In addition, apostasy causes a total disruption and confusion in the Muslim community, and thus, a severe punishment was set for it to deter anyone from thinking of it. It was originally put into force following the Jewish conspiracy against Islam. The details of that conspiracy were simply mass conversion to Islam and then mass apostasy. The main ill aim was to cause confusion and to lead people astray. Thus, the punishment was set as a precautionary measure to stop all these offenses."
The Jews and idolaters had little choice in the matter.Jews had to pay a tax and helplessly see the curtailment of their rights which they'd enjoyed in Pagan Arabia, and the idolaters' idols were smashed and their only choice was conversion or death. Thats' why as soon as the Prophet died, they sought to break free.
There was a forced conversion, which is where the deceit and attempt to apostate came from.
What a bad scholar to quote...
I thought as long as the poll tax was paid they were ok? They had lesser freedoms than muslims but they were allowed to live and keep their religion from what I've read.
Well, first the Jewish case, they hadn't paid any poll tax to Saudi pagans before Islam came on the scene, so they weren't particularly keen to pay any taxes to a new faith which demanded it. Would your parents like it if they were made to pay a special tax, and have their freedom significantly curtailed for remaining Muslims? Thats' what p***ed the Jews off, leading them to try to fight the new faith, with the idolaters who had even more reasons for disliking the new faith .
The idolaters weren't allowed to remain, at least not by Mohammed, although later Muslims realised the benefits of letting idolaters remain in the sub continent, and the practical near impossibility of killing them all. When Mohammed seized Mecca, he issued a clear warning, that only those who remained in their house would remain safe, and proceeded to smash all idols chanting, "Truth has come and falsehood disappeared, as falsehood is bound to disappear,"
How would today's Muslims in Saudi like it if Bush marched there with an army, destroyed the kaaba and mosques, chanting "Truth has come..." and ask them to become Christian?
Maybe they'd convert under compulsion, but wouldn't they want to become apostates as soon as they could? What's your opinion Peruvian?