Maybe there is some kind of Higher Purpose, I cannot tell. Because we humans watch the suffering of less intelligent animals with indifference, it is quite possible that whatever God that exists is alien and indifferent to us.
You know, what first turned me off the idea of God was animal cruelty. When I was in Bangladesh, I'd watch boys near our Embassy building kill birds by stoning them, and then when the wounded bird fell to the ground, they'd squash it with their foot, laughing. It made me wonder why God was so indifferent to the physical suffering of the animals He's created. Even if animals don't feel emotional pain like we humans do, they do feel physical pain, so why create the ability to feel physical pain, if God wants animals & humans to go through such pain regularly? I've also seen animals being slaughtered for halal meat, dying a slow & excruciatingly painful death & vivisection of animals for science on T.V.
We humas love this idea of a God,
1) Who exists
2) Who's kind, loving, caring, loves all creatures big & small etc
But maybe God really isn't all that,
if He exists. A book reflects the ideas of its author, and the creation the idea of a Creator, so maybe God is a sadomasochist monster who likes creating creatures who'll feel immense pain due to the way he's made their nervous systems- only to create a system where his creatures will slaughter each other for food & his humans will cause tremendous pain & suffering to each other through entirely novel ideas like race based slavery or faith based ethnic cleansing.
Which sadistic human, even Hitler, even if they had the capacity to create Life,
would choose to make such a world, where billions of pain feeling creatures will feel such intolerable physical & mental agony each day?
Maybe God
does exist & really is like the Judeo Islamic God, who naturally demands halal\kosher meat to satisfy his sadism, & will further enjoy roasting us in Hell if we don't accept Him as our worth worshipping Creator?