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 Topic: Proof Islam is True!

 (Read 7868 times)
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  • Proof Islam is True!
     OP - February 20, 2009, 06:18 PM

    I get loads of pms and messages telling me that I am a liar and could never have been a Muslim because the truth and proof of Islam it undeniable.

    So I am thinking of making a video examining each and everyone one of the "proofs".

    If anyone wants to add their items to the list or thoughts or links or videos etc... I would appreciate it.

    1. The Qur'an itself - the "fact" no-one can make anything like it and it's amazing beauty etc...

    2. Proofs in previous holy books.

    3. Scientific miracles.

    4. The assorted fruit, vegetables and small sea beasts that prove Islam is true.

  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #1 - February 20, 2009, 06:28 PM

    for  part 3 you could reference the science part I did for our Islamic critique..

    Scientific Untruths of the Quran

    How is man created?
    There are many contradictory accounts of how this occurred.

    It tells us "we are created from earth (11:61), sometimes from dry clay (15:26,28,33, 17:61, 32:7), sometimes from nothing (19:67), sometimes not from nothing (52:35), sometimes from wet earth (23:12), or from mire (38:71), sometimes from water (25:54, 21:30, 24:45), sometimes from dust (3:59, 30:20, 35:11) or even sometimes from the dead (30:19, 39:6)".

    The beauty of such multifaceted philosophy is no matter what scientists discover, Muslims will have a verse to refer to that verifies the miraculous knowledge of the Qur'an.

    Human Reproduction
    Starting with Muhammad's account of embryology, we can easily determine its scientific inaccuracy in addition to its obvious plagarisation from earlier works by Greek philosophers and scientists such as Galen, Hippocrates and Aristotle, or Indian theses on the subject by Charaka and Susruta.

    The account that follows the four stages described by the Greek physician Galen, writing around 150 CE. It should also be noted that one of Muhammad's companions, Harith ben Kalada, studied at the school of Jandi-Shapur in Persia and would have been well acquainted with the teachings of Aristotle, Hippocrates, and Galen.

    Sura 23:12-14 says God created man from "wet earth, then placed him as (a drop of) sperm (nutfah) in a safe lodging; then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood (alaqa); then out of that clot We made a (foetus) lump (mudghah), then We made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed out of it another creature."

    Nowhere in this description, nor the Quran, is the females egg mentioned. The Quran says a baby is born by a sperm turning into a blood clot, and then into a lump. Out of the lump, bones are formed and then on the bones flesh is placed.
    Actually organs and flesh are the first that begin cellular division and formation. Later, as the child grows, bone structures begin to develop along with organs and flesh.
    'Nutfah' (semen) is mentioned in verse 86:6, is the fluid issued from between the loins and ribs, not, as we know today, from the testicles. This reflects the mistaken view of Hippocrates still prevalent at the time of Muhammad.

    In particular lauded examples of the Quran are when it states that the embryo behaves like a leech, or is similar to "a piece of chewing gum" etc.  Having read these quotes without bias, i.e. in the same way that you would expect from proper research, then there really does not appear to be very much to them.   Leech like behaviour would be inherently obvious during birth with to the umbilical cord being attached to the baby, and the bleeding when it is removed.  Regarding chewed gum, I wonder if any small organism not yet formed could be described in this way.
    None of these facts would be considered as miraclulous event if they were read with the same integrity as you would expect from a serious piece of research. 

    Sahih Bukhari 54:430 has Muhammad saying, "A human being is put together in the womb of the mother in forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period." ; That is a total of 120 days before becoming a foetus twice as long as we now know it to be.

    In Sahih Muslim 33:6395 Muhammad says, "The semen stays in the womb for forty nights, then the angel, gives it a shape and decides whether he would be male or female. Then the angel says: Would his limbs be full or imperfect? And then the Lord makes them full and perfect. Then he says: My Lord, what about his livelihood, and his death and what about his disposition? And then the Lord decides about his misfortune and fortune."  So according to Muhammad, an angel comes down forty days after the semen enters the womb and decides on the gender of the child and whether it should be deformed in anyway and Allah will decide on the future fortunes of the child. "

    Psychiatric Disorders
    Muslims believe that invisible spirits called jinn influence our lives. The non-Muslim jinn cause trouble to Muslim humans. The bizarre behaviour of patients with psychiatric disorders is explained by a kafir jinni that rides the human Muslim and influencing his/her behaviour. The Arabic word for a mad man is majnoon which means ridden (or influenced) by a jinn. The treatment now becomes straight forward, to beat the jinni (by beating the patient) and the jinni will leave!  Psychiatric disorders are still treated in this way in many Islamic countries, as per the Quran.

