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 Topic: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)

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  • MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     OP - April 26, 2009, 09:09 PM


    In another post i talked about something that made me hate most religions which is Genital Mutilation (GM). I talked about Male GM (MGM) because I was mutilated when I was 7 years old, and I still remember it as if it was just yesterday. The pain still haunts me, hated the look of my bald penis and always found it ugly as hell!!! When I look at pictures of un-circumcised penises i can help feeling pity for myself and envy those who were a lot more fortunate than me to have un-believer parents or parents from other religions which did not require physical mutilation.

    Anyway here is what I said in that post if you have not read it yet. Becasue I need to know if any one else felt like I did regarding this disturbing subject...

    I forgot to mention one very important Straw that broke my camel's back and got my engine of skepticism running....

    ....The one and only::::: the head of all loop-holes::::: the most inhumane thing humans can do to one another and especially to their (presumably) loved ones::::: please let me borrow again from George Carlin here..... "you have to stand in awe, in awe,.." of the most horrible crimes of major brain-washing religions (Namely Islam, Christianity and Judaism)... the one and only-----> CIRCUMCISION!!!!!

    I myself am of course circumcised, this is the only one thing that made me uneasy about my parents... I wish they had waited until I am 18, so that i can decide for myself. They just did it::: snip snip... ouch ouch!!! and that was it... (I don't hate them now... because they were not their-selves, they were brain-washed, or as I like to call it,... they were actually UNDER-THE-INFLUENCE) Wink

    Well... about 20 years later from that [snip snip... ouch ouch!!]   I thought to myself.... "if I ever get married and have sons (I am grateful that from where I come from, only sons are mutilated, girls were safe. They have the Hijab to worry about instead)... Yes, I thought to my-self that I will never let my sons be molested and tourtured... of course it is molestation, to let a perverted total stranger (a sadistic religion-man or a failure of a false-doctor) touch their genitals and not only touch them but inflict pain as well???".... so I decided that I will never let that happen what ever the consequences.

    Now I am so glad and proud of my self because I have 4 sons and none of them were touched by an Under-the-influence psycho with a pair of scissors...

    The funny thing is that although I am still struggling to convince people around me (friends and relatives) that mutilation of babies is wrong. I manage to win the battle of discussions with them or at least this is how I feel.

    How I win?Huh?    Very simple.... I always tell them that I am obviously more Muslim and a believer than they are... because I think that God is perfect and he (or she!! or it) has created us in the perfect and complete form, and by cutting a piece of my sons penises I am simply saying to God: "HEY GOD.... WAIT A MINUTE, YOU HAVE SOME DESIGN ERROR HERE, IN THE BELOW THE BELLY-BUTTON DEPARTMENT.... LET ME CORRECT IT FOR YOU.... SNIP SNIP... THERE YOU GO... NO YOUR CREATION IS COMPLETE, DON'T FORGET TO THANK ME!!!"...  I actually say that... This is how I always make them stop nagging and change the subject. Actually after I say this they are always the ones who are eager to change the subject..., most of the time they will say: wow it is hot today, what is the temperature again? dance

    Mind you, this is not that whole reason, but I just think that it is one of the most annoying reasons for me to call it a day for religion altogether...

    Please comment or let me know if there are other posts about this subject...

    Thnx a million  Smiley


  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #1 - April 26, 2009, 09:17 PM

    I can't honestly say it affected me in any way that I am aware of.
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #2 - April 26, 2009, 09:23 PM

    I can't say it has affected me either. Haven't thought much about it and it doesn't bother me. In fact, I quite like my circumcised cock! Uncircumcised penis' look horrible!

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #3 - April 26, 2009, 10:23 PM

    I'm glad I have all my parts intact :S

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #4 - April 27, 2009, 08:16 AM

    I think circ'ed looks better than uncirc'ed, but I feel I may have lost some sensitivity. I chose it for myself, so I have no else to blame Cheesy.

