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 Topic: To smack kids or not to smack..........

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  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #30 - February 26, 2009, 05:02 PM

    Yep, its about those that do it premeditatedly.  Not those who carry it out because of an involountary uncontrolled emotion, however this group do need to learn about self-control.

    My Book     news002       
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  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #31 - February 26, 2009, 07:43 PM

    Yep, its about those that do it premeditatedly.  Not those who carry it out because of an involountary uncontrolled emotion, however this group do need to learn about self-control.

    It's twisted for someone to premeditate that kind of thing.

    I knew a man once, a very warmhearted and gregarious fellow. Well liked, charismatic and full of love. However, this man enjoyed beating his children, he literally enjoyed it. He thought to himself: "if I beat them horribly for even the small things, they learn"

    Anyway, silly analogy I know, while physical abuse even of the instant kind is horrible, actually planning to beat your kids is really disgusting and it shouldn't be allowed. The example you gave about Sweden was great as it did show: "violence begets violence" and it does indeed. I used to be a very violent person and have a horrible temper all thanks to a messed up upbringing. It doesn't work.

    "I am ready to make my confession. I ask for no forgiveness father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. I did not ask for the life that I was given, but it was given nonetheless-and with it, I did my best"
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #32 - February 27, 2009, 12:13 AM

    My brother and I were never once beaten by our parents. We turned out fine, and very respectful of our parents.

    My aunt abuses my cousin on a daily basis and the girl is only 8 and rebelling. Not good.

    Hitting kids is a huge no-no in my books. That light beating could one day deem ineffective and turn harder and harder.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #33 - February 27, 2009, 04:52 AM

    My sisters and I were beaten on a regular basis as children by my step father...each of us had our lives in his hand more than once...he was a psychopath (no exageration here) and made our lives a living hell. The three of us turned out completely different from each other.

    Older sis (who has since passed away) was into drugs...lied everytime she opened her mouth...could never last in a relationship past the first fist fight...and hated her kids and made sure they knew it at every opportunity. Beat them and never ever spoke kindly to them. They all deserted her as soon as they were old enough to do so.

    Younger sis has relationship issues...and one child. She is a good person but a terrible mother. She is aggressive and beats her daughter and fights with her as if they are sisters rather than mother and daughter. Her child is counting the days to leave sis is trying to have more children with her new husband. Im sad for her...she doesnt know how to be a parent...ironically she buys her daughter everything she needs...spends fortunes on her...but can communicate with her. Her daughter is a lonely little girl with a lot of emotional issues.

    I married my father (not really but might as well have)...suffered abuse for 20 years...discovered hubby was forcing our daughters  to have sex with him (one major reason for considering apostacy as the better choice...long story) and all in all acted very much like my mother did in her marriage to that abusive man.

    We were all beaten...none of us turned out that great...some kind of connection there you think?

    I dont beat my kids...all though I have resorted to smacking them on the odd occasion that they really do push me over my limit(very rarely)...Im ashamed to admit that...I promised myself I would never hit them. My mother rarely hit us...and it was devasting when she did...I can remember the few times she resorted to it as if it was yesterday(my father beat us so often...its a blur)...I know my kids remember when I hit them the same way.

    Beating only fosters resentment and anger....even in the very young. You are doing yourself no favours by beating your will come back to you one day.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #34 - February 27, 2009, 04:58 AM

    I married my father (not really but might as well have)...suffered abuse for 20 years...


    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #35 - February 27, 2009, 07:54 AM

    "I married my father (not really but might as well have)...suffered abuse for 20 years..."

    Never heard of the concept of daughters who marry their fathers...sons who marry their in marrying the same type of personality/abusive behavoir one is use to and so gravitates towards? I meant I married a man that was abusive and controlling exactly the way my father was...they could have been the same man almost.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #36 - February 27, 2009, 08:10 AM

    How are things for you now, I hope they have improved?  Sounds like you have already proved your metal by making things right for your kids and not let history repeat itself, which is so easy when people dont stop and think.  Your still not with this man are you?

