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 Topic: Convo with a muslim

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  • Convo with a muslim
     OP - March 19, 2009, 01:02 PM

    A guy from Ummah added me a while ago, and we talked about Islam and some problems I had with it. The issue we were discussing was that the Quran allows marriage to kids before puberty. He didn't believe me even when I showed him some sources. I posted that convo here a while ago but I cant seem to find it any more. Anyway he approached me again today about that subject and it's quite funny, the boy is in total denial! I even showed him Ibn Kathir's tasfir about it an he still wouldn't believe me that the Quran allows it.

    (The verse is 65:04 for those unaware of it).

    [10:49] ebubekir: sister i read again and again
    and i asked again and again but noone told me that there is that kind of verse in quran
    [10:49] marina/PeruvianSkies: i gave you the quote
    [10:49] ebubekir: which says "girls are allowed to getting marry before puberty"
    [10:49] marina/PeruvianSkies: thats what tasfirs have stated
    [10:49] ebubekir: THEN İT İS LİE
    [10:50] ebubekir: WRONG
    [10:50] marina/PeruvianSkies: its in the quran
    [10:50] marina/PeruvianSkies: quran doesnt lie
    [10:50] marina/PeruvianSkies: apparently
    [10:50] ebubekir: NAH THAT TRANSLATİON İS LİE
    [10:50] ebubekir: U DİD NOT READ ARABİC
    [10:50] marina/PeruvianSkies: its in several translations
    [10:50] ebubekir: QURAN İS NOT İN ENGLİSH OR TURKİSH
    [10:50] marina/PeruvianSkies: can you remember the verse number?
    [10:50] ebubekir: SEE?
    [10:50] ebubekir: QURAN İS ARABİC
    [10:51] marina/PeruvianSkies: the tasfirs are written by those who understand arabic
    [10:51] marina/PeruvianSkies: i also know people who speak arabic, and i can link you to them if you like
    [10:52] ebubekir: THEN THAT MAN WHO translated it is liar
    there is no verse which includes that kind of sayings
    [10:52] ebubekir: nah there is no
    [10:52] marina/PeruvianSkies: if you want, i could recommend you to a forum where you can debate your opinion, theres quite a few people on there who speak arabic and they will be more than happy to explain it to you
    [10:52] marina/PeruvianSkies: more than one person has translated it that way
    [10:54] marina/PeruvianSkies: mohammed got engaged to a 6 year old remember
    [10:55] ebubekir: nah she was not 6 she was 9 or 15 and she was older than the age of puberty
    [10:55] ebubekir: u dont know
    [10:55] marina/PeruvianSkies: bhukari states she was 6
    [10:55] marina/PeruvianSkies: if you're going to disregard the bhukari (which is one the most authentic hadiths) then you may as well disregard every hadith
    [10:55] ebubekir: she was 9 or 15
    [10:55] marina/PeruvianSkies: including the ones which say she is 15
    [10:56] marina/PeruvianSkies: he married her when she was 9
    [10:56] ebubekir: she was older than age of puberty
    [10:56] ebubekir: see?
    [10:56] ebubekir: than no problem
    [10:56] marina/PeruvianSkies: theres no evidence that she reached puberty, even if she did it makes no difference. 9 is very young and too young to get married
    [10:56] marina/PeruvianSkies: the body has not developed yet
    [10:57] marina/PeruvianSkies: neither has the mind
    [10:57] marina/PeruvianSkies: she could've suffered physical damage (maybe even permanent ones) because her body was underdeveloped
    [10:57] marina/PeruvianSkies: puberty means nothing
    [10:57] ebubekir: too young according to WEST
    [10:58] marina/PeruvianSkies: too young according to the child
    [10:58] marina/PeruvianSkies: i have never met a 9 year old who was mature enough to get married
    [10:58] ebubekir: if prophet Muhammad was married with her than she was certainly older than age of puberty
    [10:58] marina/PeruvianSkies: or even understand marriage
    [10:58] marina/PeruvianSkies: it doesnt matter either way
    [10:59] marina/PeruvianSkies: she was young and now many kids all over the world are being married off at such a young age when they do not want to and are clearly not ready for marriage
    [11:00] marina/PeruvianSkies: you can believe what you want, i personally cannot see how a 9 year old is ready for marriage and it makes me sad that people see it as ok
    [11:00] marina/PeruvianSkies: i have a question for you
    [11:00] marina/PeruvianSkies: if you ever have children, would you marry off your 9 year old daughter to an old man?
    [11:01] marina/PeruvianSkies: would you be ok with such a decision?
