Good, encouraging post Billy.
ateapotist, just think about it.
When has there ever been in history before, a platform, and an ocean of open, free, transparent flow of information that can be used to directly challenge the precepts of Islam in such a devastating way, as exists now, with the world wide web, and other technologies?
And not only that, but one that by allowing anonymity, sidesteps the one thing that has prevented this from ever happening, that is, the omerta taboo of Islam, that those who are deemed traitors and dissenters and apostates are subject to being murdered, threatened, harassed and bullied relentlessly, coerced into silence by the most grinding series of punishing cogs imaginable, working on various levels upon the life, mind and soul of the dissenter?
Not only that, but when has there ever been before, ex Muslims in such numbers living in uniquely free societies like Britain, Europe, America, in which the rights of the individual are revered, in which freedom of conscience is equated with the very basic DNA of these cultures and societies, and in which a moral and ethical and philosophical framework exists for the expression of dissent from Islam?
Before, Islam protected itself in the crudest way. If it came into contact with a non Islamic society, things were framed in terms of Islam versus X. So it was Islam against Zoroastrianism, Islam against Christianity, Islam against Hinduism, and so on and so on. And Islam asserted itself on a platform of religion - its own fanatical virility could propagate itself because it made a fight on its own terms - cruedly speaking - we are right, you are wrong, we are believers, you are infidels, convert or die, or be persecuted, or if not, burn for eternity in hell. This was the level at which Islam engaged with the world.
But what does it do when the world it is enmeshed with doesn't care for religion, holds Islam to account for its own absurdities, cruelties, brutalities? When it comes up against not just a collective like itself, when it becomes a case of which religion screams loudest, but it is faced with the elevation and freedom of mind and soul that a society that priveliges the rights of the individual, the life of the mind, the honest criticism of organised religious dogma, the freedom to renounce religion, to be creative, to love music and laughter, to believe in the equality of men and women and people of all race, that nonchalantly laughs at Islams claims for itself, and relegates it to the same status as a Hare Krishna or Rastafarian?
Has Islam ever faced this condition before?