    When you first joined you were considering coming over to the dark side, glad to see you eventully made up your mind, hopefully things will be a lot clearer for you now, and there will be no expectations from God. You are now able to define your life. 

    P.S What made you change your mind?

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    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #37 - February 27, 2009, 09:16 AM

    My sisters and I were beaten on a regular basis as children by my step father...each of us had our lives in his hand more than once...he was a psychopath (no exageration here) and made our lives a living hell. The three of us turned out completely different from each other.

    Older sis (who has since passed away) was into drugs...lied everytime she opened her mouth...could never last in a relationship past the first fist fight...and hated her kids and made sure they knew it at every opportunity. Beat them and never ever spoke kindly to them. They all deserted her as soon as they were old enough to do so.

    Younger sis has relationship issues...and one child. She is a good person but a terrible mother. She is aggressive and beats her daughter and fights with her as if they are sisters rather than mother and daughter. Her child is counting the days to leave sis is trying to have more children with her new husband. Im sad for her...she doesnt know how to be a parent...ironically she buys her daughter everything she needs...spends fortunes on her...but can communicate with her. Her daughter is a lonely little girl with a lot of emotional issues.

    I married my father (not really but might as well have)...suffered abuse for 20 years...discovered hubby was forcing our daughters  to have sex with him (one major reason for considering apostacy as the better choice...long story) and all in all acted very much like my mother did in her marriage to that abusive man.

    We were all beaten...none of us turned out that great...some kind of connection there you think?

    I dont beat my kids...all though I have resorted to smacking them on the odd occasion that they really do push me over my limit(very rarely)...Im ashamed to admit that...I promised myself I would never hit them. My mother rarely hit us...and it was devasting when she did...I can remember the few times she resorted to it as if it was yesterday(my father beat us so often...its a blur)...I know my kids remember when I hit them the same way.

    Beating only fosters resentment and anger....even in the very young. You are doing yourself no favours by beating your will come back to you one day.

    That is such a saddening story to hear :( I hope things have improved for you since then, and that you don't have to put up with that abuse any longer :( Gosh...

    Your younger sister sounds like my aunt a lot.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #38 - March 03, 2009, 06:15 PM

    A tap on the ass is just fine for small transgressions, if its something serious like "fuck you mom, you stupid cunt" then it should be a nice slap.

    Thinking that all spanking is horrible and wrong is the reason why many kids simply do not respect their parents. These are not little adults or your friends, they are your kids and need discipline once in a while.

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #39 - March 03, 2009, 07:41 PM

    A tap on the ass is just fine for small transgressions, if its something serious like "fuck you mom, you stupid cunt" then it should be a nice slap.

    Do you think it is a good lesson to teach the young, it is ok to hit people if someone says the wrong thing?

    Thinking that all spanking is horrible and wrong is the reason why many kids simply do not respect their parents. These are not little adults or your friends, they are your kids and need discipline once in a while.

    So you think hitting kids instills respect, or fear of being hit again?  Do you really have no other way of gaining respect?

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #40 - March 03, 2009, 08:23 PM

    A tap on the ass is just fine for small transgressions, if its something serious like "fuck you mom, you stupid cunt" then it should be a nice slap.

    Do you think it is a good lesson to teach the young, it is ok to hit people if someone says the wrong thing?

    Thinking that all spanking is horrible and wrong is the reason why many kids simply do not respect their parents. These are not little adults or your friends, they are your kids and need discipline once in a while.

    So you think hitting kids instills respect, or fear of being hit again?  Do you really have no other way of gaining respect?

    The lesson you are teaching your kid is not to disrespect his or her parents (for example) and usually he/she will remember it much better than a "time out" in his room.

    Kids need to be disciplined sometimes, they need to know their limits, they need to know that there is a price to pay for certain things.

    in short, yes I am in favour of the occasional spanking.

    And if someone calls my wife names in front of me, he should expect more than a spanking  Smiley

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #41 - March 03, 2009, 08:49 PM

    One day they will become accustomed to the beatings, and they still wont listen. What will you do then?   

    There are much worse forms of punishment than "time out" in their rooms.  In fact unless you are proposing to beat them until they are black & blue, then I will argue that they can be more effective and probably more cruel, without laying a single finger on them.