    [11:01] marina/PeruvianSkies: i've noticed many people defend the prophet, but when it comes to them they could not do it themselves
    [11:01] ebubekir: u are not right
    if prophet did something than it is right/correct.
    if u are sure that He did it
    [11:01] ebubekir: thats what islam says
    [11:01] ebubekir: prophets dont do wrong things
    [11:01] marina/PeruvianSkies: thats not good reasoning
    [11:01] ebubekir: and there is no such verse as u said
    [11:02] ebubekir: thats lie
    [11:02] ebubekir: thats not true
    [11:02] marina/PeruvianSkies: the verse is here -
    [11:02] ebubekir: i said it is lie u sent it tome before
    [11:04] marina/PeruvianSkies: its the quran...
    [11:05] ebubekir: i read it in turkish and i asked to islamic scholars in adana in turkey where i live
    [11:05] ebubekir: i asked asked asked
    [11:05] ebubekir: it is lie wrong
    [11:06] marina/PeruvianSkies: i know someone who is form turkey, he said the translations arent terrific. but anyway do you know who ibn kathir is?
    [11:06] marina/PeruvianSkies: he has the most reliable tasfir
    [11:07] ebubekir: translations are never right %100
    we can believe them but quran is in arabic not in turkish or english
    [11:07] ebubekir: we cant translate even
    [11:07] marina/PeruvianSkies: if you cant trust his interpretation (which is the best apparently) then you cant trust anyones
    [11:07] ebubekir: every word
    [11:07] marina/PeruvianSkies: thats why we have tasfirs, to make it reliable and to explain
    [11:07] ebubekir: u can trust in quran when u learn arabic
    [11:07] ebubekir: %100
    [11:07] ebubekir: and islamic scholars
    [11:08] marina/PeruvianSkies: i know people who speak arabic
    [11:08] ebubekir: but i mean we cant translate quran %100
    [11:08] marina/PeruvianSkies: if god made the quran so difficult to understand then he cant blame us if we get it wrong]
    [11:08] ebubekir: so there are lots of translations even in turkish
    [11:08] marina/PeruvianSkies: its god's fault
    [11:08] marina/PeruvianSkies: ibn kathir
    [11:08] ebubekir: not so difficult
    and Allah sent prophets with books
    [11:08] ebubekir:
    [11:08] ebubekir: see?_
    [11:08] ebubekir: not only quran
    [11:09] ebubekir: quran and prophet
    [11:09] ebubekir: and hadiths
    [11:09] marina/PeruvianSkies: "There is a third type of divorce, which is neither a Sunnah nor an innovation where one divorces a young wife who has not begun to have menses"
    [11:09] marina/PeruvianSkies: would you like to speak to those who know arabuc?
    [11:09] marina/PeruvianSkies: arabic*
    [11:10] marina/PeruvianSkies: the translations arent as bad as you seem to think, and we have tasfirs that clarify them and hadiths to understand them
    [11:10] marina/PeruvianSkies: that vast majority of the planet does not read arabic, and therefore need other means to understand, tasfirs and hadiths are useful in this respect
    [11:11] marina/PeruvianSkies: the 'you cannot understand the quran because you dont know arabic' is a last resort argument that means nothing. if you're going to use it you have already lost the debate
    [11:12] ebubekir: we believe in sunnah hadiths and quran
    i dont read everybody's translation but i read some body's translations
    i mean who i trust who i know he is right he is islamic scholar
    1- quran
    3- sunnah
    these are what we believe what teach us how to live
    [11:12] ebubekir: how to pray
    [11:12] marina/PeruvianSkies: and the quran allows marriage to young girls
    [11:13] marina/PeruvianSkies: as ive shown you
    [11:13] marina/PeruvianSkies: with two tasfirs supporting me
    [11:13] marina/PeruvianSkies: including ibn kathir
    [11:14] marina/PeruvianSkies: who's knowledge of islam is excellent and he is very well respected for his tasfir
    [11:14] ebubekir: u can believe in most of translations but not all of them
    u can believe in whou think good right man great islamic scholar
    but noone cant translate quran from arabic to turkish %100 but we can believe in islamic scholars they know very well (quran)esp arabic ones
    [11:14] ebubekir: and hadiths and sunnah
    [11:14] ebubekir: there are some wrong hadiths too
    [11:14] ebubekir: there are some bad men...
    [11:15] marina/PeruvianSkies: tasfir isnt a translation
    [11:15] marina/PeruvianSkies: it is an explanation
    [11:15] marina/PeruvianSkies: from people who know what they are talking about
    [11:16] ebubekir: yeah tafsirs are explanation and translation
    i dont understand arabic
    they must translate it in turkish

