Oh yes there is no question that Shari'ah Law should not be allowed in any shape of form - I didn't think that was the issue we were discussing?
In some ways it was.
When I said to AW "war on islam", removing sharia law is part of it.
How many muslims are vocally against sharia law in the UK do you think?
Not enough to ensure it never happened, infact many fornicating, drug taking, drinking muslims I know would rave about the wonder of sharia law and how they wanted it (totally ignoring their own hypocrisy) over UK law anyday.
Not really loyal (which isn't the best word choice by ayaan I agree), and it's ayaan stance I was trying to explain to AW who wishes to imply it was more sinister than I believe her aims are.
Im dont believe that her aims are as sinister as calling for genocide (although the implications of her statement are starkly clear). I do believe she is helping to lay the intellectual groundwork for deportation of ALL Muslims.
Removing Shariah is not the same as denying Muslims the freedom of assembly and closing Mosques, it should have never been introduced in the first place since england is for all intents and purposes a secular nation. The precedent with the jewish courts does pose a problem and it will be difficult to justify outlawing one and not the other.
Look berberella, if you were able to convince me that Islam is pure evil dedicated to the destruction of the west - thus logically leading to my apostacy - I would take it upon myself to rid my country of every single Muslim in it. If their loyalty is to an ideology that calls for my destruction, do you think I would sit idly by and let them take it over through sheer numbers?
I would campaign for restrictions on religious freedom; I would campaign for the outlawing of Islam as a hostile creed; I would want to separate from anything Islamic and the primary vector of the ideology is the Muslim; I would support to most anti-Muslim candidate in elections nd if the state refuses to understand the threat; I would take matters into my own hands one way or another to protect my country and way of life.
This, I would call self-defence.