    Can there really be a spirit inside us that will rise when we are dead.  Certainly scientifically there appears to be nothing to show that we have one.  Also if ghosts/invisible beings/magic are real and acceptable notions, then why in the real world are they derided and seen as a sign of lunacy when taken out of context of religion?

    Haram Foods and prevention of disease
    A believer eats in one intestine whereas a non-believer eats in seven intestines?. Muslim Vol. III, Nos. 5113, chapter DCCCLXII

    What really is so wrong with eating pork, and drinking alcohol? The west eats pork, and suffers no more long term damage from it than it does with other meats such as beef.  In fact the BMA are yet to issue guidelines against the eating of pork, as they did with beef after BSE.  Provided alcohol is consumed sensibly then it can be enjoyed as it is by the majority of non-Muslims in the world today.  In fact, scientific research has demonstrated an association between moderate alcohol consumption and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Prophet Mohammed believes that certain types of food provide protection against all types of diseases. This applies in particular to honey; dates as well as black seed, all were his favourite food.  Prophet Mohammed advocated using camels' urine and milk as medicine.

    According to Anas, Volume 8, Bk 82, No794: Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine. They did so, and after they had recovered from their ailment (became healthy) they turned renegades (reverted from Islam) and killed the shepherd of the camels and took the camels away. The Prophet sent (some people) in their pursuit and so they were (caught and) brought, and the 90 Prophets ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and that their eyes should be branded with heated pieces of iron, and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterized, till they die.

    The discovery of the healing properties of dipping flies in one's food as described in this hadith: Number 673: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "If a fly falls in the vessel of any of you, let him dip all of it (into the vessel) and then throw it away, for in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other there is healing (antidote for it) i e. the treatment for that disease."

    The Earth 
    2.22: "Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens?; 
    Rain is sent from the heavens, as opposed to being part of a natural process called the water-cycle.  I am sure many scholars could find ways to attempt to justify these clauses as I am sure that I could if I felt obligated to try.  But would it be justification for justification?s sake? This would be left for the fair & honest reader to decide. 

    There was a time when Muslims clerics would establish fatwa's against those claiming the earth to be spherical. Although the Qur'an describes a flat earth we find Muslims today adamant that the Qur'an portrays a round one. However no verse exclaiming this planet is round can be found in the Qur'an.

    21:31-32 And We have set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should quake with them, and We have made therein broad highways between mountains for them to pass through. And we have made the sky a roof withheld from them.  13:2 Allah raised the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; He is firmly established on the throne; and has subjected the sun and the moon each one to run its course for a term appointed. 18:86 Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People.

    Reading these verses together provides an image of a very primitive understanding of the cosmos. A heaven that is raised with pillars that we cannot see, a sky put as a roof above our heads, mountains placed as pegs to hold the earth down thereby preventing earthquakes, a sun that sets in a muddy spring with people living nearby; all nonsensical concepts having no alignment with modern science. There is no description of a great explosion and the formation of solar systems with orbiting planets around centric stars, no black holes, no corona, no ionosphere or quasars, but a heaven on invisible pillars.

    It is also possible to categorically disprove several myths that are quoted by Muslims in terms of the age and origin of the Earth and universe - sadly too complicated to go into here.

    Other arguments I have heard are that is impossible to prove that there is a no God; in the same way that it is impossible to prove that there is a God.  This is only because it is impossible prove that something, that shows no tangible sign of existence (i.e. cannot be seen, touched or heard) and defies all scientific logic, can actually proven to exist by scientific means. In the same way as it is impossible to disprove that the fairy at the bottom of my garden created us, and will banish to hell those who do not believe in it.   

    The future
    In the last 250,000 years since man has existed, science has largely played little part in finding out the answers.  Only in the last 100 years has science made its exponential rise. Replacing a human heart with a pigs heart, travelling to outer space, manufacturing of artificial limbs are all recent successes, what will the next 1000 years bring?  We will certainly further our understanding and continue to answer the remaining unanswered questions.  It would not surprise me how far this may eventually go?

    Artificial creation of human beings?   

