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 Topic: Forwarded e-mails are weird

 (Read 13340 times)
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  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #60 - April 01, 2009, 11:09 AM

    Not quite. Try reading it again and you may get the point, unless you particularly don't want to.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #61 - April 01, 2009, 11:17 AM

    Dear BerberElla

    Do you mind if I use what the Quran used to describe those kafirs?

    I personally don't mind at all AhmedBahgat!  Afro Infact I think nothing could be better! You Muslims can do a far better job of educating "kafirs" about the potential dangers of the Quran by using its language:

    "It is the same whether or not you forwarn them [the unbelievers], they will have no faith" (2:6).

    "God will mock them and keep them long in sin, blundering blindly along" (2:15).

    A fire "whose fuel is men and stones" awaits them (2:24).

    They will be "rewarded with disgrace in this world and with grievous punishment on the Day of Resurrection" (2:85).

    "God's curse be upon the infidels!" (2:89).

    "They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits [them]" (2:90).

    "God is the enemy of the unbelievers" (2:98).

    "The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Christians and Jews], and the pagans, resent that any blessing should have been sent down to you from your Lord" (2:105).

    "They shall be held up to shame in this world and sternly punished in the hereafter" (2:114).

    "Those to whom We [God] have given the Book, and who read it as it ought to be read, truly believe in it; those that deny it shall assuredly be lost" (2:122).

    "[We] shall let them live awhile, and then shall drag them to the scourge of the Fire. Evil shall be their fate" (2:126).

    "The East and the West are God's. He guides whom He will to a straight path" (2:142).

    "Do not say that those slain in the cause of God are dead. They are alive, but you are not aware of them" (2:154).

    "But the infidels who die unbelievers shall incur the curse of God, the angels, and all men. Under it they shall remain for ever; their punishment shall not be lightened, nor shall they be reprieved" (2:162).

    "They shall sigh with remorse, but shall never come out of the Fire" (2:168).

    "The unbelievers are like beasts which, call out to them as one may, can hear nothing but a shout and a cry. Deaf, dumb, and blind, they understand nothing" (2:172).

    "Theirs shall be a woeful punishment" (2:175).

    "How steadfastly they seek the Fire! That is because God has revealed the Book with truth; those that disagree about it are in extreme schism" (2:176).

    "Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage. . . . f they attack you put them to the sword. Thus shall the unbelievers be rewarded: but if they desist, God is forgiving and merciful. Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme. But if they desist, fight none except the evil-doers"(2:190?93).

    "Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it. But you may hate a thing although it is good for you, and love a thing although it is bad for you. God knows, but you know not" (2:216).

    "They will not cease to fight against you until they force you to renounce your faith?if they are able. But whoever of you recants and dies an unbeliever, his works shall come to nothing in this world and in the world to come. Such men shall be the tenants of Hell, wherein they shall abide forever. Those that have embraced the Faith, and those that have fled their land and fought for the cause of God, may hope for God's mercy" (2:217?18).

    "God does not guide the evil-doers" (2:258).

    "God does not guide the unbelievers" (2:264).

    "The evil-doers shall have none to help them" (2:270).

    "God gives guidance to whom He will" (2:272).

    "Those that deny God's revelations shall be sternly punished; God is mighty and capable of revenge" (3:5).

    "As for the unbelievers, neither their riches nor their children will in the least save them from God's judgment. They shall become fuel for the Fire" (3:10).

    "Say to the unbelievers: ?You shall be overthrown and driven into Hell?an evil resting place!'" (3:12).

    "The only true faith in God's sight is Islam. . . . He that denies God's revelations should know that swift is God's reckoning" (3:19).

    "Let the believers not make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful?he that does this has nothing to hope for from God?except in self-defense" (3:28).

    "Believers, do not make friends with any but your own people. They will spare no pains to corrupt you. They desire nothing but your ruin. Their hatred is evident from what they utter with their mouths, but greater is the hatred which their breasts conceal" (3:118).

    "If you have suffered a defeat, so did the enemy.We alternate these vicissitudes among mankind so that God may know the true believers and choose martyrs from among you (God does not love the evil-doers); and that God may test the faithful and annihilate the infidels" (3:140).

    "Believers, if you yield to the infidels they will drag you back to unbelief and you will return headlong to perdition. . . .We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. . . . The Fire shall be their home" (3:149-51).

    "Believers, do not follow the example of the infidels, who say of their brothers when they meet death abroad or in battle: ?Had they stayed with us they would not have died, nor would they have been killed.' God will cause them to regret their words. . . . If you should die or be slain in the cause of God, God's forgiveness and His mercy would surely be better than all the riches they amass" (3:156).

