Professer Ahmed,
I stated that the Quran is clear for the true believers who do not shirk anything with Allah
This reminds me of the Emperor's New Clothes. So anyone who does not understand must not be pure of hear?. No wonder all the Muslims claim it is so easy to understand.
The Quran was clear and easy for me sicne I was 14 years old, mister sarcasim
Maybe you should re-read it when you turn 15.
You?ve tried reading with an open heart. Why not try reading now with an open mind.
One doesn?t have to read past the first couple pages to grasp the author?s love of metaphors. Veils are not veils, seals are not seals, fires are not fires and clouds are not clouds.
Does this look like the work of an author trying to be straight-forward and obvious? Of course not. This is creative writing. This is poetry written by poets.
At least you have the common sense not to accept the hadith collection. It is said that Bukhari had to sort thru 300,000 hadiths? He only determined 2,602 to be authentic, but even those are questionable aren?t they?
300,000 is a very big number. What does that tell us? It tells us that in the years preceding the death of Mohammed that lots of Arabs loved to make up bullshit and call it devine.
This is the same community that provided Abu Bakr with the leaves of trees, pieces of wood, parchment or leather, flat stones, and shoulder blades that were to complie into the Quran?
A competant prophet would have preserved the notes he dictated to the scribes himself wouldn?t he?
Maybe this makes sense to you because you have an open heart. I however am cursed with an open mind.