I look at zombies and they go away.
I wonder who would win in a fight between Biaxident and Q-Man?

Well, I'm pretty big and strong, but I think Biaxident is bigger and likely stronger than me. Plus he's from Detroit. That and I've got a glass jaw (found that out the hard way with a pipe upside the head and it's probably even more prone to fracture now). So in these departments he has an advantage.
My advantages are I'm sneaky, mean and fight dirty, which has saved me in some fights with people who most likely could have kicked my ass easily had I not kicked them in the nuts first. That and my scoped .308 has a longer effective range than his .30-.30 (but I'm not that good of a shot and maybe Biaxident is).

All the same, I'd prefer not to go toe-to-toe with the dude. Besides the fact I think he could kick my ass, he seems like a nice dude, so even if I could hurt him, I certainly wouldn't want to. That and I haven't been in a fist fight since 2003 nor any physical altercation since 2005 or 6, and I'd just assume keep it that way. I'm a lot calmer (and smarter) of a person now.
LOL! I'm plenty sneaky myself. And I always fight dirty, you don't fight unless you fight dirty, otherwise you get killed. On a lighter note, a rolled up newspaper makes a wonderful weapon.
Don't you threaten me with that .308, I'll borrow my father-in-law's .45-70, or his brothers Barrett .50 cal.

You're out of practice bud. Since 2003 is a long time to go without a good workout.
I put in an application for bouncer at a new club that opened recently. It's been a while, I crave the interaction.