    "Never think that those who were slain in the cause of God are dead. They are alive, and well provided for by their Lord; pleased with His gifts and rejoicing that those they left behind, who have not yet joined them, have nothing to fear or to regret; rejoicing in God's grace and bounty. God will not deny the faithful their reward" (3:169).

    "Let not the unbelievers think that We prolong their days for their own good. We give them respite only so that they may commit more grievous sins. Shameful punishment awaits them" (3:178).

    "Those that suffered persecution for My sake and fought and were slain: I shall forgive them their sins and admit them to gardens watered by running streams, as a reward from God; God holds the richest recompense. Do not be deceived by the fortunes of the unbelievers in the land. Their prosperity is brief. Hell shall be their home, a dismal resting place" (3:195?96).

    "God has cursed them in their unbelief" (4:46).

    "God will not forgive those who serve other gods besides Him; but He will forgive whom He will for other sins. He that serves other gods besides God is guilty of a heinous sin. . . . Consider those to whom a portion of the Scriptures was given. They believe in idols and false gods and say of the infidels: ?These are better guided than the believers'" (4:50?51).

    "Those that deny Our revelation We will burn in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. God is mighty and wise" (4:55?56).

    "Believers, do not seek the friendship of the infidels and those who were given the Book before you, who have made of your religion a jest and a pastime" (5:57).

    "That which is revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase the wickedness and unbelief of many among them. We have stirred among them enmity and hatred, which will endure till the Day of Resurrection" (5:65).

    "God does not guide the unbelievers" (5:67).

    "That which is revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase the wickedness and unbelief of many among them. But do not grieve for the unbelievers" (5:69).

    "You see many among them making friends with unbelievers. Evil is that to which their souls prompt them. They have incurred the wrath of God and shall endure eternal torment. . . .You will find that the most implacable of men in their enmity to the faithful are the Jews and the pagans, and that the nearest in affection to them are those who say: ?We are Christians'" (5:80?82).

    "[T]hose that disbelieve and deny Our revelations shall become the inmates of Hell" (5:86).

    "[T]hey deny the truth when it is declared to them: but they shall learn the consequences of their scorn" (6:5).

    "We had made them more powerful in the land than yourselves [the Meccans], sent down for them abundant water from the sky and gave them rivers that rolled at their feet. Yet because they sinned We destroyed them all and raised up other generations after them. If We sent down to you a Book inscribed on real parchment and they touched it with their own hands, the unbelievers would still assert: ?This is but plain sorcery.' They ask: ?Why has no angel been sent down to him [Muhammad]?' If We had sent down an angel, their fate would have been sealed and they would have never been reprieved" (6:5?Cool.

    "Who is more wicked than the man who invents falsehoods about God or denies His revelations?" (6:21).

    "Some of them listen to you. But We have cast veils over their hearts and made them hard of hearing lest they understand your words. They will believe in none of Our signs, even if they see them one and all. When they come to argue with you the unbelievers say: ?This is nothing but old fictitious tales.' They forbid it and depart from it. They ruin none but themselves, though they do not perceive it. If you could see them when they are set before the Fire! They will say: ?Would that we could return! Then we would not deny the revelations of our Lord and would be true believers' 6:23?27).

    "But if they were sent back, they would return to that which they have been forbidden. They are liars all" (6:29).

    "Had God pleased He would have given them guidance, one and all" (6:35).

    "Deaf and dumb are those that deny Our revelations: they blunder about in darkness. God confounds whom He will, and guides to a straight path whom He pleases." (6:39)

    "[T]heir hearts were hardened, and Satan made their deeds seem fair to them. And when they had clean forgotten Our admonition We granted them all that they desired; but just as they were rejoicing in what they were given, We suddenly smote them and they were plunged into utter despair. Thus were the evil-doers annihilated. Praise be to God, Lord of the Universe!" (6:43?45).

    "[T]hose that deny Our revelations shall be punished for their misdeeds" (6:49).

    "Such are those that are damned by their own sins. They shall drink scalding water and be sternly punished for their unbelief" (6:70).

    "Could you but see the wrongdoers when death overwhelms them! With hands outstretched, the angels will say: ?Yield up your souls. You shall be rewarded with the scourge of shame this day, for you have said of God what is untrue and scorned His revelations" (6:93).

    "Avoid the pagans. Had God pleased, they would not have worshipped idols. . . . We will turn away their hearts and eyes from the Truth since they refused to believe in it at first. We will let them blunder about in their wrongdoing. If We sent the angels down to them, and caused the dead to speak to them, . . . and ranged all things in front of them, they would still not believe, unless God willed otherwise. . . . Thus have We assigned for every prophet an enemy: the devils among men and jinn, who inspire each other with vain and varnished falsehoods. But had your Lord pleased, they would not have done so. Therefore leave them to their own inventions, so that the hearts of those who have no faith in the life to come may be inclined to what they say and, being pleased, persist in their sinful ways" (6:107?12).