    In any case I can only hope if one day you call him names, that he wont hit you back.

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #42 - March 03, 2009, 08:52 PM

    One day they will become accustomed to the beatings, and they still wont listen. What will you do then?   

    Beat them worse.

    At the end of the day, it does produce tough kids. I can take hard slaps to my face. My mate called it dragonskin once.  Cheesy Which kid doesnt want dragonskin?

    Down my road there is this uncle who has 4 sons. He used to beat them shitless and now they've grown up big and strong. One of them took on 6 people outside his school until his mate jumped in. He woulda got smashed if it werent for uncle.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #43 - March 03, 2009, 08:58 PM

    Thanks MSinghK, just goes to show another effect - how violence breeds violence.

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #44 - March 03, 2009, 08:59 PM

    Thanks MSinghK, just goes to show another effect - how violence breeds violence.

    No it doesnt. It helps when violence comes flying at your face.

    Im actually glad I got beat when I was young. It's made me who I am. I wish I had it a bit worse. My dad gave me some ass whoopings but I never hated him for long. That's just how it is. Thanks to my parents I can take a hit.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #45 - March 03, 2009, 09:09 PM

    Spanking Kids Increases Risk Of Sexual Problems As Adults

    ScienceDaily (Mar. 2, 2008) ? Children who are spanked or victims of other corporal punishment are more likely to have sexual problems as a teen or adult, according to new research presented today by Murray Straus, co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire.

    Straus presented his new research findings at the American Psychological Association?s Summit on Violence and Abuse in Relationships: Connecting Agendas and Forging New Directions held Feb. 28 and 29 in Bethesda, MD.

    Straus analyzed the results of four studies and found that spanking and other corporal punishment by parents is associated with an increased probability of three sexual problems as a teen or adult:

        * Verbally and physically coercing a dating partner to have sex.
        * Risky sex such as premarital sex without a condom.
        * Masochistic sex such as being aroused by being spanked when having sex.

    "These results, together with the results of more than 100 other studies, suggest that spanking is one of the roots of relationship violence and mental health problems. Because there is 93 percent agreement between studies that investigated harmful side effects of spanking, and because over 90 percent of U.S. parents spank toddlers, the potential benefits for prevention of sexual and relationship violence is large," Straus says.

    "Furthermore, because other research shows spanking is not more effective than other discipline methods, there is no need to expose children to the harmful effects of spanking. We can help prevent mental health problems and relationship violence from happening by a national health policy recommending never spanking," he says.

    Coerced Sex

    A survey of more than 14,000 university students in 32 nations found that 29 percent of the male and 21 percent of the female students had verbally coerced sex from another person. Coerced sex involves insisting on sex when the partner does not want to, or threatening to end the relationship if the partner does not have sex.

    The percentages of those who physically forced sex were much lower: 1.7 percent of the men and 1.2 percent of the women said they had used physical force, such as holding down the partner or hitting a partner to make them have sex.

    "The most important finding of this study is that each increase of one step on a four-step measure of corporal punishment was associated with a 10 percent increase in the probability of verbal sexual coercion by men and a 12 percent increase in sexual coercion by women," Straus says. "The relation of corporal punishment to physically forcing sex was even stronger. Each increase of one step in corporal punishment was associated with a 33 percent increase in the probability of men forcing sex and a 27 percent increase in the probability of women doing this."

    Risky Sex

    In the second study, Straus analyzed the same sample of university students, but focused on whether they had insisted on sex without using a condom. Straus found that 15 percent of the men and 13 percent of the women had insisted on sex without a condom at least once in the past year.

    Using the four-step corporal punishment scale, Straus found that of the group with the lowest score on the corporal punishment scale, 12.5 percent had insisted on unprotected sex. In contrast, 25 percent of students in the highest corporal punishment group engaged in this type of risky sex.

    The third study analyzed data on 440 students in a New Hampshire high school. The students were divided into five groups, ranging from those who were never spanked to those whose parents used corporal punishment even when they were 13 years old and older. The study evaluated eight indicators of risky sex, such as more than one sex partner.

