who knows, but he was a fairly rational being, so I suspect his faith was weakened after our tete-a-tete's
He was certainly both rational & knowledgable,& I do feel he was a missionary type, infact the only missionary type we've had, the other Christians on our boards were just anti Islam. Of course, I can't be sure of this.
I really haven't come across another religious person of his calibre on this board, & I say this as a sincere compliment-most of the others have been damn funny(no examples

), crass & funny(again obvious who I'm indicating

), people who conveniently dodge difficult issues & questions & refuse to back up their assertions,who manage to interpret an obviously & unambiguously anti women or anti gay story into ways which satisfy them, or those who're genuinely ignorant about the unpleasant aspects of their faith.
Sparky was in a difficult position, being outnumbered by so many non believers, his position was made doubly difficult by the fact that he was trying to defend the truly vile aspects of his theology, while simulteneously trying to justify his stance that the Good Book was the paragon of divine wishdom, while Islamic Scriptures were erroneous & unpleasant-& he didn't manage to convince any ex Muslims here.
He was also able to see all the flaws in Islam, but was blind to the same or similar flaws in his faith, but other than that-he knew his Bible well, knew Islam well & did try to answer all our questions to the best of his ability & was a valiant & capable defender of his faith.

No wonder the thread, "Readings from the Holy Book" is one of CEOMB's longest & most viewed threads!