about getting paid and being respected through fear. These boys don't fear white thugs or the police, they fear other black boys.

    They would laugh at the idea that they are in fear of white racists, they are the ones who people fear and they are proud of it.

    They get the urge to be a nasty piece of work through the idea of easy money and the glorification of American and Jamaican ghetto culture not from a fear of persecution from the BNP or as a reaction to slavery.

    The most common excuses for this kind of behavior is fear of being a victim to other black gangs so learning to be just as nasty, self respect (better to be someone who is feared than a pussy working in Tesco or going to school) and money.

    The people who want this shit to end most of all are the black community, it's the black community that suffers most from this culture of thuggery.

    Stabbings, shootings, beatings. Many black boys are targeted by their peers if they do well at school they are coconuts, they are acting white, called pussies and bullied. They either start acting like 50cent or put up with being beaten, robbed and humiliated regularly.

    The black community is full of potential leaders, scientists, politicians, doctors, artists and poets but other black youth stamp on the green shoots of creativity. It's not racist teachers who say "I think you would be better at football, rapping or crime" It's their peers that put this pressure on them. 

    I remember when I was in school in the late 80's and black kids from other schools would come down and rob us "white fools" but I was encouraged by my peers to respect them as bad boys and by adults as victims of society.

    It's no wonder that 20 yrs on we find ourselves in this situation. Sad, really sad.

    If thugs like this get rough treatment from the police it's what they deserve but the police know that they would be condemned so they will politely ask them to accompany them to the police station and caution them.   
  • Re: Savages beating up random people (video)
     Reply #4 - December 24, 2008, 11:02 AM

    There are bullies who wish to be respected and feared across all cultures, you have the yobs (white boys) the ghetto wannabes (blacks, asians, north africans), skinheads (white boys).

    All of these groups will have worser types who enjoy beating on people in groups, it's not just the black boys who do it.

    I've seen videos (in that documentary) in which the gangs were made up of white thugs beating on goths, or any other person who isn't like them.

    Where I grew up it was the blacks with the power, when I lived in Yorkshire it was the whites doing the beatings.

    If you're a bully it won't matter what colour your skin is, you will still be a bully.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Savages beating up random people (video)
     Reply #5 - December 24, 2008, 11:05 AM

    turned your stomach so you thought that you?d repost it? thanks. Why spread the filth?

    For the same reason we repost religious texts, stimulation of debate, sharing of knowledge, shared sympathy, shared awareness of the world, to motivate change through those things.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Savages beating up random people (video)
     Reply #6 - December 24, 2008, 12:35 PM

    I can't comment on the north as I have grown up in London and the black lads have run tings as long as I can remember.

    I agree every community has it's thugs, I know some seriously scary white guys but they tend to be lone nutters and and on the whole they don't have big determined groups to back them up.

    I know there are gangs up North but you have to admit that the violence is more acute in the black community and the pressure to be a gansta is a lot higher for black kids. Partly because there is an identity crisis for young black males. Being a man is not enough and there is almost a cult of hyper masculinity that afflicts many young black males.

    There is a big difference between the way that the white chavs are perceived and dealt with than the way that black thugs are.

    No one complains if a bunch of spotty idiots wearing shell suits get harassed by old bill, if the police went into every Northern estate and busted the heads of all the ignorant thugs no one would shed a tear.

    They have no sympathy as societies underdogs chavs are openly derided, they are ignorant and they have no glamour but there is a glorification of black violence. Lets face it not many people aspire to be chain smoking, Special Brew drinking pasty faced idiots with Argos jewelery hanging around play grounds bullying goths but to be a bad muther from the hood has it's glamour. I know enough white lads who wish they where Yardies.

    Small time black gang culture has this mirage of glamour which is a curse for these lads and society should do everything within it's power to trash this veneer of glamour and save these boys from themselves.

    The terrible thing is this glamour instills a certain amount of respect even from those who abhor violence because there is the added impulse to have sympathy for their circumstance and to absolve them of guilt.

    "It must be poverty and racism that has made them so bad" So they are not mindless thugs but kind of outlaws kicking back at the society that has treated them so badly. So there is an unspoken culture of sympathy and respect for some of the worst elements in our society.

    When many people think about criminals from ethnic minorities they have the misguided and good intentioned urge to treat their ethnic identity as a mitigating circumstance. If this is not racist I don't know what is and it only helps these kids a little further down the road of violence and early death.

    As far as I know thugs in Glasgow or Wakefield don't have a groundswell of hand wringing Left wing sympathy and people ready to make excuses for them.

    Part of the reason why the problem has got so bad is because people are afraid to talk about this problem honestly for fear of being branded racist. I'm trying to be honest, thankyou for not calling me racist.

     parrot thnkyu parrot
  • Re: Savages beating up random people (video)
     Reply #7 - December 24, 2008, 12:52 PM

    Small time black gang culture has this mirage of glamour which is a curse for these lads and society should do everything within it's power to trash this veneer of glamour and save these boys from themselves.

    Absolutely, my brothers have been swallowed by that lifestyle, I actually moved away from them sides when I was 15 and never looked back because I didn't fit in to that culture. 

    But I have lived places where that culture didn't exist and there was still brutality perpetrated by white gangs.  The council estates that exist city to city have a different culture the further up north you go.

    I do agree with alot of your points, about babyfiying thugs by excusing their behaviour and blaming white people for every affliction these "victims" cry about, I just think if you took away the ghetto influence it would eventually be replaced by some next violent youth culture.

    I think this is a part of human behaviour, I think if you look back in history you will see pockets of disgusting behaviour like this all over, under different banners.

    That doesn't mean we stop trying to change it, I'm just realistic to the possibility that it will be out of the frying pan, into the next one and on and on, until we hopefully evolve past it and become deep space explorers and breed all our babies in labs to protect us against stretch marks.   thnkyu

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Savages beating up random people (video)
     Reply #8 - December 24, 2008, 08:12 PM

    turned your stomach so you thought that you?d repost it? thanks. Why spread the filth?

    Well, I originally posted it because... ehm... I just couldn't keep that discovery for myself. I had to get it out somewhere. So maybe it was sort of impulsive.

    Anyways, this also serves as a reminder as to the reality we live in. Even though this particular video is probably from the USA, this kind of stuff happens everywhere. There's a same kind of video from Sweden, though it is much shorter, and at least appeared to be less cruel (make no mistake though, it was cruel).

    I wonder, what damage may those attacked sustain? Any permanent injuries? Any lethal injuries? At least from what can be judged froim the video? Who knows how long it continued after the taping stopped, or what happened then? I don't know much about what kind of damages hits and kickings might give. I've read that they're much more dangerous than many people think, but there are assaults taking place every day, and I think quite far from the majority of them end up in someone being killed. Though it looked like the attackers couldn't care less if those attacked died. For example, the goy in the end, he was already being down on the ground trying to protect his head (it sounded like he vommitted, though it was hard to see anything), and they just keep beating and kicking him. He's already down, what more do they want? The "next step" would be uncouncoiusness or death. Didn't one of them try to turn a fire on him later on? At least it looked so. An attackers was above him, held a little piece with a light flash starting. I could be wrong, though.

    Has any of those incidents been in the news in the area(s) they took place in? One can't be sure that it was the same gang every time, or that it was in the same area all the time - at least I can't now. Surely those attacked must have reported to the police, and if they died, their bodies would have been found.
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