  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #1 - March 19, 2009, 01:02 PM

    [11:18] marina/PeruvianSkies: you understand english, there are english tasfirs, try reading them
    [11:18] marina/PeruvianSkies: or if you want, i know someone who speaks turkish
    [11:18] marina/PeruvianSkies: ill direct you to him?
    [11:18] marina/PeruvianSkies: or people who actually speak arabic?
    [11:18] ebubekir: i cant understand english %100
    if i know arabic %100 then i d read quran in arabic
    [11:19] ebubekir: i know thousands of people who can speak turkish i guess i dont need it
    [11:19] ebubekir:
    [11:19] ebubekir: i live in turkey
    [11:19] ebubekir: with 70 million
    [11:19] marina/PeruvianSkies: hehe
    [11:20] marina/PeruvianSkies: well its up to you if you want to check the source or not
    [11:20] marina/PeruvianSkies: ive given you two reliable sites, theres nothing more i can provide
    [11:21] ebubekir: like i said
    if a girl is older than age of puberty than she can get marry
    she is okay
    west says 18
    islam says being older than age of puberty
    [11:21] ebubekir: i dont care about west
    [11:21] marina/PeruvianSkies: as long as you dont marry off young kids, i have no problem
    [11:21] marina/PeruvianSkies: islam says any age
    [11:21] ebubekir: yeah any age
    [11:21] ebubekir: it says
    [11:21] ebubekir: age of puberty
    [11:21] marina/PeruvianSkies: although puberty is usually too young anyway
    [11:21] ebubekir: according to west
    [11:22] marina/PeruvianSkies: also in the older days the age of puberty was much higher
    [11:22] marina/PeruvianSkies: 9 is too young no matter where you are in the world
    [11:22] ebubekir: u think like western
    [11:22] ebubekir: u are western
    [11:22] marina/PeruvianSkies: age of puberty used to be around 15-16 years
    [11:22] ebubekir: i see
    [11:22] ebubekir: not for grils
    [11:22] marina/PeruvianSkies: meaning aisha probably hadnt reached puberty
    [11:22] ebubekir: biology
    [11:22] ebubekir: nah
    [11:22] ebubekir: she did
    [11:22] marina/PeruvianSkies: research history, the puberty age for girls has gone down
    [11:22] ebubekir: certainly
    [11:23] ebubekir: unless prophet d not get marry
    [11:23] ebubekir: not in uae
    [11:23] ebubekir: it depends on where girls live
    [11:23] marina/PeruvianSkies: what about girls who reach puberty at 2 years old? it happens to some, are they ok to marry?
    [11:23] ebubekir: nah thats not possible
    [11:24] ebubekir: at least it is 9 or 10
    [11:24] ebubekir: for girls who live in uae
    [11:24] marina/PeruvianSkies: it is possible and well documented
    [11:25] marina/PeruvianSkies:
    [11:25] marina/PeruvianSkies: its called precocious puberty
    [11:25] marina/PeruvianSkies: Precocious puberty ? the onset of signs of puberty before age 7 or 8 in girls and age 9 in boys ? can be physically and emotionally difficult for kids and can sometimes be the sign of an underlying health problem.
    [11:26] marina/PeruvianSkies: the youngest girl to ever be pregnant was 5 years old
    [11:26] marina/PeruvianSkies: do you think she was ready to have a child?
    [11:26] ebubekir: look if she was not older than age of puberty prophet d not get marry with her
    [11:26] marina/PeruvianSkies: or even ready for sex?
    [11:26] ebubekir: she was sick i guess
    [11:26] ebubekir: i am sure
    [11:26] marina/PeruvianSkies: who was sick?
    [11:26] ebubekir: if she was not than no probs.
    [11:26] marina/PeruvianSkies: its happened to more girls then her
    [11:27] ebubekir: if prohet did it then no probs.

