Whilst I agree that people from all walks of life might not be amenable to reason, I dont think this is a particular problem for atheists. Atheists have come to the position that they have through science, logic & reason, whereas religion is brought about through faith and is more often than not inherited from your parents and their beliefs - even somtimes based on just a gut feeling.
So you think Atheists came to thier position through science, logic and reason. Perhaps that is so most of the time. However, I have lived in California where there are 2nd and even some many generation families of Atheists. From my conversations with some of them, they no more considered why they are Atheists then some people from many other religions.
Perhaps for some thier religion is only because of blind faith or inherited from thier parents or the result of a gut feeling. That however is a sad case of events when a person embraces thier religion, even be that religion Atheism, without carefully examining the evidence.
Thanks for the "recommended video on youtube" information. I was just kind of figuring that out. I can just never find stuff again once I've found it once. I supose I just need to write down a list of stuff I might want again.
Until another time.