I mean logically how can anyone believe half of the stuff they believe in. Its illogical its nonsensical its beyond the laws of our universe. For instance why would an all superior god need humans to worship him. Secondly, Angels carry out gods affairs on earth. Assuming angels are made of light (light the fasting thing in the universe), it would take them 100s of light years to get to earth, unless they are using some kind of instant transportation devices. Now this begs the questions, if angles are using some kind of transportation device could humans build one which can instantly transport humans to other parts of the universe of maybe even beyond. i.e. escaping the angels where "All mighty powerful god" can't send his angels to have an effect on us in which case god is really not all powerful. Furthermore, if everything is preordained (this is the theory according to all Abrahamic faiths) so then how do we have free-will how come all merciful god is going to punish us for actions which he has predefined.
(1) Either God can create a rock which He cannot lift, or He cannot create a rock which He cannot lift.
(2) If God can create a rock which He cannot lift, then He is not omnipotent (since He cannot lift the rock in question).
(3) If God cannot create a rock which He cannot lift, then He is not omnipotent (since He cannot create the rock in question).
(4) Therefore God is not omnipotent. (This is the only logical explanation)
Omnipotence implies that God can lift anything, therefore it is illogical to say God can make a stone which He cannot lift. It is however logical to say if God can lift anything, then he is not capable of making a stone He cannot lift. Because He cannot make a stone He cannot lift, omnipotence is negated.
I want to believe in a god, but believing in a god is illogical. I might as well believe in pink flying unicorns. However I don't want to believe we die and thats it. I want to believe there is some sort of life after that. However this is also illogical, becouse our bodily composition will degrade over time when we die and before long there will be no existence of you. Our our thoughts are based on electrical impulses in our brains and are emotions are based on chemical reactions in our brain. Once the brain is dead we have no preconception of anything. Time will fly by in an infinite loop. Theres nothing after that. So what is the point of living? there's not even a point to our existence. And I can't be asked being around people doing pointless rituals to some all powerful pseudo god. Its a true saying ignorance really is bliss.
And now am trapped in a marriage I always wanted how ironic I wanted a pious religious girl and now I want someone who open minded and isn't going pointless rituals for the fear of going to hell. I really just want to get away from everyone and live in the desert so I can contemplate and philosophize more. I hate ambiguity and I hate living a life which is not going to have a result in the end.
I feel the same as you in a lot of ways my friend, you are not alone.
I was in leeds city centre yesterday, and even though it was really busy i felt so alone.
I just kept seeing all the different people, you know, all the materialistic types just shopping their hearts away, the muslim women with their hijabs, the black dudes, the chavs, the snobs...
...it depresses the hell out of me, people just go about their lives in what seems like a selfish individualistic cocoon, everyone is walking around judging eachother...
then i think maybe i can join something, even becoame a muslim...then i remember all the shit that they believe!
Its like there are no answers to life, no refuge. And when you do confide, these asshats just want to take advantage of you for their own scummy selfish causes, causes that just label people and divide humanity.