I'll come in from left-field here
I dislike the hijab and all it represents. It's a tool that aids the suppression of women and for all the claims that it liberates women, it denies them freedom. They are restricted in movement which then causes them to become restricted in thought. It's oppressively hot and so limits a woman's desire to be out during warm days, getting them in the habit of not venturing out for months on end and therefore not at all when the weather does cool down.
It also makes them fearful and serves to make other women apparent victims. Good women wear hijabs to repel unwanted sexual attention and by that logic, the women that don't wear hijab are obviously asking for it, right? Of course this isn't the official line but how many times have we come across this mentality not just from our relatives but from the clerics, the supposedly enlightened people of the mosques? Al Hilali likened the a woman not wearing a hijab to uncovered meat around feral cats, saying that if the meat then got tampered with, whose fault was it?
The hijab, in this sort of backward mentality, provides misogynists like these people to get away with the assault on women, to place to blame of the attack on the victim, to absolve the perpetrator.
I also hate this idea that men are so bloody weak that if they see a pretty girl, they won't be able to help but maul her. That's rubbish and I am offended on behalf of all the men I know who, though they frequently see pretty girls, have never once laid an unwanted finger on any one of them.
So I dislike everything about the hijab.