    Straus found that students who had experienced corporal punishment had engaged in more risky sexual behavior than students who had not been spanked. From this study, Straus concludes that corporal punishment weakens the bond between the child and the parents. He believes that this alienation from parents may make teenagers less likely to avoid sex and less likely to follow safe sex practices.

    Masochistic Sex

    In the fourth study, Straus asked 207 students at three colleges about whether they had ever been sexually aroused by masochistic sex: imagining that they were being tied up when having sex, engaging in rough sex, or by spanking, and if they had been sexually aroused by actually doing these three things.

    "The core idea of this study is that being spanked by loving parents confuses love with violence, which increases the probability that violence will be part of making love," Straus says.

    The study found that 75 percent of students who had been spanked a lot by their parents were sexually aroused by masochistic sex. In contrast, 40 percent of students who had never been spanked were interested in masochistic sex.

    "What is new about this study is a scientific test of the idea that being spanked as a child inclines people to want to be spanked when having sex, and that this is especially likely to be true when there is a combination of lots of spanking and lots of love," Straus says.

    Reducing Spanking

    To reduce the use of corporal punishment, Straus recommends that the American Psychological Association, the U.S. Children's Bureau, and other organizations publicize a recommendation that parents should never spank.

    "However, to make this work, we need to start by informing professionals who advise parents about the evidence-base for that policy. They need this information to be able to give appropriate information and help to parents about replacing spanking with positive discipline to correct misbehavior," he says.

     Cat fight

    Parents who beat their kids only show their own lack of parenting skills and shortage of imagination.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #46 - March 03, 2009, 09:17 PM

    One day they will become accustomed to the beatings, and they still wont listen. What will you do then?   

    There are much worse forms of punishment than "time out" in their rooms.  In fact unless you are proposing to beat them until they are black & blue, then I will argue that they can be more effective and probably more cruel, without laying a single finger on them.

    In any case I can only hope if one day you call him names, that he wont hit you back.

    The point is not to be "more cruel" - the point is what is more effective? And by the way, if iyour punishments are more cruel why not spank them instead?  I submit that doing away with spanking completely has resulted in many unruly children.

    And I dont call my child names because Im the adult and he's the child, but if he disrespects his parents he knows there will be hell to pay (Im not talking about decapitation here by the way).

    There is no "growing accustomed to the beatings" since kids in general do not feel like being repeatedly spanked (I noticed you prefer the word beating which has a much harsher connotation).

    Finally, what makes you think yours will forgive your form of punishment?

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #47 - March 03, 2009, 09:21 PM

    Spanking Kids Increases Risk Of Sexual Problems As Adults

    ScienceDaily (Mar. 2, 2008) ? Children who are spanked or victims of other corporal punishment are more likely to have sexual problems as a teen or adult, according to new research presented today by Murray Straus, co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire.

    Straus presented his new research findings at the American Psychological Association?s Summit on Violence and Abuse in Relationships: Connecting Agendas and Forging New Directions held Feb. 28 and 29 in Bethesda, MD.

    Straus analyzed the results of four studies and found that spanking and other corporal punishment by parents is associated with an increased probability of three sexual problems as a teen or adult:

        * Verbally and physically coercing a dating partner to have sex.
        * Risky sex such as premarital sex without a condom.
        * Masochistic sex such as being aroused by being spanked when having sex.

    "These results, together with the results of more than 100 other studies, suggest that spanking is one of the roots of relationship violence and mental health problems. Because there is 93 percent agreement between studies that investigated harmful side effects of spanking, and because over 90 percent of U.S. parents spank toddlers, the potential benefits for prevention of sexual and relationship violence is large," Straus says.

    "Furthermore, because other research shows spanking is not more effective than other discipline methods, there is no need to expose children to the harmful effects of spanking. We can help prevent mental health problems and relationship violence from happening by a national health policy recommending never spanking," he says.

    Coerced Sex

    A survey of more than 14,000 university students in 32 nations found that 29 percent of the male and 21 percent of the female students had verbally coerced sex from another person. Coerced sex involves insisting on sex when the partner does not want to, or threatening to end the relationship if the partner does not have sex.