    "The devils will teach their votaries to argue with you. If you obey them you shall yourselves become idolaters. . . . God will humiliate the transgressors and mete out to them a grievous punishment for their scheming" (6:121?25).

    "If God wills to guide a man, He opens his bosom to Islam. But if he pleases to confound him, He makes his bosom small and narrow as though he were climbing up to heaven. Thus shall God lay the scourge on the unbelievers" (6:125).

    Many non Muslims are unfortunately unaware how relentlessly Allah vilifies them in the book He supposedly gave Muhammad. You use these words to describe unbelievers & apostates, & people will become more hostile to your faith than all our persuasion could make them!  Wink

    World renowned historian Will Durant"...the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown..."
  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #62 - April 01, 2009, 02:33 PM

    Morning Ahmed,

    I'm going to have to remind you that you are not in FFI so please throw out the goon comments and all the usual angry comments you feel driven to make when you are at FFI.

    Kthxbai  Afro

    Morning mate

    So how about Kafirs, would that be fine with you?

    And I have an honest message for you, for you to chose a title of moderatrix is very cheap and offending to all members in here

    you should be at least an example to your web sites members, who shows degnity and respect


    It's quite ironic that Berbs is actually well respected here. Funny that.
  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #63 - April 01, 2009, 08:10 PM

    Hey Berb

    How are you today?

    Look, I foound your statement that this is not an Islamic web site is really full of shit

    can you deny that this is hate site, hateing islam?

    see, I scanned many of the titles of your forum

    over 50% of it is rants about Islam, and even mocking to Islam

    Now, let me ask ya, why you allow the kafirs to rant about islam, and you do not allow the muslims to rant about the kafirs?

    See what I am talking about

    Therefore you have no merit to claim that your site is not an Islamic site, indeed it is certainly a site based on hating islam

    wake up sweetheart

  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #64 - April 01, 2009, 08:11 PM

    Dear BerberElla

    Do you mind if I use what the Quran used to describe those kafirs?

    I personally don't mind at all AhmedBahgat!  Afro Infact I think nothing could be better! You Muslims can do a far better job of educating "kafirs" about the potential dangers of the Quran by using its language:


    Excuse me sir, I did not ask you, I asked berbs

    Please drop the bottle for a while
  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #65 - April 02, 2009, 02:46 AM

    Dear BerberElla

    Do you mind if I use what the Quran used to describe those kafirs?

    I personally don't mind at all AhmedBahgat!  Afro Infact I think nothing could be better! You Muslims can do a far better job of educating "kafirs" about the potential dangers of the Quran by using its language:


    Excuse me sir, I did not ask you, I asked berbs

    Please drop the bottle for a while

    Lady, rather than sir.

    "It may happen that the enemies of Islam may consider it expedient not to take any action against Islam, if Islam leaves them alone in their geographical boundaries... But Islam cannot agree to this unless they submit to its authority by paying Jizyah"

    -Sayyid Qutb, Milestones
  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #66 - April 02, 2009, 05:47 AM

    Excuse me sir, I did not ask you, I asked berbs
    Please drop the bottle for a while

    Aksel's right, call me lady, Madam or Miss please, check out my profile if you don't know my gender.  Smiley

    World renowned historian Will Durant"...the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown..."
  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #67 - April 02, 2009, 08:34 AM

    Ahmed, it's a public forum. People can respond to your posts if they want to. If you don't like it, go and play somewhere else. bunny

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #68 - April 02, 2009, 09:14 PM

    Ahmed, it's a public forum. People can respond to your posts if they want to. If you don't like it, go and play somewhere else. bunny

    Osman thug,

    you are back to your Admin bullying nature

    I do understand pal, people at some point of times love to be control freaks

    on the other hand mister smart, same applies to me

    I reply back freely as they did

    don't you get the point or what pal?, seems that your control freak nature is overwhelming ya

    also mister Admin, i only started to comment hera again, to reply to those who TALKED about me, I am not really interested to refute your Tom and Jerry or Barbie arguments about Islam, unless I am challenged by any kafir

    Other than that you won't see me active in here

  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #69 - April 02, 2009, 09:19 PM

    Excuse me sir, I did not ask you, I asked berbs
    Please drop the bottle for a while

    Aksel's right, call me lady, Madam or Miss please, check out my profile if you don't know my gender.  Smiley

    LOL, you do not need to confirm that Aksel is right, just say you are a lady and that should be enough

    you know I do not think that a man will ever claim to be a lady

    hugs and kisses (i only do this with ladies btw)
  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #70 - April 02, 2009, 09:21 PM

    Excuse me sir, I did not ask you, I asked berbs
    Please drop the bottle for a while

    Aksel's right, call me lady, Madam or Miss please, check out my profile if you don't know my gender.  Smiley

    LOL, you do not need to confirm that Aksel is right, just say you are a lady and that should be enough

    you know I do not think that a man will ever claim to be a lady

    hugs and kisses (i oly do this with ladies btw)

    A 45 year old man kissing a 14 year old lady??? Where have I heard similar things before!  Cheesy

    Oh Ahmad you are a lolfest. Thank you for bringing laughter into my dark world!