    [11:27] ebubekir: it s okay
    [11:27] marina/PeruvianSkies: if the prophet tortured somebody for treasure, would that be ok?
    [11:27] ebubekir: he did not marry with girl who was younger than 5
    [11:27] ebubekir: he did it with a girl who was older than 9
    [11:28] ebubekir: ro 10
    [11:28] marina/PeruvianSkies: she was 9
    [11:28] ebubekir: and older than age of puberty
    [11:28] marina/PeruvianSkies: if the prophet tortured somebody, would that be ok?
    [11:28] marina/PeruvianSkies: even if it was for something like treasure?
    [11:28] marina/PeruvianSkies: do you think that is ok?
    [11:28] marina/PeruvianSkies: if the prophet did it
    [11:28] marina/PeruvianSkies: ?
    [11:28] ebubekir: yeah %100 certainly

    [11:29] ebubekir: if he did
    [11:29] ebubekir: he was prophet
    [11:29] marina/PeruvianSkies: in that case -

    Kinana al-Rabi, who had the custody of the treasure of Banu Nadir, was brought to the apostle who asked him about it. He denied that he knew where it was. A Jew came (Tabari says "was brought"), to the apostle and said that he had seen Kinana going round a certain ruin every morning early. When the apostle said to Kinana, "Do you know that if we find you have it I shall kill you?" He said "Yes". The apostle gave orders that the ruin was to be excavated and some of the treasure was found. When he asked him about the rest he refused to produce it, so the apostle gave orders to al-Zubayr Al-Awwam, "Torture him until you extract what he has." So he kindled a fire with flint and steel on his chest until he was nearly dead. Then the apostle delivered him to Muhammad b. Maslama and he struck off his head, in revenge for his brother Mahmud
    (Ibn Hisham. Al-Sira al-Nabawiyya (The Life of The Prophet). English translation in Guillaume (1955), pp. 145,146)

    we should all go around torturing people for treasure, it is subbah afterall
    [11:29] marina/PeruvianSkies: sunna*
    [11:30] ebubekir: look i cant understand all of these sentences but if he did something then it is right
    i mean everything he did
    [11:30] ebubekir: there is no sin for prophets
    [11:31] marina/PeruvianSkies: so torture is now ok
    [11:31] marina/PeruvianSkies: thanks for that
    [11:31] marina/PeruvianSkies: you teach ecellent morals
    [11:31] marina/PeruvianSkies: i shall go around torturing people for treasure tonight
    [11:31] marina/PeruvianSkies: its sunnah so i have to do it and i shall spread the message
    [11:31] ebubekir: Allah says there is no sin for prophets
    [11:31] marina/PeruvianSkies: and there is no sin for those following the sunnah
    [11:31] ebubekir: u try to deny islam
    [11:31] ebubekir: i guess
    [11:32] ebubekir: u dont try to learn what it says
    [11:32] marina/PeruvianSkies: i dont view torture as ok, and i dont view marrying off young kids before they are mature as ok.
    [11:32] marina/PeruvianSkies: i do learn, you deny it
    [11:32] marina/PeruvianSkies: theres a difference
    [11:32] ebubekir: i said so many times
    [11:32] ebubekir: if girl is older than age of puberty than no probs
    [11:32] marina/PeruvianSkies: ive given you plenty of sources and yet you deny it
    [11:33] marina/PeruvianSkies: and puberty is still too young, the body is not developed enough
    [11:33] ebubekir: i mean normally
    [11:33] marina/PeruvianSkies: and mature enough
    [11:33] ebubekir: 9 or 10 i,s normal
    [11:33] ebubekir: in uae
    [11:33] ebubekir: but i guess not 5
    [11:33] marina/PeruvianSkies: and rape is normal is war, doesnt make it ok
    [11:33] marina/PeruvianSkies: the 5 year reached puberty
    [11:33] marina/PeruvianSkies: according to you it is ok
    [11:34] marina/PeruvianSkies: something being normal doesnt make it ok
    [11:34] marina/PeruvianSkies: treating women like crap used to be normal and now they have equal rights
    [11:34] marina/PeruvianSkies: we cant progress without change
    [11:34] ebubekir: u think like westerns
    [11:34] marina/PeruvianSkies: i think like me
    [11:35] ebubekir: u cant say islam is wrong when u are thinking like western
    [11:35] ebubekir: people
    [11:35] marina/PeruvianSkies: excuse me for finding it immoral to marry young kids before they are ready
    [11:35] marina/PeruvianSkies: you never answered my question, when you have kids would you marry your 9 year old daughter to a 50 year old?
    [11:37] ebubekir: i dont if i dont have to but thats not wrong
    [11:37] ebubekir: possible
    [11:37] marina/PeruvianSkies: i doubt you would
    [11:38] ebubekir: i said i dont if i dont have to do it
    [11:38] ebubekir: but it is not wrong
    [11:39] marina/PeruvianSkies: exactly, you wouldnt do it even though you are trying to say you would not have a problem with it
    [11:39] marina/PeruvianSkies: though im sure you would have a problem with it
    [11:39] ebubekir: i dont have problem with it but it is not wrong
    [11:40] ebubekir: if my daughet wants
    [11:40] ebubekir: then no prob
    [11:40] marina/PeruvianSkies: i definitely would, i could never do that to my daughter
    [11:40] marina/PeruvianSkies: aisha never asked for it