    The percentages of those who physically forced sex were much lower: 1.7 percent of the men and 1.2 percent of the women said they had used physical force, such as holding down the partner or hitting a partner to make them have sex.

    "The most important finding of this study is that each increase of one step on a four-step measure of corporal punishment was associated with a 10 percent increase in the probability of verbal sexual coercion by men and a 12 percent increase in sexual coercion by women," Straus says. "The relation of corporal punishment to physically forcing sex was even stronger. Each increase of one step in corporal punishment was associated with a 33 percent increase in the probability of men forcing sex and a 27 percent increase in the probability of women doing this."

    Risky Sex

    In the second study, Straus analyzed the same sample of university students, but focused on whether they had insisted on sex without using a condom. Straus found that 15 percent of the men and 13 percent of the women had insisted on sex without a condom at least once in the past year.

    Using the four-step corporal punishment scale, Straus found that of the group with the lowest score on the corporal punishment scale, 12.5 percent had insisted on unprotected sex. In contrast, 25 percent of students in the highest corporal punishment group engaged in this type of risky sex.

    The third study analyzed data on 440 students in a New Hampshire high school. The students were divided into five groups, ranging from those who were never spanked to those whose parents used corporal punishment even when they were 13 years old and older. The study evaluated eight indicators of risky sex, such as more than one sex partner.

    Straus found that students who had experienced corporal punishment had engaged in more risky sexual behavior than students who had not been spanked. From this study, Straus concludes that corporal punishment weakens the bond between the child and the parents. He believes that this alienation from parents may make teenagers less likely to avoid sex and less likely to follow safe sex practices.

    Masochistic Sex

    In the fourth study, Straus asked 207 students at three colleges about whether they had ever been sexually aroused by masochistic sex: imagining that they were being tied up when having sex, engaging in rough sex, or by spanking, and if they had been sexually aroused by actually doing these three things.

    "The core idea of this study is that being spanked by loving parents confuses love with violence, which increases the probability that violence will be part of making love," Straus says.

    The study found that 75 percent of students who had been spanked a lot by their parents were sexually aroused by masochistic sex. In contrast, 40 percent of students who had never been spanked were interested in masochistic sex.

    "What is new about this study is a scientific test of the idea that being spanked as a child inclines people to want to be spanked when having sex, and that this is especially likely to be true when there is a combination of lots of spanking and lots of love," Straus says.

    Reducing Spanking

    To reduce the use of corporal punishment, Straus recommends that the American Psychological Association, the U.S. Children's Bureau, and other organizations publicize a recommendation that parents should never spank.

    "However, to make this work, we need to start by informing professionals who advise parents about the evidence-base for that policy. They need this information to be able to give appropriate information and help to parents about replacing spanking with positive discipline to correct misbehavior," he says.

     Cat fight

    Parents who beat their kids only show their own lack of parenting skills and shortage of imagination.

    A baseless judgement (at best)

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #48 - March 03, 2009, 09:39 PM

    A baseless judgement (at best)

    Yes, of course it's only based on scientific research and so many people's personal accounts of being raised with parents who thought they were beating them for their own good.

    What are your judgements based on, "Arab Wannabe"?

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #49 - March 03, 2009, 09:44 PM

    There are much worse forms of punishment than "time out" in their rooms.  In fact unless you are proposing to beat them until they are black & blue, then I will argue that they can be more effective and probably more cruel, without laying a single finger on them.

    In any case I can only hope if one day you call him names, that he wont hit you back.

    The point is not to be "more cruel" - the point is what is more effective? And by the way, if your punishments are more cruel why not spank them instead?  I submit that doing away with spanking completely has resulted in many unruly children.

    And I submit that violence against kids at an early age, makes them more likely to to use violence at a later age?  Is that you you want?  Also does your theory re. unruly children apply to children in Sweden, where it is banned?
    And I dont call my child names because Im the adult and he's the child, but if he disrespects his parents he knows there will be hell to pay (Im not talking about decapitation here by the way).

