Put me down for two and three guys with a heavy leaning on two. I left Islam for a girl and that's the truth. I had been reading Bertrand Russell enough to be nudged in the agnostic direction but it was a girl who pushed me over the fence. Later came the justification for my incredulity.
Thank you for sharing such a personal story, MAB.
Unfortunately, this sincere and open reasoning is simply wrong. Justification could not have come after apostasy.
Why do so many of us put iii) as the main reason? Because until you go through iii) you are a Muslim. If you're influenced by i) you're a bitter Muslim; if you're influenced by ii) you're a wicked non-practicing Muslim, but Muslim non the less. Only when you reach iii) only then you become an Ex-Muslim. Of course it does not mean that i) and ii) had no influence in escaping Islam (as is clear that is does from the quote). One can be an alcoholic, fornicator, but let them receive a 100 lashes and back to the mosque they go sincerely repenting. After iii) one is a doomed munafiq. Any reason besides iii) is not possible as the final nail in the coffin of
apostasy iman.