  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #2 - March 19, 2009, 01:11 PM

    [11:40] ebubekir: what is your religion?
    [11:40] ebubekir: did i ask
    [11:40] marina/PeruvianSkies: agnoctic
    [11:41] marina/PeruvianSkies: agnostic*
    [11:41] ebubekir: is it normal?
    being agnostic?
    [11:42] marina/PeruvianSkies: what do you mean
    [11:42] ebubekir: islam is truth sister
    so everday thousands of people reverts to islam
    [11:42] ebubekir: dont say that there are some wrong things in islam
    [11:42] ebubekir: there is no
    [11:42] ebubekir: agnostism does not mean any sense
    [11:42] ebubekir: make
    [11:42] ebubekir: does not make
    [11:43] marina/PeruvianSkies: agnosticm makes perfect sense
    [11:43] ebubekir: really?
    [11:43] marina/PeruvianSkies: you know whats interesting?
    [11:43] ebubekir: are u kidding with me?
    [11:44] ebubekir: did u want to come to this world?
    [11:44] marina/PeruvianSkies: a study done by muslim schloars showed 75% of muslims converst reverted back
    [11:44] ebubekir: please answer
    [11:44] marina/PeruvianSkies: converts*
    [11:44] ebubekir: are u sure?
    [11:44] ebubekir: thats funny
    [11:44] ebubekir: it is lie
    [11:44] marina/PeruvianSkies: and no, i did not want to come to this world
    [11:44] ebubekir: well do u want to die?
    [11:44] marina/PeruvianSkies: funny how everything you disagree with is a lie
    [11:44] ebubekir: no
    [11:45] ebubekir: do u need too much thing in this world to live
    [11:45] ebubekir: ?
    [11:45] ebubekir: yes
    [11:45] marina/PeruvianSkies: yes i do want to die, its the ultimate peace. i was dead for billions of years before i was born and it did not bother me at all
    [11:45] ebubekir: did u want to have those?
    [11:45] ebubekir: no
    [11:45] marina/PeruvianSkies: have what?
    [11:45] ebubekir: did u want to have what u need in this world?
    [11:45] ebubekir: feet
    [11:45] ebubekir: eyes
    [11:45] ebubekir: hands
    [11:45] ebubekir: head
    [11:45] ebubekir: brain
    [11:45] ebubekir: apple
    [11:45] ebubekir: air
    [11:45] ebubekir: tree
    [11:46] ebubekir: milk
    [11:46] marina/PeruvianSkies: theres the study by the muslims about muslim converts
    [11:46] marina/PeruvianSkies: those things came via evolution
    [11:46] ebubekir: evo?
    it is the biggest lie ever
    [11:46] marina/PeruvianSkies: lol
    [11:46] marina/PeruvianSkies: it is the most backed up theory in science
    [11:47] ebubekir: nah it is the biggest lie ever
    it s just a theory
    [11:47] marina/PeruvianSkies: i can provide you with evidence if you like
    [11:47] ebubekir: it cant explain how the firt alive thing exist
    [11:47] ebubekir: it cant
    [11:47] ebubekir: explain the first alive thing
    [11:47] ebubekir: how it exist
    [11:48] marina/PeruvianSkies: abiogenesis
    [11:48] marina/PeruvianSkies: we are getting closer to solving it
    [11:48] marina/PeruvianSkies: the first living this was probably RNA
    [11:48] ebubekir: it does not make any sense