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  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #2 - February 20, 2009, 06:31 PM

    P.S Nice one - think will be an important video, as it is often the foundation of their belief and begins the process of them looking at Islam logically

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  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #3 - February 20, 2009, 06:40 PM

    Thanks IsLame - I may get started on it tomorrow or Sunday Smiley
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #4 - February 20, 2009, 07:28 PM

    don't forget the add the story of noah and how the flood engulfed all of earth - fish were spared the wrath of god... and every animal was within walking distance of noah... and he only needed one couple to ensure the specie lived, instead of 16 couples of each which is a necessity for genetic diversity.

    a lot of the stuff in the quran, like "fixed orbits" of the planets was already mentioned by many people in the past - including Plato.

    adam and eve - unless their children were literally incestuous, god would have had to have 16 couples at least...!

    magic: necessarily exists, and all muslims must necessarily believe in it...

    there's just so much stuff...

    although, i don't know why you want to make this: it's not going to change their minds, it's only going to close them... they'll retreat further in to the abyss.

    i understand they're harassing you and this may be your way of getting back at them... but it's not a very well thought out strategy if your goals are to make them stop or to change them.

    TRASH - The Rationalist Apostate Society for Humanity!

    Take a look for a few laughs and thoughtful discussions with a wide range of audience - fellow apostates, Muslims, sufis, non-Muslims, Christians, etc
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #5 - February 20, 2009, 07:34 PM

    Depends how you do it Salahuddin - people do listen, and if 0.1% take it in and at the very least get less radicalised, then its well worth it!

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  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #6 - February 20, 2009, 08:14 PM

    Prophet's good personality and wise-ness

    Things pointed out by the prophet and the Quran that later on were proven scientifically to be good for us, such as fasting, prayer movements, tasbee7, reading the quran, wodoo2, wearing a veil, no alcohol, no pig, etc ...
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #7 - February 20, 2009, 08:23 PM

    prayer movements, tasbee7, reading the quran, wodoo2, ...

    what do these prove?

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  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #8 - February 20, 2009, 08:24 PM

    A good thing to do when examining the validity of the evidences or proofs is to ask them the question, If a man in south Africa for example said asked people not to clean their ears, and later on science has proven that the wax dumps high sound frequencies from damaging the ear drum, (scientific prediction a head of time), will this be enough evidence for you to believe that he is sent to us from god? if the answer is no then this is unreliable evidence.

    Continue on so with all the difference examples that they cling to as proof or evidence that their religion is true, and by doing this you will manage to prove that they do not have a single piece of reliable evidence t prove their religion true, they will then claim that a lot unreliable evidence is equal to some reliable evidence, which can be proven false logically.

    no they will start claiming that ?faith is not based on evidence, that is why its called a leap of faith.?, ?the presence of God is something you feel when you thank, pray and worship him.?

    Doesn?t the same apply to most if not all the different believes? this feeling that one is connected to a higher consciousness is something that all people of all different believes feel when they practice religious rituals, faith based evidence is not reliable because people that practice different believes experience the same feeling as a person practicing a certain religion feels, if not more, which allows us to label it too us unreliable evidence.

    Now, because there is neither existing nor emotional reliable evidence for us to rely on to distinguish God?s true message (if such a thing exists) from the man made religions, we can conclude that it is either that God does not exist, God exists but has not communicated with us or God exists but he is not a fair God.
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #9 - February 20, 2009, 08:28 PM

    prayer movements, tasbee7, reading the quran, wodoo2, ...

    what do these prove?

    Muslims always think of the mo3jeza (miracle) behind all what god wants us to do is good for us, they immediately fall for scientific studies that show that wodo2, praying, fasting are good for our health and soul.

    and they always claim that what ever god banned is not good for us, such as alcohol for example.

    they use this as some sort of evidence or proof that their religion has to be true.

    however, one can disprove this by pointing out the negative effects of fasting or the positive effects of red wine for example.
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #10 - February 20, 2009, 09:45 PM

    5. The 'proofs' that numerous theists of various religions use: arguments from design, religious epiphanies, etc.

    "At 8:47 I do a grenade jump off a ladder."
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #11 - February 20, 2009, 10:53 PM

    Depends how you do it Salahuddin - people do listen, and if 0.1% take it in and at the very least get less radicalised, then its well worth it!

    that's not worth the effort... because a larger percentage, including those people, will eventually leave islam by themselves...

    TRASH - The Rationalist Apostate Society for Humanity!

