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 Topic: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!

 (Read 20391 times)
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  • Re: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #30 - December 28, 2009, 07:49 AM

    people pay one quid just so they can be told they cant do shit LOL what a fucking joke

    OK, I know I know they do it so their iman stays strong. So they dont trangress. Then do tell, why do the scholars take 1 quid? What you want for yourself you should want for a muslim. Besides, they never reference to any of the sources. Well almost never.
  • Re: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #31 - May 29, 2012, 05:15 AM

    Meanwhilst in la la land...

    The whole Wali thing is fucked up. Women are property, that's what it really comes down to.

    I remember sitting in shariah class and the sheikh stating that if a father (girl's wali) marries off his daughter to someone she doesn't like, as long as if she's a virgin and if she is in danger of marrying someone "less worthy", then he has the right to force her to marry whom he pleases, even if she is completely opposed to it.

    I was sooo FUCKING angry about it, I got up from my chair swearing and saying, "But that's wrong! That's just so fucking wrong! How can the sheikh say this? Islam can't allow this? It's wrong, and I don't care who says it it is fucking wrong! Think about how the girl feels for one minute, it would be rape, it's forced marriage, it is wrong! How can you force a girl to marry someone they don't want to marry? It's wrong!" and some of the sisters were telling me to shut up and sit down, that I'm not a sheikh so I shouldn't argue as he's the sheikh and he knows what he's talking about.

    I wasn't the only one who was angry about it, a friend of mine who's mother had been forced into an arranged marriage was also upset and there were quite a few of us who were grumbling and voicing our dissent. The sheikh who was behind the partition heard the commotion and asked what was the problem, someone went and told him, and he kept on with how it's the right and obligation of the father to marry his virgin daughter (otherwise known also as the unmarried daughter even if she's not a virgin) to whomever he wanted if he feared his daughter might marry a less-worthy man.

    I ended up walking out. I was the only one who stood up, and walked out during that lesson, whilst saying, "But this is wrong! Fuck you Sheikh _______," over my shoulder. I was absolutely disgusted with the sheikh and with the fact that the majourity of the sisters were just accepting the sheikh's words.

    I actually sat outside on the steps of the madrassah and cried my eyes out. I couldn't believe that here was a man of god who was stating this. My marriage had been been one of these, and I couldn't believe that this sheikh who I'd previously respected was saying that it was right and ok. I'd believed all that time that it wasn't ok in Islam, that it was just a traditional thing, but here was the sheikh saying that it is the father's right and duty to marry his daughter off to whomever he wanted against her will if there was the risk that she might marry someone less worthy. Fucking hell was I angry and devastated by the sheikh's words. Was just another glaring deformity of Islam to add to my already by then large collection of doubts and problems with Islam.
  • Re: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #32 - May 29, 2012, 05:32 AM

    Funny thing about the whole virgin bit as a woman is still needs a wali if she's never been married before and is not a virgin 'cause of (a) rape and/or (b) 'cause of sex outside of marriage.

    It's like it's just assumed that if she hasn't been married before she must be a virgin, doesn't deal with the fact that plenty of muslim women who haven't been married before aren't virgins.

  • Re: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #33 - May 29, 2012, 05:39 AM

    I've sent numerous questions to Islamqa before, and they never once answered any of them. Most of the questions I sent was when I was still married and desperate for an answer from someone, anyone. Mostly to do with stuff relating to my marriage and the doubts I was having re:Islam and seeking help re:divorce etc...

    I asked and asked and asked. They never got back to me, not once. Mother fuckers! finmad

    It was so hard to send them questions too as most of the time they were full and the thing would say, question are open on such-an-such a day.

    When did Islamqa start charging people for their questions? They never did that back when I sent them my questions.
  • Re: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #34 - May 29, 2012, 05:43 AM

    I still reckon if some sites are changing a quid per fatwa we should start our own. Just get a domain name like (sounds nice and Arabic eh?) and chuck up a suitable skin and a bit of blurb, then watch the money come in. We could have a stack of fun and pay the forum's running costs easily.  parrot

    Imagine the awesome fatwahs we could make! It would be awesome to see the questions too, I get such a kick out of seeing some of the questions people ask on the various fatwah and question-the-sheikh sorts of sites, some questions are hilarious and plain weird, and some are so specific on really insignificant stuff.  Cheesy
  • Re: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #35 - May 29, 2012, 05:48 AM

    Ooooh sorry really old thread.  Shocked Embarrassed
  • Re: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #36 - May 29, 2012, 05:51 AM

    Cheesy I still like the idea of the daft fatwa site. Someone should do that. It could be a sort of Landover Baptist for Islam.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #37 - May 29, 2012, 05:56 AM

    I'd do it, but I don't know how to put together websites.
  • Re: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #38 - May 29, 2012, 05:56 AM

    What's a Landover Baptist Os?  Huh?
  • Re: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #39 - May 29, 2012, 05:58 AM

    Hey! I have something to say relating to this.

    So this set-up Muslim date I went on a few days ago -- when I came back, and my parents asked how it went, one of the questions my mom asked was "He didn't ask you if we [your parents] knew you were there?" I was like, WTF, why does that matter "No... he didn't."