    [11:48] ebubekir: is it possible ?
    everything is by chance?
    [11:48] marina/PeruvianSkies: ofcourse it does and we have done plenty of lab tests to show it
    [11:48] marina/PeruvianSkies: is god by chance?
    [11:49] marina/PeruvianSkies: how is it possible for god to exist?
    [11:49] marina/PeruvianSkies: did he just suddenly appear?
    [11:49] ebubekir: nah He was there
    he is there
    he is going to be there
    [11:49] ebubekir: listen let me tell u something interesting
    [11:49] marina/PeruvianSkies: the universe may be eternal too and there are theories saying it probably is eternal
    [11:49] ebubekir:
    [11:49] ebubekir: ?
    [11:49] marina/PeruvianSkies: what?
    [11:50] ebubekir: i am sure that u did not know that
    God created "time" and "place"
    God created "when" and "where"
    there is no time limit for God
    god created all
    [11:50] ebubekir: where and when
    [11:50] ebubekir: time is for us
    [11:50] ebubekir: creations
    [11:51] ebubekir: i mean
    [11:51] ebubekir: for world
    [11:51] marina/PeruvianSkies: time is possibly an illusion
    [11:51] marina/PeruvianSkies: and you cannot create something without time]
    [11:51] marina/PeruvianSkies: it is illogical
    [11:51] marina/PeruvianSkies: for something to exist it needs time
    [11:51] ebubekir: time is for human beings
    [11:51] ebubekir: not for God
    [11:51] marina/PeruvianSkies: time is for all things
    [11:51] ebubekir: God is greater than everything
    [11:52] marina/PeruvianSkies: and possibly doesnt even exist
    [11:52] ebubekir: superior to everything
    [11:52] ebubekir: to time and to place
    [11:52] ebubekir: well hope u revert to islam
    and there is no such verse like what u said
    [11:52] ebubekir: but i got to go now
    [11:52] marina/PeruvianSkies: i wont be converting
    [11:52] marina/PeruvianSkies: you are in so much denial
    [11:52] marina/PeruvianSkies: youve pushed me even further
    [11:53] ebubekir: me?
    i did not i told u that quran does not say something like that
    [11:53] ebubekir: i said islam is truth
    [11:53] marina/PeruvianSkies: denying a verse in the quran is unbelief
    [11:53] ebubekir: there is no verse like that
    [11:53] ebubekir: like u said
    [11:54] marina/PeruvianSkies: you are not a kaffir
    [11:54] marina/PeruvianSkies: welsome aboard
    [11:54] marina/PeruvianSkies: i mean, you are NOW a kaffir
    [11:54] marina/PeruvianSkies: welcome aboard
    [11:54] marina/PeruvianSkies: with the rest of us quran-deniers
    [11:54] ebubekir: i read that verse which u sent me
    [11:54] ebubekir: nah u suppose so
    [11:54] ebubekir: that does not make any sense
    [11:55] ebubekir: quran never says
    girls are allowed to get marry before age of puberty
    [11:55] marina/PeruvianSkies: does
    [11:55] marina/PeruvianSkies: shown you
    [11:55] marina/PeruvianSkies: and shown two tasfirs
    [11:55] ebubekir: i got to go
    i told u islam is truth
    [11:55] ebubekir: bye
    [11:55] marina/PeruvianSkies: bye

  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #3 - March 19, 2009, 01:42 PM

    What a schmuck! Poor thing... So deluded by religion. At least he has a decent moral head on his shoulders and feels disgusted by child brides. Unfortunately for him it IS allowed in Islam.

    By the way, Muhammad did NOT marry her when she was 9. He married her at age 6 but had sex with her when she turned 9.

    "At 8:47 I do a grenade jump off a ladder."
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #4 - March 19, 2009, 01:48 PM

    Technically he engaged her at 9, then consummated the marriage at 9. At least that's how the muslims word it.
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #5 - March 19, 2009, 02:34 PM

    Alright, I just looked up all the Turkish translations of 65:4 that I could find, and this is what I found:

    Translations which are more or less in congruence with what Ibn Kathir thinks:

    Diyanet Meali:
    Kadınlarınızdan âdetten kesilmiş olanlarla, henüz âdet görmeyenler hususunda tereddüt ederseniz, onların bekleme süresi üç aydır.

    "haven't had the period yet"

    Suat Yıldırım:
    Kadınlarınızdan âdetten kesilenlerin iddetinde tereddüt ederseniz, onların iddet süreleri üç aydır. Henüz âdet görmeyenlerin de süreleri böyledir.

    "haven't had the period yet"

    Yaşar Nuri Öztürk:
    Âdetten kesilen kadınlarınızın iddet bekleme sürelerinde kuşkuya düşerseniz, onların iddetleri üç aydır. Hiç âdet görmemiş kadınların süreleri de böyledir.