    Take a look for a few laughs and thoughtful discussions with a wide range of audience - fellow apostates, Muslims, sufis, non-Muslims, Christians, etc
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #12 - February 20, 2009, 11:14 PM

    I mean above and beyond the current apostacy rate, and it only takes a small percentage (like ourselves) to begin the tidal wave. 

    It also makes our views more acceptable amongst the Islamic community and having a face to espouse these views can help tremendously.  It shows there is some logical and sound basis behind our thoughts, otherwise we can all end up just being typecast as the devils handmaidens.

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  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #13 - February 20, 2009, 11:47 PM

    - Mu's prophecies, and those before him (in the period of Jaheleyya) who prophesied that he'd be what he was.

    - Mu was illiterate (tho this is very weak point, IMO)

    - Mu's miracles mentioned in some Hadiths, and Seeras.

    "I'm Agnostic about God."

    Richard Dawkins
    "If there is a God, it has to be a man; no woman could or would ever fuck things up like this."
     George Carlin == "...The so-called moderates are actually the public relations arm of Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Republic of Iran."  Maryam Namazie
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #14 - February 21, 2009, 12:58 AM

    I get loads of pms and messages telling me that I am a liar and could never have been a Muslim because the truth and proof of Islam it undeniable.
    So I am thinking of making a video examining each and everyone one of the "proofs".

    Hassan, just make videos for the sake of it. If you want to make a reply to these proofs, that's fine, too.
    Maybe you should recommend this video for the more obnoxious PM writers:

    German ex-Muslim forumMy YouTubeList of Ex-Muslims
    Wikis: en de fr ar tr
    I'm on an indefinite break...
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #15 - February 21, 2009, 02:15 AM

    Depends how you do it Salahuddin - people do listen, and if 0.1% take it in and at the very least get less radicalised, then its well worth it!

    that's not worth the effort... because a larger percentage, including those people, will eventually leave islam by themselves...

    Maybe, but they'll only either leave Islam or become less hostile to those who do leave Islam if they think about Islam. If watching the videos makes them think about it this could be a good thing.

    ETA: Frankly I don't care if people leave Islam or not. What I care about is that those who remain Muslim don't look down on other people who aren't Muslim.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #16 - February 21, 2009, 07:03 AM

    Aziz, I love that Lilly Allen song  dance
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #17 - February 23, 2009, 11:27 PM


    "It also makes our views more acceptable amongst the Islamic community and having a face to espouse these views can help tremendously.  It shows there is some logical and sound basis behind our thoughts, otherwise we can all end up just being typecast as the devils handmaidens."

    Why in the world would you think rational discourse will change their attitudes? Even respectful philosophical criticism of Islam will never reach them... if you're talking about Muslims who simply believe in Islam and are not going to leave Islam by themselves - ever - then pushing against their belief system using rationality or irrationality will not work at all.

    People don't lose their faith due to reason - otherwise books would have done it a long time ago.

    The desire to propagate your beliefs is your own meme and it's cathartic. It achieves nothing significant. If you want to bring genuine change in the Muslim world, you've got to do it in a different way. Direct rational discourse will only work with the skeptical Muslim...

    TRASH - The Rationalist Apostate Society for Humanity!

    Take a look for a few laughs and thoughtful discussions with a wide range of audience - fellow apostates, Muslims, sufis, non-Muslims, Christians, etc
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #18 - February 23, 2009, 11:42 PM

    People don't lose their faith due to reason...

    I did. Tongue

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #19 - February 24, 2009, 06:36 PM

    People don't lose their faith due to reason...

    I did. Tongue


    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #20 - February 24, 2009, 09:17 PM

    I believe Salah said:
    Direct rational discourse will only work with the skeptical Muslim...

    Which I think is fair enough, I do not think it is correct to assume that the same method will work with everyone.

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #21 - February 24, 2009, 09:43 PM

    I believe Salah said:
    Direct rational discourse will only work with the skeptical Muslim...

    Which I think is fair enough, I do not think it is correct to assume that the same method will work with everyone.

    OK, we'll stick to the sceptical Muslims, and leave the Memetic evangelists to work on the fundies. 

    If they get any success, then I will be the first to adopt those theories to heart.

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  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #22 - March 07, 2009, 11:06 PM

    What about the illiteracy of Mohammed?

    Quod est inferius est sicut quod est superius,
    et quod est superius est sicut quod est inferius,
    ad perpetranda miracula rei unius.
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #23 - March 07, 2009, 11:15 PM

    What about the illiteracy of Mohammed?


    I know this is well agreed-upon,

    but based on many facts, I do not believe he was illiterate..

