Hmm interesting, I would've given anything for my parents to convert when I told them about my conversion. So how did your mom find out about Islam?
The internets. She was looking for religion, but hadn't considered Islam. She took us (my sister and I) to a few different churches, and she read about Hinduism, but I made nothing of it. Then she'd chat with guys named Muhammad, and thought she should know something about Islam, so as not to be ignorant in conversation. So she contacted the masjid, which put her in touch with a nice older paki sister and some books. And after a few months she converted, and started praying. I didn't pay any attention until one time I wanted to ask, "Hey ma, what's for dinner?" Found her praying, ignoring me. Then I knew she was serious, and that I must study Islam to know what my mother was getting into, and not be a stranger in my own home.
What did you read that made you think it was The Truth?
Lots of little things, which would be called misconceptions now. It was written that Muhammad was an ascetic, who didn't seek any gain from 'The Message'. Died having only few possesions. I thought, "That's nice. That just makes him sincere." I doubted God and religion. Then I was awed by the "science", and let my guard down. Later I doubted all the "science", but I had already come to believe.
Have you tried licking them?
Would Tina Fey make a better VP?
Hell yes, any day. She'd make a better Governor of Alaska!
shame on you, a true fan is a fan for life
I couldn't finish the 5th book, got bored
. Chamber of Secrets was the best IMO.