Islamonline has this quiz, & the winner gets an award. Last date for submission is March 22nd.
Can the Murtads & others solve this?
:: Q 1: The year in which the Prophet (pbbuh) was born witnessed a historic event that Arabs used to remember. What was that incident? And, what is the Qur'anic surah (chapter) that narrates it?
:: [baal] Bullshit. The year of the elephant was 30yrs before muhammad was born. But of course every muslim out there is under the impression that the failed attack by the elephants happend the year muhammad was born.
:: Q. 2: What was the first Qur'anic ayah (verse) that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him)? What lessons can you draw from this verse?
[Baal] The one where he was asked to recite.
:: Q. 3. "Year of sorrow" was a title given to a specific year that had remarkable incidents in the Prophet life. What were these incidents?
[Baal] His first wife, Ms.Moneycow died. And he was wifeless.
:: Q. 4: What was the reaction of Zayd ibn Harithah when he was asked to choose between his father, who found him after long time in slavery, and remaining with the Prophet (peace be upon him)?
[Baal] He chose to marry his young lolita wife to his new sugar daddy.
:: Q. 5: What was the first institution the Prophet established after reaching Madinah?
[Baal] None. All the institutions were already there. At best he converted the existing city forum to a mosque. An action his followers were very fond of doing over and over.
:: Q. 6 : How many children did the Prophet (pbuh) have got? What are their names?
[Baal] Does ibrahim count? or do we prefer to keep quiet about the real father of that kid.
:: Q. 7: Did the Prophet visit Al-Qasa mosque? If yes, write when this happened and what is the significance of that visit?
[Baal] The Aqsa mosque was not built yet during Muhammad visit to that mosque while flying a donkey. Oh wait. Did i say this right?
:: Q. 8: When the Companions went for a battle, what was the Prophet's advice for them regarding women, elderly, children, and monks?
[Baal] Booty on earth, and if you die, then booty in heaven.
:: Q. 9: It is well-known that the pagans in Makkah dealt with the Prophet and his followers in a very harsh way to the extent that they tortured and killed many Muslims. What was the reaction of the Prophet toward the Makkans when he opened Makkah in a huge army?
[Baal] Ordered Ten of his critics to be captured and killed even if they hid behind the curtains of the kaaba.
:: Q. 10: Mention three items the Prophet focused on in the Farewell sermon.
[Baal] If I was to read the correct sermon, not the sermon that came to exist few decades ago, I would say: Emptying the entire arab peninsula of all other religions except the one true deen. Warned about the apostates. And perhaps something else just as spiteful.