Okay, here's an example of LOLCat translation:
Ezra 1
Cyrus returnin teh exziles
1 Rite awaez Cyrus, Perzian top cat, to makes teh wurd of teh Ceiling Cat by teh mouf of Jeremiah truth, teh Ceiling Cat riled hims up and made him says and writted it down,
2 Cyrus top cat of Persia sayz Ceiling Cat doen gotted meh awl kingdoems of urth; and him wantz me make him a house at Jerusalem, srsly, in Judah.3 Oh, Hai? Who iz of LOLcats? Ceiling Cat bez wif him, go gets him up tu Judah an maeks a houz for teh Ceiling Cat of Israel, (him iz Ceiling Cat,) which is in Jerusalem.4 And whos stayz where him goed, let tems gives him silber, bling, an cheezburgers, besides teh other stuff gives tu teh Ceiling Cat house dat iz in Jerusalem.
Though it is a slam against my God and his word, I know it is not pretending to be the Word of God. It is what it is.
My question is this: What would happen if someone came out with an LOLCat Quraan? Would there be an out-cry? What would an LOL Quraan sound like? Would any Muslims admit it is kind of funny?