    "have never had the period"

    Whitewashed or incorrect translations:

    Muhammed Esed:
    Ay hali görmekten kesilen ve hiç ay hali görmeyen (10) kadınlarınıza gelince, onların iddeti, -eğer [onun süresiyle ilgili] bir şüpheniz varsa- üç [takvim] ay[ı] olacaktır;

    "those who never have the period"

    10 - Yani, herhangi bir fizyolojik sebepten dolayı.
    Translation of footnote 10: That is, because of any physiological reason.

    E. Hamdi Yazır:
    Adetten kesilmiş kadınlarınız hakkında şüpheye düşerseniz, onların iddeti de üç aydır; adet görmeyenler de öyledir.

    "those who don't have the period"

    Edip Yüksel:
    Menopoz dönemine girerek aybaşından kesilen kadınlarınıza gelince, kuşkunuz varsa, bekleme süreleri üç aydır. Aybaşı hali görmeyen ve gebe olanların süresi, yüklerini bırakmalarıyla sona erer.

    "those who don't have the period"

    EDIT: trying to fix the Turkish characters.

    German ex-Muslim forumMy YouTubeList of Ex-Muslims
    Wikis: en de fr ar tr
    I'm on an indefinite break...
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #6 - March 19, 2009, 02:47 PM

    Thanks Aziz, I may mention that next time. Are those question marks meant to be a single quote (') mark?
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #7 - March 19, 2009, 02:55 PM

    No, they are German umlauts. Well, the Turkish alphabet has them, too.

    German ex-Muslim forumMy YouTubeList of Ex-Muslims
    Wikis: en de fr ar tr
    I'm on an indefinite break...
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #8 - April 08, 2009, 11:44 AM

    This guy spoke to me again today, the conversation was somewhat disheartening :(

    [12:22] ebubekir: there is no such verse like that in quran
    [12:22] ebubekir: i want u know this
    [12:22] marina/PeruvianSkies: i asked on a forum, someone gave me some turkish translations
    [12:22] marina/PeruvianSkies: they all said it
    [12:23] ebubekir: nah nah nah
    [12:23] marina/PeruvianSkies: i can link you to it
    [12:23] ebubekir: well and i want to say something omore
    [12:23] ebubekir: more
    [12:24] marina/PeruvianSkies: ok
    [12:25] ebubekir: quran has so much/many meanings and miracles in it
    if a man cant speak arabic so good then he cant translate it %100 but arabic scholars can do it
    i mean turkish or english muslim guys could not translate it %100 try to find a scholar who can speak arabic or who can know arabic
    [12:25] ebubekir: there are some wrong comments about verses
    [12:25] ebubekir: dont believe in them
    [12:25] ebubekir: i say there is no verse like that
    [12:25] ebubekir: i am sure
    [12:26] marina/PeruvianSkies: ibn kathir knws arabic, and he is a great scholar
    [12:26] marina/PeruvianSkies: and he is not the only one with this translation
    [12:26] marina/PeruvianSkies: so the bad translation argument does not work in this context
    [12:26] ebubekir: but there is no verse like that u dont accept islam cause u think that there is a verse like that::::::::
    [12:27] marina/PeruvianSkies: there is a verse like it, i have shown you, i have shown you tasfirs from respectable sources (there are many reasons i reject islam, this is just one)
    [12:28] marina/PeruvianSkies: but if you think otherwise then fine
    [12:28] ebubekir: why u said me first time u want to learn about islam ?
    [12:28] marina/PeruvianSkies: i have no problem with that, but i trust ibn kathir over you
    [12:28] ebubekir: did u lie?
    [12:28] marina/PeruvianSkies: no, i do want to learn
    [12:28] marina/PeruvianSkies: but you obviously do not know much
    [12:29] marina/PeruvianSkies: anyway, ummah moved me away from islam
    [12:29] ebubekir:
    [12:29] marina/PeruvianSkies: ive been fed a sugarcoated version of islam by friends
    [12:29] marina/PeruvianSkies: i went on ummah to learn
    [12:30] marina/PeruvianSkies: but i didnt like what i saw, ive debated with some smart muslims who know theyre talking about but they only confirmed my fears
    [12:30] ebubekir: like what?_
    [12:31] marina/PeruvianSkies: i found out that men do not require consent from their first wives in order to marry a second wife
    [12:32] marina/PeruvianSkies: i initially thought they did and it did not bother me too much then, but it turns out that is not true
    [12:33] marina/PeruvianSkies: there are threads on ummah where women look for advice from other women because their husband wants to marry another women
    [12:33] marina/PeruvianSkies: the responses were disheartning
    [12:33] ebubekir: husbands can get marry with 4 woman if they want
    [12:33] ebubekir: thats correct
    [12:34] marina/PeruvianSkies: they should ask permission
    [12:34] ebubekir: right
    [12:34] marina/PeruvianSkies: but they do not need to
    [12:34] marina/PeruvianSkies: which is wrong
    [12:34] marina/PeruvianSkies: do have any idea how worthless it would make a women feel if their husband got married again?
    [12:34] marina/PeruvianSkies: it is heartbreaking
    [12:35] ebubekir: this is islam says
    [12:35] ebubekir: nonono
    [12:35] ebubekir: islam says so
    [12:35] marina/PeruvianSkies: and something i find grotesque
    [12:35] ebubekir: well i gotto go i dont debate on what islam says
    [12:35] marina/PeruvianSkies: i dont care if islam says so, women are badly affected here and god couldnt care less
    [12:35] marina/PeruvianSkies: fine
    [12:35] ebubekir: it s wrong
    [12:35] marina/PeruvianSkies: listen blindly
    [12:35] ebubekir: it is true
    [12:35] marina/PeruvianSkies: dont care about the women affected
    [12:36] Meebo Message: ebubekir is offline

