Well if there's a genocide against Muslims, of course Muslims would react. Why shouldnt they? would anyone not?
Do you expect Jewish citizens of Nazi germany to join in on the holocaust fun (some did and they're called Judenrat)? Why not? were they not citizens of germany? where do their loyalties lie? This is the kind of self-fulfiling prophecy that leads to disasters.
Civil disobedience is a right, if an extreme right-wing european movement takes power and decides to launch a "war against Islam", are Muslims citizens of that country supposed to help the fascist kill fellow Muslims so that they're not accused of dual loyalties?
The western ideas of freedom would be completely meaningless if the west decides to launch a genocidal war against Muslims.
Who was talking about a genocide? I didn't even mention violence to bring about an end to islam.
How would all muslims in britain react if the quran was banned, or if not banned enforced editing to take out the parts that are not compatible with western life? If certain verses were not allowed to be used in mosque sermons?
If mosques were no longer allowed to be built?
If muslim schools were closed down?
If the hijab was banned in schools, shops, work, everywhere?
Basically if the UK did to Islam what saudi does to christianity?
I mean I hear a minor fuss and cry from the christians about the treatment of their brothers and sisters in egypt, or saudi and other muslim countries, yet I don't see them making war to change that.
If Islam was placed under severe restrictions in the UK, how do you think many of those atheist muslims would react?
Maybe not with aggression (although I am sure the larger portion would be) but don't you think many of them would become more muslim because their loyalty lies with the ideology and they always knew it would come to a crunch.
(please realise I am not advocating the UK do this, merely asking what it would result in if they did)