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #5 - April 27, 2009, 08:19 AM

    beauty is pain, eh boys?  Wink

    "when you've got thousands of hadith/sunnah and a book like the Qur'an where abrogation is propagated by some; anyone with a grudge and some time on their hands can find something to confirm what ever they wish"- Kaiwai
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #6 - April 27, 2009, 08:23 AM

    I agree with you RIBS, I wont be putting my child through that (if I ever decide to have one that is). I'd love to know from the men on this forum, if you could freely decide whether or not your child was to be circumcised, would you do it?
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #7 - April 27, 2009, 08:30 AM

    I'm leaving mine the way it is. Some girls seem to like it, so that's fine with me.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #8 - April 27, 2009, 08:31 AM

    I go back and forth on it, it has it's possitives and negatives. It looks better, and from what I hear from the ladies, feels better, but my potential son might not be feeling as much as the uncirc'ed guys, but then he is less likely to be a premature ejaculator, therefore better in the sack... Huh?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #9 - April 27, 2009, 08:35 AM

    I go back and forth on it, it has it's possitives and negatives. It looks better, and from what I hear from the ladies, feels better, but my potential son might not be feeling as much as the uncirc'ed guys, but then he is less likely to be a premature ejaculator, therefore better in the sack... Huh?

    'It looks better' is a subjective argument. It also depends where you live. If you're in a country like the UK, it is common to have an uncircumcised penis so most girls aren't bothered by it (my bf is uncircumcised).

    I don't think circumcision helps much with premature ejaculation.

    The only real benefit is you are less likely to contract certain STIs.
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #10 - April 27, 2009, 08:39 AM

    I can tell you that being uncut does not make you a premature ejaculator.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #11 - April 27, 2009, 08:49 AM

    'It looks better' is a subjective argument. It also depends where you live.

    Do you like the look of naked mole rats?

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  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #12 - April 27, 2009, 08:56 AM

    'It looks better' is a subjective argument. It also depends where you live.

    Do you like the look of naked mole rats?

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    that's sick vomit
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #13 - April 27, 2009, 09:01 AM

    'It looks better' is a subjective argument. It also depends where you live.

    Do you like the look of naked mole rats?

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    Mate, if your penis looks like that you have srs problem.  Cheesy

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #14 - April 27, 2009, 09:04 AM

    'It looks better' is a subjective argument. It also depends where you live.

    Do you like the look of naked mole rats?

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    Hee. Those creatures seem to point to the non-existence of god  whistling2

    "when you've got thousands of hadith/sunnah and a book like the Qur'an where abrogation is propagated by some; anyone with a grudge and some time on their hands can find something to confirm what ever they wish"- Kaiwai
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #15 - April 27, 2009, 10:10 AM

    'It looks better' is a subjective argument. It also depends where you live.

    Do you like the look of naked mole rats?

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    If your Thingy looks anything like that Thingy, then you need to have it not only CIRCed!! but rather chopped off from the roots!!!  parrot

  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #16 - April 27, 2009, 10:41 AM

    If your Thingy looks anything like that Thingy, then you need to have it not only CIRCed!! but rather chopped off from the roots!!!  parrot

    So you would prefer I keep the teeth?

    My Book     news002       
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  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #17 - April 27, 2009, 07:56 PM

    I can't honestly say it affected me in any way that I am aware of.

    I can't say it has affected me either. Haven't thought much about it and it doesn't bother me. In fact, I quite like my circumcised cock! Uncircumcised penis' look horrible!

    Well... Good for you, I guess, I am just a guy who would prefer not to change my Car's original design.... I don't alter it's shape what soever... No added spoilers, no extra mirrors, no extra spot lights, no decorative fire flame lines.... ...Just what the manufacturer have decided.

    Here is a circumcised car!!!  Does it look good? Wink

    Just joking!!!

  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #18 - April 27, 2009, 08:24 PM

    If your Thingy looks anything like that Thingy, then you need to have it not only CIRCed!! but rather chopped off from the roots!!!  parrot

    (Clicky for piccy!)
    So you would prefer I keep the teeth?

    If your woman truly loves you she should be able to overlook the teeth.
    Plus this little fella looks a little limp. He may be more presentable after a few strokes.