    Assuming he was, this still doesn't make Islam true, many of his people could write well..

    Anyway, don't think he was illiterate..

    "I'm Agnostic about God."

    Richard Dawkins
    "If there is a God, it has to be a man; no woman could or would ever fuck things up like this."
     George Carlin == "...The so-called moderates are actually the public relations arm of Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Republic of Iran."  Maryam Namazie
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #24 - March 07, 2009, 11:22 PM

    What about the illiteracy of Mohammed?


    I know this is well agreed-upon,

    but based on many facts, I do not believe he was illiterate..

    Assuming he was, this still doesn't make Islam true, many of his people could write well..

    Anyway, don't think he was illiterate..

    Personally I don't understand why the belief that Muhammad could not read or write has any bearing on him being able to come up with the Qur'an.

    Most Arabs couldn't read or write. It was not a necessary skill. I suspect that some of the authors of the fabled "Mullaqaat" (famous Pre-Islamic poems) were also illiterate. They had a strong oral tradition. One only had to learn the skills of composing poetry on the spot - using stock phrases and adapting well-used imagery for the audience in front of one at the time.

    Reading and writing was not important and not necessary.

    I see absolutely no reason on earth that an illiterate man could not have come up with the Qur'an.

    I have yet to hear anyone explain why the skills of reading and writing would be necessary.
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #25 - March 07, 2009, 11:25 PM

    Good point Hassan,

    this leads me to read more about the poets of Mullaqat.  parrot

    "I'm Agnostic about God."

    Richard Dawkins
    "If there is a God, it has to be a man; no woman could or would ever fuck things up like this."
     George Carlin == "...The so-called moderates are actually the public relations arm of Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Republic of Iran."  Maryam Namazie
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #26 - March 08, 2009, 03:30 AM

    What about the illiteracy of Mohammed?


    I know this is well agreed-upon,

    but based on many facts, I do not believe he was illiterate..

    Assuming he was, this still doesn't make Islam true, many of his people could write well..

    Anyway, don't think he was illiterate..

    Emerald, Ummi, means he is from the Umma right? Why is Ummi used to prove that muhammad was illitereat?

    If we were to agree that Ummi means illiterate, then the Umma will mean 'the group of illiterates', no?

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #27 - March 08, 2009, 10:06 AM

    What about the illiteracy of Mohammed?


    I know this is well agreed-upon,

    but based on many facts, I do not believe he was illiterate..

    Assuming he was, this still doesn't make Islam true, many of his people could write well..

    Anyway, don't think he was illiterate..

    Emerald, Ummi, means he is from the Umma right? Why is Ummi used to prove that muhammad was illitereat?

    If we were to agree that Ummi means illiterate, then the Umma will mean 'the group of illiterates', no?

    You're right that Ummi  and Ummah come from the same root, which also contains Umm (Mother) and I think this is the sense that traditional scholars explained that it takes on both the meaning of illiterate (i.e. as one was when coming from one's mother) and Nation/Community (those tied by a special bond).

    I think the Qur'an appears to use it in the sense of illiterate, or at least as some translate it; "One who has not received scripture".

    But it is possible that he could have been able to read and write and I have heard people argue that this was the case.

    In either case it doesn't really matter. Even if he was illiterate, that is absolutely no proof that the Qur'an could not have been composed by him.
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #28 - March 08, 2009, 11:19 AM

    He didn't have to read the Torah or the Gospels, he could've just heard the stories from the Jews and Christians, whom he did have interactions with, who weren't that far away. And wasn't he searching for truth when he'd go and think in ghaar hira (the mountain cave)? You don't think he'd ask around about what truth there was to be had? Roll Eyes

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Proof Islam is True!
     Reply #29 - March 08, 2009, 11:22 AM

    Emerald, Ummi, means he is from the Umma right? Why is Ummi used to prove that muhammad was illitereat?

    If we were to agree that Ummi means illiterate, then the Umma will mean 'the group of illiterates', no?


    Those who know well don't use Ummi to prove illiteracy, cuz as you have said, it means (he's from Ummah).

    Ummi does mean also illiterate, but all mufassireen agreed it's (from Umma) in the aya.

    "I'm Agnostic about God."

    Richard Dawkins
    "If there is a God, it has to be a man; no woman could or would ever fuck things up like this."
     George Carlin == "...The so-called moderates are actually the public relations arm of Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Republic of Iran."  Maryam Namazie
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