Yes you definitely make it sound very interesting... and who knows! you could even be right
With all the theories floating about since mankind ventured into philosophical waters, i'm sure
someone has hit on the truth or atleast come close to it.
I do like the concept of us evolving into Gods and that there are many Gods that might exist... beings that transformed into that stage...
We have made great advances, but humans still seem to be in an infantile stage in many ways.. one of these being the need for religion and our concept of 'God'. It is a parent-child relationship... with religion and God telling us everything we can or cannot do and we must follow it... Many people seem incapable of being good and humane without a fearsome authority to command them to do so or threaten them with torture.
Even in normal society, we need extensive laws, traffic signals, CCTV etc. We seem incapable of governing ourselves by cultivating an inherent code of ethics and morals. Without someone telling us what to do or keep us in check, we descend into anarchy.
I think when we all learn to be 'good' without the fear of hell or prison or punishment, then mankind will have reached a new and momentous stage in enlightenment.
Very true. I am optimistic we will get there, eventually, although it will never be perfect. We were designed to be selfish beings, Darwins theory proves it.
I hope too one day we reach enlightenment, and we wonder how we let mothers see their children slowly die of starvation, whilst we happily gorged ourselves on Big Macs.
Sorry to start with a slight criticism IsLame: If there's one thing that Darwin's theory does
not prove, it's the idea of life being designed. In fact, that's the whole point of it; life evolves, in whatever direction the vagaries of selective pressures allow it to proceed. The only exceptions are where we deliberately apply directional selective pressures to develop new strains of plants and animals for our use.
So, in relation to all species, which appear to be parts of an interconnected continuum, I can't see that the concept 'good and bad' really apply. It's more of a case of what works for optimum survival function that counts.
But in the case of humans and their consciousness, also an evolving trait, I can't see that we'll ever reach an endpoint called 'enlightenment', unless you're willing to see 'satisfaction' as being synonymous. Quite alot of folk achieve satisfaction.
Evolution is a continuing journey and whatever we vaingloriously think about the human ability to bilk what we tend to see as the 'bad ' aspects of it, namely the 4 horsemen,we never quite make it because something unforseen always happens/evolves to undermine our best efforts.The continuing struggle between the devmpt of medicines (anti-biotics say) and the evoln of new bacterial strains is a good eg here.
If you must have a point to life its possibly that 'We're 'ere because we're 'ere because we're 'ere.' I personally don't need any other 'point'.
In one sense, we are gods. I say that because we are able to 'create' gods that satisfy our need for order, continuity, comfort, etc. So we are able to oversee that which we perceive as essential to mental well being, both individually and collectively.