Denying the term holocaust and not agreeing with the figures, does not make one a racist.
Really? Please do elaborate, we look forward to being enlightened. Also, who wants your respect, dear Islamonazi? Feeling raw about the signature part? If you post absurd and racist venom, you'll get flamed for it. Get over it already.
The rule of the game is very simple. If you feel free to hammer me, my people, my religion, my culture, my God and my Scripture, be ready to get screwed and shoved, regardless of being a Hindu or a Christian or a Jew or an atheist or a Zorat. Be prepared to receive. You can't have it your way.
In other words, you are as mature as a vindictive child.
If we piss on your idols, you get to piss on our idols, eh? Fair enough. All this self-righteous rage, your pathetic desire to avenge the attacks on Islam will take you nowhere. Indulge yourself if you like. Attack infidels, attack their values --this is what Jihad is all about. But you cannot change the fact that there are intelligent and educated people in this forum who were born into Islam, yet who became apostates through their own free will. Why?
Because Islam is utter ready to get screwed and shoved, regardless of being a Hindu or a Christian or a Jew or an atheist or a Zorat.
I don't really fit into any of the categories, so how do you intend to piss on my idols? I am an ex-Muslim, and this is my identity. I am an Infidel, an enemy of Islam: this is my religion now. The only idol I have ever cherished in my life was the one and only idol of Islam --namely Mohammad, that bloodthirsty pedophile tyrant who also masquerades as Allah. Now I have no idols.
I have betrayed Islam. I have eaten pork, drank alcohol, and even burnt a copy of the Quran. And that pathetic goddess Allah didn't show up to punish my crime! I support female rights, freedom of religion, the West, India, Israel, and all minority groups suffering in the Islamic landscape. And you know what? I don't feel an ounce of regret!
Leaving Islam was the best decision of my life. Even though Shariah calls for my death, I am perfectly happy and well! Does that make you giddy, BMZ?