    Then later I said, "What, Mom, do I have to ask him if his parents know he's with me as well?" She had the fucking nerve, thanks to Islam, to say "No. He doesn't need to. Islam says a man who wants to get married can meet all the women he wants and decide on his own" or some shit like that. furious

    I find it interesting how a man... whether he's never been married or not, does what he pleases.
    Then Islam grants a woman who has been divorced to marry herself. It's almost like Mo was thinking "Well, she wouldn't be a virgin anymore so she's not worth anything. She can pick whoever she finds that actually still wants to marry her. Good luck, bitch!"

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #40 - May 29, 2012, 05:58 AM

    It's a parody of Bible Belt fundies.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #41 - August 03, 2014, 05:05 PM

    I like this thread.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #42 - August 03, 2014, 05:51 PM

    Hey! I have something to say relating to this.

    So this set-up Muslim date I went on a few days ago -- when I came back, and my parents asked how it went, one of the questions my mom asked was "He didn't ask you if we [your parents] knew you were there?" I was like, WTF, why does that matter "No... he didn't."

    Then later I said, "What, Mom, do I have to ask him if his parents know he's with me as well?" She had the fucking nerve, thanks to Islam, to say "No. He doesn't need to. Islam says a man who wants to get married can meet all the women he wants and decide on his own" or some shit like that. furious

    I find it interesting how a man... whether he's never been married or not, does what he pleases.
    Then Islam grants a woman who has been divorced to marry herself. It's almost like Mo was thinking "Well, she wouldn't be a virgin anymore so she's not worth anything. She can pick whoever she finds that actually still wants to marry her. Good luck, bitch!"

    Old posts but was funny what she said, yep pre islam i had lots of muslim male friends who flirted endlessly with all women they bumped into, married guys too, theyre allowed to because of the four wife rule, they can constantly be on the look out for more wives, the four wife rule gives them an excuse its legal for them to flirt.. so basically because of the strict islamic law on zina you would expect a muslim huband to be the most loyal and trustworthy, which you can guarantee they will be,  yet they are a million times more flirtatious than a western man depsite a western man being able to have an affair when he pleases without getting punished.

    don't get me started on divorced muslim women lol, we are considered completey finished.. The end lol  no chance of ever getting married again, looking at old muslima divorcee friends, the only offers they get are from men who want temporary marriage for sex, or a second or third wife to some rich guy, the odd one will get a real proposal, but it is quite rare, even the guys who were married and have had lots of children want a fresh virgin bride, no guys like to take on another mans children understandably but muslim guys avoid single mothers with children like the plague, probably because the real fathers are possesive and cause trouble.
  • Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #43 - August 03, 2014, 07:11 PM

    I thought it was more or less common knowledge that there is a consensus among Muslim schools of thoughts that a woman cannot marry without a wali, and that the marriage is invalid. The exception for preciously married women are not about not needing a wali, but that she can go ahead and "arrange" the marriage herself. She still needs the approval of her wali just as much as a "virgin".

    But yeah, being a divorced woman you usually had to settle for the scum that nobody else wanted, or marry a scum who already had a wife or two before you. Even the highly desirable white converts weren't exempted from this fact Roll Eyes

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #44 - August 03, 2014, 08:27 PM

    What if you have no male relatives left? Can you not marry?
  • Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #45 - August 03, 2014, 09:08 PM

    What if you have no male relatives left? Can you not marry?

    It's okay if she has absolutely no male relatives she can simply ask the ruler* of the area  Cheesy

    (which obviously can't be a woman because women are pretty dumb and sinful. Don't even come near me with your feminazi ideology, just accept the way you were created by Allah swt)

    أشهد أن لا إله
  • Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #46 - August 07, 2014, 01:03 PM

    Cheesy I still like the idea of the daft fatwa site. Someone should do that. It could be a sort of Landover Baptist for Islam.

    Not a bad idea since I have this feeling that Muslims who want to know about the legality of oral sex mostly stumble upon this site.
  • Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #47 - August 07, 2014, 01:11 PM

    The blow job thread is probably one of the most, if not the most, read thread on whole of CEMB forum. Grin

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #48 - August 07, 2014, 01:49 PM

    WTF is the point of fataawa at any rate? They’re not exactly enforceable, and what about the ones that contradict other ones?
  • Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #49 - August 07, 2014, 01:53 PM

    Social control and indoctrination is strong within a lot of Muslim communities, so people go and look up what the "scholars" have said about this or that, and then follow it "for the sake of allah" or something like that. And don't forget that a lot of people are fatwa shopping, searching for just the right fatwa so they don't need to feel bad about following their shahwa and hawaa because they can camouflage it with being pious or whatever.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Multiple Fatwas! No Wali, No Marriage!
     Reply #50 - August 07, 2014, 01:57 PM

    WTF is the point of fataawa at any rate? They’re not exactly enforceable, and what about the ones that contradict other ones?, at times These freaking  fatwas from FAT FREAKS with pot belly leads to dangerous encounters., The idea behind some fool giving some fatwas in these modern times is., If govt can not enforcce these stupid fatwas.. Some beleiver.. some brainless bum could enforce it..

    Such is the case  in the Murder of  Salmaan Taseer by some brainless thoughtless brutal baboon..

    watch that Kodanshi.. and tell me whether you understand that language..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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