so why's it blank then?
facepalm. its called sarcasm
You need to get out more. smell the sea, stare at the sky, stand in the middle of the road waiting for incoming traffic. eating gooseberries and horseberries and stuff. perhaps visit ireland, i hear they have green grass. perhaps visit saudi, I hear they have shariah law. Perhaps go to a pro-monster laving rooney party placard protest. perhaps visit scotland and see madness and dementia before yours eyes. I went to scotland once, they stole my kidney and gave it back fried with bacon and two bits of veg. And also a glassgow salad. Glasgow salad is the scottish name for chips. In glassgow the life expectency is 65. like that of a third world country. The word country is meant to derive from the greek word for anus....and so on and so forth until we reach next year.
theres only so much the internet can teach a man or woman.
Ive said too much, sorry for verbally pukin on year threard.
the displaic is a blank saracastic expression, when i think of something wordsworthy of posting as pic i shallnt.