Greetings & Welcome, Mr. X
I refer to the following exchange in the Comment Section:
on Today at 01:37:39 PM
See how the mature and decisive Bob mocks me and uses personal attacks rather than addressing my points? Isn't this proof that he is in it for the BMZ?
Anyway, welcome Mr X! You have conveniantly arrived at an interesting time.
You also seem to rehash BMZ's invalid argument. No one with any sort of brain would believe that a Singapori with limited second language Arabic could understand what a Saudi Arabian native speaker couldn't. That is all.
Also, Mr X (BMZ) thanks for showing up at the right time and showing the good folks here how much of a troll you really are, you usually save your multinicking for FFI-but I'm glad the people here can see your true colours.
Silly.. I don't know this Guy. For your kind information, We have Lecturers and Scholars from Indonesia, Southafrica, India and Pakistan teaching Saudi and boys from all nationalities HOW to understand the Quranic arabic. This is the miracle of Qur'an.
Let me expose your "True" colours first.
This is my number +966504301761
Call NOW!
Mr. X from Jeddah, a Saudi Arabian.
Thank you very much for the clarification. Ali Sina's FFI (Faith Freedom International) members are famous for having dozens of nicknames and keep on writing to 'themselves' and even Ali Sina writes e-mails to himself and creates debates with unknown characters.
FFI members, present here, come from the typical FFI culture which promotes negative thoughts. Please pardon some FFI goons, who have been rude to you. I am used to it.
The FFI culture does not allow it's members to feel any remorse, so please do not expect to hear the word, Sorry!
Besides Islamophobia, FFI is now suffering from BMZ-phobia.

I have always reminded FFI posters not make an ass of themsleves, when they assume.

I do hope the Mods here will take a note of this and let everyone see FinallyFree's true colours. I live in Singapore.
Baig M Z