Personally, i think that in the future, islam will be a religion specifically for the misfits much like at how nazism has degrade to what it is today, i.e. for children of the misfits. The reason of why i came out with that conclusion is because that as the internet became widespread, more and more people became aware of the vile nature of islam through websites like this one and as people became more aware, eventually they had to make a decision, i.e. either to accept Allah as the one true god or reject him. The one that are able to accept allah as a god, as i see it, will be the misfits, i.e. people like criminals and gangsters.
For the question as to why the normal decent people will eventually reject allah as a one true god is because for the surahs like the ones that potray allah abusing his power by doing the devil's work (02:07, 02:10, 06:25 and 06:125) and consenting sex with captive outside marriage (23:5-6) . I think that reformation is impossible as muslims will change at least some of the surahs in the quran. So what do you all think?
Well, li Islam does grow in Europe's jails unfortunately...quite a few new recruits seem to come from there-so it seems to have a following amongst gangsters & misfits currently too.

As to Islam's future, difficult to say. There are loads of horrific verses in the Quran, and as you've pointed out, till some time back, Muslims weren't aware of these, Mullahs wouldn't speak of the bad bits, today due to the Internet they can have access to these.During the next century, more & more people will have access to the net. However, Imams can explain these away by some stupid excuses & apologetics, which they do.
For me personally, Islam is as good or as bad as other faiths...
with one fundamental difference. Islam is founded by a single Prophet- just like Christianity by Jesus & Buddhism by the Buddha. Christ & the Buddha were basically decent people, Muhammad was somewhat

Mo seems to have committed every crime anyone possibly could in one lifetime.
Its essential to believe in Muhammad to be a Muslim. The azaan which resonates five times daily from mosques state Allah is the only God followed by the assertion that Muhammad is the Prophet of God. Believing Muhammad is the
insaan i kamil or the ideal man is fundamental to being a Muslim.
It'd be very difficult for many devout Muslims to somehow justify or rationalize all the negative stuff Muhammad did once they become aware of all that he did, if they're also good human beings. Some or the other of his actions are bound to strike them as unacceptable today, & then plenty of them are on their way to apostasy.

They'll have to make a choice, a choice many Christians make on reading the Bible-whether to walk away from a faith which contains such barbarities or to somehow justify these stuff & still believe in the faith, but the choice is made doubly difficult for Muslims as Christians don't have to justify truckloads of evil Jesus did. They can simply keep Christ's teachings & ignore the OT. Muslims will have nothing of their faith left if they began ignoring Muhammad.