I like your signature Meredith - did you write it yourself? I dont believe you have posted before, tell us a little bit more about your journey
I would love to take credit for it but no. I just found it and tweaked it a bit =]
No i haven't, i have looked around the forum for a long time but didn't post.
Well. i'm 18, I'm Somalian. I currently live in London.
I can't even pinpoint the moment in which i stopped believing, i think it was a gradual change in me over the years. I used to wear the veil and hijab and for my exams - we studied other religions and the arguments for and against God; i researched all of these and found myself questioning Islam and religion generally.
This was at a time where Islam was very much in the spotlight and cases were being highlighted of Muslims going nuts over the cartoons and i found myself thinking why there was not such outrage over rape victims being stoned.
I stopped wearing the hijab and over time stopped reading the qu'ran and praying. I realised i didn't feel guilty anymore for not doing it.
The final nail in the coffin for me has to be when i visited my parents country and ran across a situation where a young girl was being sold to a distant family relative for marriage :S
Ever since i stopped that, i'm almost the black sheep of the family. My Mom hasn't outright asked me yet am i a Muslim and if she did, i would not know what i can say to her but i think she suspects
Thanks for sharing that, Meredith - and Welcome