    A child saying, as you put it, "fuck you mom, you stupid cunt"  is more a symptom of poor, knee-jerk parenting, rather than being caused by a lack of spankings.  The best way to prevent them from behaving this way is by making them realise its wrong, rather than from the fear of being spanked.  Its requires more effort to do, but makes it better for them and makes things easier in the long run
    There is no "growing accustomed to the beatings" since kids in general do not feel like being repeatedly spanked (I noticed you prefer the word beating which has a much harsher connotation).

    Wrong.  As you appear to be talking about spanking, then when my mum spanked me it was ineffective.  In fact I would have much preferred this than losing my pocket money, which had a more lasting effect. 

    So what will you do when they become accustomed to the spankings?
    Finally, what makes you think yours will forgive your form of punishment?

    Because it does not involve violence & does not humiliate them. 

    I have always had more respect for parents who raise their children by their minds, and not by their hands. 

    I have also found their children have grown up to be more rounded & better balanced, but I acknowledge this could be because of the type of parents that dont hit their children and not due to them not being hit in their youth.

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #50 - March 03, 2009, 10:34 PM

    A baseless judgement (at best)

    Yes, of course it's only based on scientific research and so many people's personal accounts of being raised with parents who thought they were beating them for their own good.

    What are your judgements based on, "Arab Wannabe"?

    History, the "greatest generation" that fought in WW2 were likely brought up in traditional homes were spankings were common. The idea that spankings are bad is a product of the 1960's counter-culture, the very same "liberalism"so abbhored by the anti-Islam movement.

    I have met many unruly teenagers in my younger days and I can guarantee you from personal experience that a good spanking would have set them straight.

    How has scientific research supported your earlier point? do tell

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #51 - March 04, 2009, 12:43 AM

    the very same "liberalism"so abbhored by the anti-Islam movement

    Huh? I am a total liberal and I am happily against Islam because it is the same fascist totalitarian idea that people like you propogate when you want to beat up the young kids in your care to force them to do what you say.

    Feel free to go ahead and beat the shit out of your kids if you'd like. Fuck if I care.

    Let's see what they think of you and do to you when you're old and relying on them.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #52 - March 04, 2009, 01:20 AM

    Quote from: ArabWannabe
    The idea that spankings are bad is a product of the 1960's counter-culture, the very same "liberalism"so abbhored by the anti-Islam movement.

    Yes, isn't it odd that the anti-liberal movement which so abhors Islam, has so very much in common with it?

    You'd almost be tempted to think that both ideologies were just man made bullshit. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #53 - March 04, 2009, 02:17 PM

    the very same "liberalism"so abbhored by the anti-Islam movement

    Huh? I am a total liberal and I am happily against Islam because it is the same fascist totalitarian idea that people like you propogate when you want to beat up the young kids in your care to force them to do what you say.

    Please do go ahead and beat the shit out of your kids. Fuck if I care.

    Let's see what they think of you and do to you when you're old and relying on them.

    Who the fuck said I beat the fuck out of my kids? Cant you argue rationally without throwing in bullshit statements like "facists totalitarian".

    Is spanking now considered beating the fuck out of a kid?

    If you cant be bothered to converse rationally without insulting people and calling them facists then you can go fuck yourself.

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #54 - March 04, 2009, 02:18 PM

    Quote from: ArabWannabe
    The idea that spankings are bad is a product of the 1960's counter-culture, the very same "liberalism"so abbhored by the anti-Islam movement.

    Yes, isn't it odd that the anti-liberal movement which so abhors Islam, has so very much in common with it?

    You'd almost be tempted to think that both ideologies were just man made bullshit. 

    Aren't all ideologies man made bullshit by definition?

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #55 - March 04, 2009, 02:19 PM

    Aren't all ideologies man made bullshit by definition?

    Yay, you've become an apostate now you've reached that realisation.  dance

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #56 - March 04, 2009, 02:32 PM

    Aren't all ideologies man made bullshit by definition?

    Yay, you've become an apostate now you've reached that realisation.  dance

    Are you a Muslim?  In that case you can give your wife a few licks also while you are giving your kids a good hiding..

