which is?
To decriminalise illicit drugs.
Their opposition to zoos, fur products, live exports, animals in circuses, genectic manipulation, Fox hunting, intensive farming and genectically modified foods. They support fair trade over free trade and want to make climate change a head issue (there is still no scientific consensus over what is coursing the increase in global temperature). They are opposed to the use of nuclear power plants which are the cheapest and most efficient method to get clean energy (this is pretty hypocritical, but this the green movement were talking about here). They have a basic income plan (one of their more worrying policies), they want to increase the already large income tax people in the UK pay and want to nationalise railways and other public utilities. They're pretty much a bunch of eco-fascists and misinformed reactionists.
The fact that people keep doing something doesn't prove that it's right . They could have any number of reasons - it's a living , they just don't know any better ,they're too egotistical to consider they might be wrong , pure logic has made them lose their humanity, their religious fundamentalists who'd rather inflict pain on a living creature than go against their ministers , they're competing with rival scientists doing similar experiments ... And I'm sure a lot of them genuinely are motivated by a desire to help humanity , and yes , some really are just evil sadistic bastards
The fact is the more we learn about other species , the more we find we have in common . Chimpanzees are genetically 99% identical to humans . And there is something wrong with someone who spends their live sawing chimps heads open , or injecting poison into cats . The FBI long ago identified cruelty to animals as a common factor amongst serial killers
http://royalsociety.org/displaypagedoc.asp?id=11514You do realize that chimps are evil and a serious danger to humanity, don't you?
Gorillas are also known to be National Socialists, this world would be better off without them.