Earth come to exist some point back in history is religious concept not discovery of science
It is a fact of the natural world which humans have always been well capable of guessing. It doesn't take either scientific or religious knowledge to say that the Earth is not eternal.
God must have created Earth with big bang or something.
There is no evidence that God exists, there is no evidence that the Earth was created, and the Big Bang did not directly create Earth anyway.
Religion say that God created the Earth and the science say that big bang created the Earth now tell me who copy from whom?
Nobody copied from nobody. Two sets of people, separated by centuries of time, gulfs of culture, and most importantly massive differentials in scientific knowledge, came up with two entirely different ideas. The religious ones failed to produce any evidence of what they said, the scientific ones produced tonnes of it. So now we have the religious attempting to appropriate the scientific ideas as their own in order to avoid the catastrophe of people realising that religion is complete bullshit.
this is the case of copyright infringement copyrighted work is reproduced
Yes, it is. So stop trying to steal credit from scientists in order to unfairly pass it on to your magic man in the sky. Its not clever, its just plain theft. It also makes your religion look very stupid.
But then again, as a Poe, making Islam look stupid is probably your aim to begin with, isn't it?