    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat your children. Praise be to Allah." -- Mike Tyson
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #19 - April 27, 2009, 09:06 PM

    Well some women on here have seen my penis, the only thing I can say is, its not affected me or made my penis go short.
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #20 - April 27, 2009, 09:44 PM

    I agree it's wrong to circumcise guys due to religious reasons, however I know of guys who got it done due to medical reasons.  Sometimes if the foreskin is too tight, they circumcise the boys when they're little, like few months old.

    'The greatest glory of living lies not in never falling but in rising everytime you fall'
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #21 - April 27, 2009, 11:45 PM

    I agree with you RIBS, I wont be putting my child through that (if I ever decide to have one that is). I'd love to know from the men on this forum, if you could freely decide whether or not your child was to be circumcised, would you do it?

    I'd leave him alone.  Later, when he is older, he can make his own decision.
    Foreskins evolved for a reason, although for the life of me I can't figure out what it is.
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #22 - April 28, 2009, 08:42 AM

    I thought it was very sensitive, so it makes the male orgasm more likely?

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  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #23 - April 28, 2009, 08:54 AM

    Remember that humans did not evolve with clothes originally. They did, however, evolve in Africa. Now if you're walking around in Africa with your dick hanging out in the full glare of the sun...................

    That would be one obvious reason to start with.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #24 - April 28, 2009, 08:56 AM

    Remember that humans did not evolve with clothes originally. They did, however, evolve in Africa. Now if you're walking around in Africa with your dick hanging out in the full glare of the sun...................

    That would be one obvious reason to start with.

    I thought God gave Adam and Eve a nice wardrobe to get them started, when he kicked them out of Eden?

    "when you've got thousands of hadith/sunnah and a book like the Qur'an where abrogation is propagated by some; anyone with a grudge and some time on their hands can find something to confirm what ever they wish"- Kaiwai
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #25 - April 28, 2009, 08:58 AM

    That would be one obvious reason to start with.

    Whats wrong with a tanned penis?

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    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #26 - April 28, 2009, 08:59 AM

    An erect penis of either type looks pretty much the same. A flacid uncut one is not as great looking but thats obviously due to my upbringing and in truth doesnt bother me.

    plus some look beautiful cut or not. They are just majestic and you could stare at them for hours lol and some look god awful cut or not makes no difference.

    also i dont think all women look great down there either. Some just look better than others.

    genitals are less about looks than it is about feeling, as long as it feels good and does what its meant to do it shouldnt matter.

    now an uncut penis is much better for natural lubrication, its not as dry and therefore feels better.

    i can imagine you do lose sensitivity. I certainly wouldnt want my little hood cut off even thoug i do orgasm really fast because it is sensitive to the touch thanks to its protection.

    also coming fast isnt the big deal you guys seem to think it is. As long as the build up is good and you make sure she couldnt take much more before she explodes then you are good to go with a very satisfied customer.

    plus second time round you would last longer and you can train yourself to go longer and extend the good times.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #27 - April 28, 2009, 09:03 AM

    That would be one obvious reason to start with.

    Whats wrong with a tanned penis?

    Well if you are talking about the most sensitive part of it a good analogy would be a tanned tongue. Another analogy would be a tanned clitoris. IOW, it'll be much more likely to burn. Anyway it isn't just humans that have foreskins or something similar. It's pretty much a universal mammalian trait as far as I know. It's there to protect a particularly sensitive piece of kit from damage.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #28 - April 28, 2009, 09:07 AM

    also coming fast isnt the big deal you guys seem to think it is. As long as the build up is good and you make sure she couldnt take much more before she explodes then you are good to go with a very satisfied customer.

    The other thing is that a lot of (most, even) women don't come from being porked. If a woman "has an orgasm" when a bloke is pumping away on her there's a good chance she's faking because she knows it's the only way he'll stop.  Cheesy

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: MGM: Male Genital Mutilation (not the Motion Picture Company!!!)
     Reply #29 - April 28, 2009, 09:09 AM

    It's there to protect a particularly sensitive piece of kit from damage.

    Well, given that some Mullah robbed me of mine as a child might have to buy it a jacket.

    What do you think of this one?

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