    "I am ready to make my confession. I ask for no forgiveness father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. I did not ask for the life that I was given, but it was given nonetheless-and with it, I did my best"
  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #71 - April 02, 2009, 09:47 PM

    Ahmed, it's a public forum. People can respond to your posts if they want to. If you don't like it, go and play somewhere else. bunny

    Osman thug,

    you are back to your Admin bullying nature

    I do understand pal, people at some point of times love to be control freaks

    on the other hand mister smart, same applies to me

    I reply back freely as they did

    don't you get the point or what pal?, seems that your control freak nature is overwhelming ya

    also mister Admin, i only started to comment hera again, to reply to those who TALKED about me, I am not really interested to refute your Tom and Jerry or Barbie arguments about Islam, unless I am challenged by any kafir

    Other than that you won't see me active in here


    I am a kafir, why do you direct so much hatred to us when we have been only pleasant to you?  I chose to leave Islam because I believed it to be written by humans, why do you have a problem with that and why are you so so angry. 

    You cant be like that in real life, a tortured soul.  Stick around, it may help you to calm down a little. 

    Also let us know what you think of Hassans latest vid - I think its fairly balanced;topicseen , what do you think?

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #72 - April 02, 2009, 10:18 PM

    Ahmed, it's a public forum. People can respond to your posts if they want to. If you don't like it, go and play somewhere else. bunny

    Osman thug,

    you are back to your Admin bullying nature

    I do understand pal, people at some point of times love to be control freaks

    on the other hand mister smart, same applies to me

    I reply back freely as they did

    don't you get the point or what pal?, seems that your control freak nature is overwhelming ya

    also mister Admin, i only started to comment hera again, to reply to those who TALKED about me, I am not really interested to refute your Tom and Jerry or Barbie arguments about Islam, unless I am challenged by any kafir

    Other than that you won't see me active in here


    I am a kafir, why do you direct so much hatred to us when we have been only pleasant to you? 

    Well, I was pleasent to you too and played with you a game of chess

    are you confused or just another guy in his twinties?

    I chose to leave Islam because I believed it to be written by humans,

    I really donot care about that, it is your business

    now my business is to reply to those confused sould concerning Islam, but only if I choose to reply

    why do you have a problem with that

    I am not having any problems with that

    is is you who is still itchy after leaving Islam

    now let me ask ya, why you still have a problem with my religion after you left it?

    and why are you so so angry. 

    my anger is nothing but your delutions that I am, in your barbie world, therefore I do not need an anger managemmet, rather you need to get out of your Barbie world

    You cant be like that in real life,

    Welll, I well leave Barbie life to you, I am living a real and practical life

    a tortured soul.  Stick around, it may help you to calm down a little. 


    Also let us know what you think of Hassans latest vid - I think its fairly balanced;topicseen , what do you think?

    I did noot watch it, and to be honest, I do not ave time to watch it
  • Re: Forwarded e-mails are weird
     Reply #73 - April 02, 2009, 10:32 PM

    I am a kafir, why do you direct so much hatred to us when we have been only pleasant to you? 

    are you confused

    no, I am comfortable with my opinions
    I chose to leave Islam because I believed it to be written by humans,

    I really donot care about that, it is your business

    I am pleased to hear that
    now my business is to reply to those confused sould concerning Islam, but only if I choose to reply

    I also agree with you here, but we are working in opposite directions
    is is you who is still itchy after leaving Islam

    now let me ask ya, why you still have a problem with my religion after you left it?

    Because it creates monsters like you
    and why are you so so angry. 

    my anger is nothing but your delutions that I am, in your barbie world, therefore I do not need an anger managemmet, rather you need to get out of your Barbie world

    Is this Barbie world one without anger & hatred?  Do you have a problem with that?
    You cant be like that in real life,

    Welll, I well leave Barbie life to you, I am living a real and practical life

    Is that one where you kill infidels, and slaughter jews?

    a tortured soul.  Stick around, it may help you to calm down a little. 


    Also let us know what you think of Hassans latest vid - I think its fairly balanced;topicseen , what do you think?

    I did noot watch it, and to be honest, I do not ave time to watch it

    Try it, you might actually agree - I am genuinely interested to see if you are offended or not, or if you agree (its about the history of the prophet) and not a blatant attempt at conversion.  Also what country are you from if you dont mind me asking?

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