    I'm quite pissed off now. He didn't even consider the women! finmad
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #9 - April 08, 2009, 11:48 AM

    I spose you could tell him off for not following Muhammed's example - M considered his daughter's feelings and told his son-in-law not to take a second wife because it would upset her.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #10 - April 08, 2009, 11:51 AM

    I'm quite pissed off now. He didn't even consider the women! finmad

    cuz he has a penis and isn't obligated to feel empathy Roll Eyes. bastard.

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #11 - April 08, 2009, 11:51 AM

    Go visit him with that strap on.Cheesy

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #12 - April 08, 2009, 11:51 AM

    I spose you could tell him off for not following Muhammed's example - M considered his daughter's feelings and told his son-in-law not to take a second wife because it would upset her.

    That's just hypocrisy, he never considered his own wives feelings yet his daughter is exempt from such rules.
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #13 - April 08, 2009, 11:52 AM

    I spose you could tell him off for not following Muhammed's example - M considered his daughter's feelings and told his son-in-law not to take a second wife because it would upset her.

    That's just hypocrisy, he never considered his own wives feelings yet his daughter is exempt from such rules.


    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #14 - April 08, 2009, 11:57 AM

    I spose you could tell him off for not following Muhammed's example - M considered his daughter's feelings and told his son-in-law not to take a second wife because it would upset her.

    That's just hypocrisy, he never considered his own wives feelings yet his daughter is exempt from such rules.


    I know its hypocritical of M, but might be worth putting to your muslim friend.  Mind you, he'll probly just say there were special rules for Fatima, same as Muhammed was allowed more than four.   Roll Eyes

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #15 - April 08, 2009, 12:10 PM

    "too young according to WEST"

    I always find this reasoning so frustrating. Like there is anything else with a better authority on the subject of child marriage.  finmad
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #16 - April 08, 2009, 12:15 PM

    I spose you could tell him off for not following Muhammed's example - M considered his daughter's feelings and told his son-in-law not to take a second wife because it would upset her.

    That's just hypocrisy, he never considered his own wives feelings yet his daughter is exempt from such rules.


    I know its hypocritical of M, but might be worth putting to your muslim friend.  Mind you, he'll probly just say there were special rules for Fatima, same as Muhammed was allowed more than four.   Roll Eyes

    Guess so, he's gone now. Don't think I can really be bothered to talk to him though, he denies what he likes and accepts what he likes.
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #17 - July 27, 2009, 08:07 AM

    Is 65:04

    soorat al Talag?

    or is it al Nisaa?
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #18 - July 27, 2009, 08:21 AM

    You're the Muslim. You should know.  Tongue

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Convo with a muslim
     Reply #19 - July 27, 2009, 09:24 AM

    its al talag,

    I believe the verse seems to deal with the menustral cycle after divorce (as proof if the woman is pregnant) this has to do with lineage rather than marriage.

    I don't see the relevance to marriage before puberty.

    Perhaps someone can expand on the argument?
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