Baal - I am an ex-muslim. I know what you are getting at, but we are all grouped under boxes in one shape or form for all sorts of reasons.
It is how we make sense of the data and the conclusions that we draw, that can be open to criticism e.g. I see no problem with drawing broad conclusions from broad sets of data, it is when we draw specific and definitive conclusions from such data (i.e. one solution fits all) is where we humans can sometimes go wrong.
I do not want to come across that I am completely opposed to the classification of apostates. You being a reasonable person, still want to classify and categorize your surroundings. I am just not clear yet if such a classification will be useful or whether it will be better used by muslims dogging against their apostates.
Maybe it is a good thing, maybe when an apostate comes clean that he left islam because he hated praying 5 times a day and wearing hijab and perhaps likes pork more then he likes muhammad and the sahaba. Maybe then, this apostate will make a strong point and that muslims will not be able to insinuate against him.
i.e. Imran: I left islam because I do not like to pray five times a day, you got a problem with that Mustapha?