I have been wondering, what do you think the future has in store for islam? What will happen to islam eventually? will it be reformed? Personally, i think that in the future, islam will be a religion specifically for the misfits much like at how nazism has degrade to what it is today, i.e. for children of the misfits. The reason of why i came out with that conclusion is because that as the internet became widespread, more and more people became aware of the vile nature of islam through websites like this one and as people became more aware, eventually they had to make a decision, i.e. either to accept Allah as the one true god or reject him. The decent ones will be the one that had the trouble to accept him and they will, finally, reject him. The one that are able to accept allah as a god, as i see it, will be the misfits, i.e. people like criminals and gangsters.
a very possible scenario i think.
Islam is more than a faith, its a huge culture-hijab & beards

a puritanical lifestyle-:sloshed: no alcohol, no intermixing of the sexes etc & its this lifestyle which is under huge stress due to modernization. In the face of poverty & economic failure, its easy for a few tru radicals & some charlatans looking for power to convince people that Islam has the right answers to the problems plaguing Muslims.
However, Islam, by the term Islam I mean Shariah, the Islamic way of living, doing business, the talaq
does not have the aswers & it shouldn't take people too long to realise this. The rest of the world, the UN, even the dreaded U.S.A. style capitalism may not have all the answers either, but it sure has better, more plausible options. Saudi style beheadings & canings will get Muslims nowhere in the long run.
As to radical Islam being a dying breed-thats' why radical Islam is violent. The biggest, most powerful stars burn brightest when they're dying. We're witnessing the passing awy into obscurity of a huge way of life.
But this dying breed is taking a heck of a long run to die... don't you think so Hassan? 9\11, London, London, Madrid, Bali, Mumbai, Lahore... hell of a long, slow & painful death, painful for them as well as for loads of innocent people.
great post! islam wont die without a fight thats for sure.