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  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #57 - March 04, 2009, 07:59 PM

    Generally muslims are very biased into accepting corporal punishment against kids. Even those who do not beat their kids. The culture permits (teaches) beating the wife if she is disobedient. That means beating the Mother of the house. If beating 'number 2' is permissible and ordered, then how can anyone claims that beating everyone else below number 2 is absolutely wrong? or simply that beating is absolutely wrong.

    You will notice that AWB is exactly reflecting and sticking to his teachings. Hit. But don't beat the fvck out of them. A little tap every now and then is the conclusion he will *always* reach.

    And you can argue with him about child beating, till he is blue in the face. But you are generally wasting your time, you might get to him by like 10-20%. Because his need to defend child beating stems from his need to defend a koranic teaching and/or a cultural custom that will not go away anytime soon. To agree with you that a little tap every now and then is wrong, means to admit his religious-backed-culture is wrong. That is what you really should be discussing with him if you want to get somewhere.

    However my better advice is to avoid discussing things with him. He has what is in my opinion this personality flaw, he has a strong need to never  state his opinions and instead to set himself as a judge of other people's opinion. He will get boring very quickly and you will not get anything of substance out of him. That is an observation reinforced by ~2yrs of reading his posts. To clarify, the only 'opinion' you will get out of him, will be a judgement made on other people's and/or their work.

    Also my advice against anyone backing up an islamic-based culture, is to remind them that the koran does not state 'a little tap every now and then'. That this koran orders a beating every time and continuously until obedience (slavery) is re-established.

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #58 - March 04, 2009, 08:49 PM

    A tap on the ass is just fine for small transgressions, if its something serious like "fuck you mom, you stupid cunt" then it should be a nice slap.

    Thinking that all spanking is horrible and wrong is the reason why many kids simply do not respect their parents. These are not little adults or your friends, they are your kids and need discipline once in a while.

    Exactly the kind of reply I'd expect from an apologist of Islam. We should teach these arrogant little bastards the lesson they deserve, right? Also, "thinking that all spanking is horrible" is the reason why so many pious, innocent Muslim kids join the Kuffar, right? If we just had the guts to "spank" them, they would be good pious Muslims right? Welcome back BCM, we missed you a lot.

    I abhor any creature who can defend child beatings. One of the reasons I've turned away from Islam when I was very young was something I saw on an Islamic calendar/almanac. This great masterpiece of pedagogy explained that if your children reach the age of 10 and still do not pray to Allah regularly, it is permissible to beat them. I was 9 years old by then. My parents never beat me but I was threatened with "a good beating" at times, and that page of Islamic calendar alienated me from Islam forever.

    Children are rational beings, if you cannot treat them like that, don't have any children please!

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: To smack kids or not to smack..........
     Reply #59 - March 04, 2009, 09:34 PM

    However my better advice is to avoid discussing things with him. He has what is in my opinion this personality flaw, he has a strong need to never  state his opinions and instead to set himself as a judge of other people's opinion. He will get boring very quickly and you will not get anything of substance out of him. That is an observation reinforced by ~2yrs of reading his posts.

    Yeah he's already boring me and I don't like being bored so that's why I just told him to do as he likes with his kids, it's not my problem, they're his kids and he and others like him just make their own old age beds when they abuse their kids, especially as more growing evidence shows all the problems of the old-fashioned, pre Boomer ways of rearing kids.

    Ultimately Muslims' are disgusted by "appearing weak" and that's where this sense of entitlement stems from, really. But what they don't understand is the weakest person is the one who is most violent, most abusive, most rigid. The strong don't have to act macho because they know their self worth.

    Yeah I know, all concepts beyond some people's reach.

    Thanks Baal.

    Nice post!  Afro
    Although I disagree with just one part. 

    I don't like being bored so that's why I just told him to do as he likes with his kids, it's not my problem,

    It is our problem, those kids will be raised in our society and they will mix, perhaps even bully, our children.  And when they grow up "big & hard" who knows what might happen, particularly when they have Arab-Wannabe version of Islam running through their veins.

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